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The xLED is a 3mm implant but the gals vial in the xFD is significantly thinner. However, I don’t know of how significant the differences are when it comes to the internals.

Also, this made me think about the terrible idea of making needles out of glass.




Hey @amal, while you’re around

xLED vs field detector, is the xLED have more power or antenna?

Also any chance of more colors anytime in the near future?

Same product internals but shit glass and resin in the keychain xFD
 oh and no Q/A aside from does it light up.

Gotcha, kinda what I thought

Noob question
 why does versions go from v4.9xx to v4.1? Is it cause v4.9 is not iceman’s version?

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There are branches of firmware. Each branch has its own version number scheme. Iceman’s branch is different from the “default” branch that comes with most hardware. The only hardware that comes with Iceman, as far as I know, is the proxmark3 rdv4 and the proxmark3 Easy that we sell.

Ok. That’s what I figured. I watched one of your videos (the one going over Proxmark commands) after seeing @Pilgrimsmaster 's comment about new version 4.14831

I was confused at first cause in your video you had version 4.9xxx, thought you were just super special at first
 getting them super early releases



When are we not?? :wink:

Ditto!! :grin:

That would be a great Idea! especially thinking glass+metal.

The main issues I can see are

  1. how to connect the metal to the non-metal bit in a decent fashion

  2. I bet it would cost about 3x more than for Amal to just send you a replacement regular chip in case yours fails. XD

  3. you can just pull the chip out of the regular needle, then back in

That’s almost what my installer and I did, he doesn’t like the DT injectors, so he uses his own needle, which means the implant comes out and is exposed for a minute. Phone wrapped in sterile saran wrap or whatever he used, and boom tested implant


Hey now, we’re overthinking “perfect” overly complicated solutions to barely existing problems
Quit it you


Perhaps a Rube Goldberg machine that takes the implant out of the injector and tests it before auto implanting it if it works?

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Legit question though

Is there a major reason the chips have to be loading into the metal needle when packed?

Perhaps not having the chip outside of the needle, and loading in by the professional at the time of install?

Obviously you can also expel the chip from the needle the same way and then reload it, but if it was outside of the needle you could interact with it while it’s still inside sterile packaging

With how many people go ahead with the not-technically-recommended self-installs, I feel like sterility concerns would be pretty big, too many people deciding to load it into the syringe themselves and getting it contaminated

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Ok, let’s dress our serious pants for a minute then

Sterillization foremost.
Practicality secondly.

DT’s injectors are the easiest thing for a newcomer to use and self (or friendly/amateurishly) implant.

Shipping the glassies out would increase drastically the odds of someone mishandling it and either giving themselves an infection or messing up the glassie/needle edge

I bet there’s also some production line benefit as well.

That all said, if you’re between the “newcomer” and “I’ve done it a hundred times” levels, then there isn’t any very specific reason you would need it to come preloaded (apart from practicality).

I mean, I do get your point about wanting to test them before implanting, and as a piercer I totally get this installer’s point of view as well:

I mean, if you are used to poking people with bare needles, using an injector would make you hold the needle in a “weird” position.

Plus, a lot of piercers use some kind of gripping technique which makes it so much easier to break skin while holding the needle, and we just can’t apply those techniques to an injector.

Lastly, there’s also the placement issue. From a piercer’s perspective, unless you use an injector an @amal-level of times, it feels much trickier to get the glassie placed exactly where you want it.

Yet I still think that shipping preloaded is the best approach.
Not only because it’s the most likely desired scenario, but mainly because

“If you know what you’re doing, you can just take it out of the injector. While if you’re not so sure, it’s best to already have it set up.”

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Actually, his reasoning was “The included injector is too weak, and folds back on itself when you try to use it”
He also claimed that “Proxmarks are illegal black market devices” and “You can easily clone any credit card to an XSIID”

Maybe don’t cling to all of his words as truth, but my hand didn’t fall off, he was very friendly, and I left happy, and I’m gonna go back when it’s time for my NeXT implant. Some outrageous claims, but a cool dude for sure

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Did he use it like a hammer and chisel situation? :sweat_smile:

ok, that explains it. :rofl:

Yeah, I really have no clue what was it he felt while handling the injector
 because those darn things are sturdy AF. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I do predilect using a bare needle instead, but because it makes it easier to break skin and gives me a tad bit more control over the placement (but this has to do mostly with me having over a decade more practice wielding needles than using injectors. not an issue with the injectors themselves)

Yet even then I would read my public first. If installing on a tech-head who isn’t as open to bodymod, I would rather do it with the injector anyway. Looks neater and less “torture-chamber-y”, so it helps keep the subject calmer and get an overall more pleasurable experience.

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I think he must have gotten the Wolverine implants before he tried installing his XSIID or something :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

To his credit, he did have several implants, as well as regular experience installing them, he just felt the need to exaggerate I suppose. Though, he did also claim to have contacted Amal himself about the “Injector issue”, and claimed that Amal also preferred to used a separate needle when he did installs off camera, which I don’t believe at all

The needle he used was a little smaller, so as someone who hates needles I was all for the idea

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WTF!? I don’t buy it either, with Amal’s transparency that’s hard to belive. This is also why I trust DT.