The antišŸš«-derailmentšŸšƒ & threadšŸ§µ hijackingšŸ”« threadšŸ§µ ā‰

Please donā€™t put your life on the line over a 3D printed piece of plastic. Use the proper stuff to climb.


They arenā€™t, just using it to attach and organize random pieces of gear for tie offs as I read it
Go for it

Anyone that uses a 3D printing Carabiner for actual climbing weight and forces deserves what they get lol, thereā€™s literally no argument for that


Haha yeah, using OSHA and CSA certified gear for the actual climbing.
I am going to print a couple with PETG too once I get another spool. It would be nice to use it as part of my tool tether system. Only has to stand up to a wrench dropping on paracord, not 1800lbs shock load of a human, or cyborg lol


You probably can do the math easier than I can,
But I probably still wouldnā€™t do anything over say 1lb or 3/7th of a kilogram

Mostly because while your life isnā€™t on the line, a tool breaking away and falling could result in injury, and that would be a shame for just saving a buck


Oh definitely. I have tethers specifically for heavier tools. This would be a lighter weight version for the lighter weight tools.

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Can one of you share a video of using pm3 with your flexclass? Iā€™m curious about the read distance. Iā€™m still having issues reading it. Took 2.5 weeks for it to read post-install. Then I thought I successfully cloned it, tried on a reader, and nothingā€¦

This was a few months ago and I didnā€™t bother with it since. But now I canā€™t get even a simple hf search to work on my pm3

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So annoyed about part of my new move

Was going round and round trying to figure out how to get Ethernet to multiple places in the house

Tv in living room and my computer office primarily

Only coax wiring in the house, I had hoped since it is pretty new construction,ā€¦ then I wondered if I could use the coax to pull Ethernet up insteadā€¦ nope the coax is stapled to the studs

Well in my various diggingā€¦ come to find outā€¦ tv manufacturer skimped on the NIC and itā€™s only 100 vs the ac dual band wifi card inside it

Wifi is faster than Ethernetā€¦ so dumb


Dont forget about Ethernet over copper as an option

Easier, but more expensive than just running your own cabling

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Yep, and they also make some kind of coax cable adapterā€¦ but my main goal of hardwire was to reduce latency in case I wanted to do shadow computer for vrā€¦ latency is super critical

Was trying to convert it as few times as possible

I wound up setting up the modem in my office for straight hard line

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Yea I just did a side by side comparison Netflix speed test on my tv

Ethernet barely hit 20-30 mbps
Wi-Fi hit 130s

So dumb, Iā€™ve been running Ethernet for years because ā€œitā€™s always betterā€


In a lot of cases it is. Really dumb they gimped it like that though.


He mentioned chip implants in this video. I love this, Iā€™m laughing like a maniac.

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The runway signs thingā€¦ This is all bullshit right? Like, those do not look like barcodes.

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No, I can assure you that pilots tap the bottom of the wings to check for waterā€¦


Of course itā€™s all bullshit and funny as hell if you ask me.

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Lol just making sure. My understanding was that the numbers on a runway tell you the heading of the runway and if there are more than one on that heading it will tell you left or right. I never looked very far into this kinda stuff.


Lower speeds, but also more consistent. Lot less dropped and retransmitted packets over Ethernet. For streaming (really streaming, like twitch or live TV, not buffered content like Netflix), FastEthernet (thatā€™s what 100M Ethernet is called in networking terms), may actually be better, depending on how good/bad your wifi signal is. The UDP packets used by streaming content, once dropped, will not be retransmitted. So having a reliable connection with less dropped packets will be a great benefit.

Honestly, unless youā€™re playing uncompressed blu-rays or something from a media server, youā€™re unlikely to run into issues with having a 100M cap on throughput anyways.

Source: Am Network Specialist.

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The issue I am (possibly) running into is, with the lower speed the Ethernet is registering, I think the various streaming services Iā€™m trying to useā€¦ are dropping away from 4k because itā€™s only registering 20-30 they recommend at least around that range

Itā€™s super annoying that Netflix, Hulu, HBO etc all hide what quality they are actually serving you

Netflix, Iā€™ve tried to force as much as I can from the account settings,

Hulu, Iā€™m not even sure about

HBO max is annoying as fuck, your just supposed to guess what they give youā€¦. They will decide automaticallyā€¦ but never tell you what or why


What Is supposed to be 4k hasnā€™t seemed 4k for a whileā€¦ but who knows

Used to work in IMAX years ago, so I have a long standing appreciation for resolutionā€¦but Iā€™m not trying be a snob, but also not leave any resolution or quality on the table

And yea I know 4k from streaming services is compressedā€¦ but it should still be better than 1080

Whatā€™s annoying isā€¦ I understand why youtube plays the game they do with contentā€¦. It costs moneyā€¦ so ofc they will try to automatically bump you downā€¦

But If Iā€™m PAYING for HD contentā€¦ playing games and not allowing customer to manually set a resolution is garbageā€¦. Let alone compressing the fuck out of it


I have an appreciation for high resolution content as well. And yeah, streaming service ainā€™t where itā€™s at for that if you really care about it. Itā€™s part of the reason why Iā€™ve been into buying more physical content as of late. Higher resolution, higher dynamic range, better sound, no compression, and of course, I own it forever. Pair it with a media server to rip it to if you want the ultimate convenience.

I really have been trying to get away from streaming services. They keep getting more restrictive, more expensive, and for what? There are some original shows that are good, but Iā€™d rather have a physical copy that I can control the quality and delivery of. Other than that, Iā€™m just paying for thousands of shows and movies that Iā€™ll never watch. I already have plenty of physical movies and shows that I own that I could stay entertained for a long while. Iā€™d rather spend that extra $5-$15/mo on a new movie/show to own forever.

Just my 2Ā¢

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Also, a TV antenna is possibly the best ā€œwire-cuttingā€ purchase Iā€™ve made. Plenty of good content, including sports that I watch free OTA with a $25 antenna. (In HD as well!) Planning on buying a tuner card for my media server at some point so that I can tune to it from anywhere and record as well. Definitely a good investment IMO.

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I get that physical would yield betterā€¦ but Iā€™m still trying to realisticā€¦ and legal :innocent:

Before I start buying everything I watch, Iā€™d probably fall back into teenage habits and hoist the flag again

I donā€™t pay for all the services I use, we have 5 households in my in-law side that are all very close and family likeā€¦

Each pays for the highest tier of only one service :wink:

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