The antiđŸš«-derailment🚃 & threadđŸ§” hijackingđŸ”« threadđŸ§” ⁉



Like Schlonger / Pac asking me to stop “insulting the disabled community” or whatever when I say “retarded someone”. Lol :slight_smile: Me, who’s spend most of my life working for charitable organizations for the disabled :slight_smile: “Retarded something” is an expression. A set phrase. Maybe from yesteryear, maybe it’s not terribly great to use it today. But it takes one particularly disigenuous woke activist to disregard that and start pissing people off over it.

Or the same Schlonger / Pac constantly reminding Pilgrims that this-or-that other woke has declared they want to be called a kettle instead of a man or a woman, and their preferred pronouns are that or it or whatever nonsense - with that little smiley that hides the aggression and gives me type-2.

Okay we get it. But Pilgrims can’t help it apparently and when he sees a man or a woman, he says he or she like a normal human being who speaks normal modern English as taught in school the world over. Leave him be already.

Etc etc
 Those are just the recent examples of woke microaggression that comes to my mind. There are others, and I can’t be bothered to look them up. But it never ends.

My point being, they just won’t leave people who have traditional world views and can’t really help it in peace.

Why is it a micro aggression when they ask you to not say something,

But not a micro aggression when you say something they find offensive?

I think you are overthinking it

We’ve debated this before,
I don’t think asking you to not use a slur is “woke”
That’s just asking you to be a decent human being

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I am a decent human being: I’m leaving this place to you lot. You can all be as polite and respectful to one another and to the world at large as you feel you need to be. I won’t be here to bother you no more. Because if you think I’m gonna play along with all that nonsense, you’re dreaming. I admire George Carlin way too much to give in to that crap.

This concludes the discussion as far as I’m concerned.

So long.

I’ve stayed mostly on the sidelines of this, but I had to say something at this point.

The core of the problem is treating people with respect. I’m not non-binary, nor am I trans. However, I can still empathize, and put in the tiniest bit of effort to respect their wishes. It’s not hard. I’ve mistakenly used the wrong pronouns with someone before. I’ve never had a person get mad at me for that, because I’ve done it out of forgetfulness or lack of knowledge, never malice. They simply corrected me, I took down a mental note for later, and we moved on as friends.

I also take issue with this idea of “this is the way things used to be done, so therefore there’s nothing wrong with me doing that thing now”. I’m younger, sure, but when I was growing up, gay was still constantly used as a derogatory, as was the aforementioned term for the mentally disabled. The f-slur was used as well for gay people.

I used those terms that way, and to be honest, I struggled a lot with trans people early in my childhood. I didn’t have the ability to relate, and as a lot of my peers mocked them, I admittedly did the same. I grew up in an environment where no one I knew was openly trans (although many came out later in life).

However, since I’m a human being with autonomy and the capacity for introspection, as I expanded my worldview and matured, I changed. I try my best to be as kind to people as I can (until they’re not deserving of it), but even then, I never disrespect them as a person, or disrespect their identity. I looked at my past behavior, thought “huh, that was a real dickish thing to do/say, won’t do that again”, and that was it.

Human brains aren’t read-only, they can adapt. When my great uncle continually used sexist, homophobic, derogatory language towards my female cousin (who is bi), and got angry when I told him I was gay, sure that was the state of things when he grew up. If it was the '70s, that would have completely fit the status quo. I think it’s true that it’s hard to judge people outside of the context of their times. However, if they refuse to adapt out of respect for their family, friends, or even the majority of others in the world, that makes them a shitty person. My great uncle was/is shitty, and I cut him out of my life, as did several other family members.

When those “traditional world views” intrude on their ability to be respected as who they are, yeah, it shouldn’t be left in peace. It reminds me all too much of evangelical christians who swear that they’re being discriminated against for their views. They aren’t, people don’t like them because they’re pressing their fucked up standards onto other people, and refusing to respect the way they live their lives.

“Traditional” in this case is stuck in the past, in a time where we were harsher to each other. I would like to thing that as much as things can be shitty right now, we’re still at a far net positive compared to even 20 years ago.

I get that people here have disrespected you, for various reasons, but the whole “I can be offensive, deal with it” combined with not taking any criticism just makes you seem thin-skinned. Willing to dish it out, but not take it. You want us to accept you for the offensive, non-PC man that you are, while simultaneously refusing to accept and respect members of this community (and the discord you hate so much).

I respect you in a technical manner, and think you have a lot of good to offer. It’s a shame to throw potential collaborators away like this, people that should be your peers. As an example, since they’re people you’ve taken issue with, Satur9 and pac are brilliant people who I would love to work with on any number of projects, but that can never happen if you can’t have respect. They have technical knowledge I don’t have, and I have knowledge they don’t have. In a community like this, collaboration could be such a terrific tool to advance this hobby/field, but that’s not always possible due to shit like this.

I see you’ve claimed “So long” while I was typing this, but whatever, still posting.


Also, I really don’t think Carlin would have been on your side on this.

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I love this funky little hamster, look at him go!


Wow, that was quite the ride, I have MANY comments to make, but busy at the moment.

Just quickly, If you have a problem with somebody, and there are obviously some (duh)
Simple solution

Rosco purely as an example, I couldn’t mute myself

Oh and



Nice work Mr. Diffuser


I just genuinely like the hamster gif, makes my day every time I remember this forum has it


90 posts were split to a new topic: AI sentience & human procreation

As an aside, apparently I missed a day yesterday as I checked DT too late in the day (but before midnight local time) so it will be at least a year before I achieve Devotee

Found this on facebook the other night, gave me a good laugh. I immediately thought of @Coma 's power button.


i like the ben franklin comment the best - honestly, dude is getting the exact reaction he wants posting that on FB. like me, freaking the normies is hella satisfying.


In other news, it’s apparently been exactly a year since I got my first implants! My implants are one of the very few things I have where the honeymoon period never really wore off. They’re still just as exciting to me today as they were a year ago.


I’m the opposite of you and want to be left alone with regards to my bodymods. And I’m the guy who wants a full robot body that looks entirely mechanical.

But I’m not going to limit myself in exchange of being accepted by the normies.



Which reminds me
Welcome back @Eyeux

I guess your negative reaction is a positive reaction
or vise-versa


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I had a strep / brochitus tag team recently

Pretty sure I would have taken mild Covid happily


Uhuuu!! Good to be back!!

But I still got a bunch of travelling around to do and a couple of big projects to hand in
 so not sure if I won’t vanish again for a while