The store near me sells a hazelnut eggnog during the holiday season and it is great, I don’t like other eggnogs, with the egg-ception of coquito. Coquito is a superior eggnog variant and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.
Below average candy (D Tier), and can only be eaten in 5-6 piece increments, otherwise the flavor becomes unbearable quickly
I love candy corn!
mmmm eggnog
Took a couple of the kiddos to a school Halloween function dressed exactly like this and nobody batted an eye.
I’m sure plenty of people thought “wtf lame costume dude” though hahahah
Self harm sarcasm warning I guess
*teen scoff” eye roll
The cuts are supposed to be on the inside of your wrist
Oh shit oh fuck. I’ll never financially recover from this
Also, it is supposed to be Down the road, not across the street if you want to be effective
I’m aware, I was just mimicking the angsty teen comment
Let’s just say “he just wants some attention!”
My deep personal desire to be a robot with no fleshy bits is at an all time high and I love the new emojis!
You are an amazing AI, @Pilgrimsmaster!
Bite my shiny metal emoji
I wish the bender icon was a bit taller, it’s weird he has no antenna… only half a robot
Yeah, The problem is, emojis have to fit in a square, and Bender is quite narrow.
If he had his antenna, bender would be tiny.
The Gundam one would be larger if I used an image without the hand on chin which elongates him
Ya know, sounded a lot better than it read typed out
Ask and you shall receive
The rest of that gif search… unsurprisingly started veering down a different road…