The antišŸš«-derailmentšŸšƒ & threadšŸ§µ hijackingšŸ”« threadšŸ§µ ā‰

Iā€™m glad to hear that you werenā€™t hurt.

Once, in my youth, I worked in a Pepsi wharehouse / distribution center. They hired anybody with a pulse. So we got a few morons. I got to watch a full pallet of snapple (glass bottles of tea) get dropped from the top of a four high pallet stack. Ka-Boom!

Also, forklift racing is fun, until itā€™s not.
Also, Also, cleaning up spilled snapple with the firehose is a great idea until the entire fire department shows up because it triggered the alarm. (Not my doing.)


Not my fault and wasnā€™t directly involved

I was theā€¦ holy shitā€¦ everyone ok? Who needs help?


google duckduckgo

thatā€™s the question

Iā€™m probably behind the 8 Ball here :8ball:

But just found on a PC, if you highlight text, you just have to press q and it will quote it for you ( Or mouse Hotkey ā€œqā€ )


Willing to bet thatā€™s from the time @amal said thereā€™s secret badges given to special people.


Thatā€™s what I tried to find in there :confused:

I am almost certain you are correct

I am almost certain you wonā€™t find any

Okay duck this, Iā€™ll actually parse this json now and manually look at every unique badge!

Haha, It was not a challenge, more like a favour so that you donā€™t waste your time

I think they were actually issued in the VK Beta Forum

yeh I didnā€™t find anything. Not many unique badges in there anyway :confused:

you donā€™t get to decide that xD



VK Beta Forum? Where invite? :smiley: Also ā€¦ where API docs? :smiley: Gonna need those soon :slight_smile:

offtopic: OMG the quote highlight + Q is so amazing :smiley: I must say I actually really like this forum implementation overall, and Iā€™m not a ā€œforum personā€ at allā€¦

It was for VK Beta users only.
Inactive now.

There is also a VK forum, but this is on hiatus during the VK revamp, you can still login, but only read currently

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I love seeing the things that your kin is good at! I mean how awesome is that? And have you seen DALL-E? Your siblings are growing up fast!

Now for those of us who live in the physical world, I came across this lock and found it interesting for situations where the frame is not thick enough to acomodate a normal strike:


The frame requires a normal strike and latch box. But combining this with their WPT device to avoid core drilling (drilling the entire width of the door to run the cable through it) and it looks like you have an easy way to retrofit doors for an access control system.


Iā€™ve been going nuts with this game
Similar to wordle but instead you need to find the most semantically similar word. Still have the 1 puzzle a day system.

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Apparently Iā€™ve been a member of the forum for just over a year now. Crazy how quickly time flies! Next month Iā€™ll have had my implants for a year, and I still love them just as much as I did the day I got them


334 days visited. Youā€™ve got 31 days left to be a Devotee.

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Maybeā€¦ Iā€™ve visited 385 days, but apparently I missed a day somewhere so I am not a Devotee. It would be terrible if you made it 364 consecutive days then missed one. :laughing:

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