The antišŸš«-derailmentšŸšƒ & threadšŸ§µ hijackingšŸ”« threadšŸ§µ ā‰

Has anyone used a prototyping company? I have some ideas for some tower climbing gear but donā€™t have the tools to build them. Iā€™ve seen some companies advertising prototyping and finding manufacturers to build the product, but this is all new to me, and their sites seem a little vague. I can get the material, but donā€™t have access to molding equipment or sewing machines or cnc machines. Also donā€™t have the time to hit up a maker space with these 60+ hour work weeks.

I canā€™t help with your AI question, but I love the pictures generated, and also the Chtulhu myth and everything Lovecraft.

Have you tried simply asking for it to put the city buildings on the sides of the picture?

Lanscape not portrait

wide perspective

16:9 ratio

1920 āœ• 1080

wide format

wide angle

AND I just stumbled across this and immediately thought of you @Coma

Its a wisdom tooth, that looks like Cthulhu


And saw this and thought of @Aoxhwjfoavdlhsvfpzha and @Zwack


Jeeps are indeed full of little easter eggs.



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That probably comes from a much newer jeep.

Ours donā€™t have covers over the bottom of the seats, you have a metal frame, springs, foam etc.

Our TJ does have the front grille repeated in the vents in front of the windshield. The CJs are lucky they have modern conveniences like seats.

We got snow a couple of days agoā€¦


Thatā€™s a good idea! Forgot that I can define the ratio as wellā€¦ :roll_eyes:
And itā€™s getting closer!

Gonna play around with that a bit more, but it definitely helped! :slight_smile:
And that tooth must have been a pain to get outā€¦ cool little monster :wink:

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Yummy, I like easter eggs

I dont think anybody ever found this one I made a couple of years ago



Iā€™ve found that commands such as underwater city, make as wide as the picture, donā€™t work nearly as well as underwater city as wide as the picture. Basically, try to do any modifying words as part of the thing, versus the thing with modifying words.

What phrase exactly are you using as a drawing prompt?

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The mood reminds of The Shore, a Lovecraft inspired game on steam. I havenā€™t played it but maybe you can find inspiration in it.
Also shameless plug, I do write some Lovecraftian style explorer notes right here that you might like
Just a fun side project

Edit: Iā€™ve got these illustrations of Rā€™lyeh if that helps :

The second one has a very different and unique vibe I think


So, looking for suggestions
Ignore how depressing this sounds

After a long trend of loosing meaningful connections due to the bullshit polarized society we live it, I find myself with only really my wife as a connectionā€¦ but that canā€™t be be sole existence

But Iā€™m kinda done with building new connections, both I have no real opportunity for shared time to build and cultivate friendships, along with pessimistic outlook on if they will last

Been just kinda holed up for a while, work eat sleep repeat

Decided fuck it, donā€™t need people to have funā€¦
So Iā€™m dining out by self and going to see a movie solo

Whatā€™s some good hermit lifestyle activities?



This jeep is full of something else!


Honestly you should start trying to explore people from a new completely different angleā€¦ itā€™s fun! When youā€™re eating at a place and you walk in and see anyone else sitting aloneā€¦ just ask them if you could join them for the mealā€¦ ask questionsā€¦ find out about them but with no expectation you will ever see them again. It can be super fun because thereā€™s no reason to put any stress on it. It becomes kind of a game almost.

If they say no or whatever then who cares. The freedom from expectation allows a totally new perspective on human interaction.


If you want to be alone, and happy, then Iā€™d step into another reality totally. Can recommend Frank Herbertā€™s DUNE. But just about anything thatā€™s long and interesting will work.

Then again, Iā€™m the type who gets completely lost in books, it might not be the thing for you.

As someone who spent years in a depression spiral, I really feel the need to say, a vacation from people can be and probably is a good idea. A long term people free life style is not healthy, and will eventually fuck you up. And Itā€™s damn hard to come back from. Now that thatā€™s over, go be you, and just have fun with it. Or at least follow up on 'ol Pilgrimsmasters suggestion and have a good go at yourself.

You donā€™t have an introverted hair on your whole body do you? :upside_down_face:


Not always as easy in the colder months, and not for all people or locations, but walking/hiking/jeeping/etcetera-ing/whatever-ing off on some trails into nature is my preferred de-stresser, kind of nice to get a chance to be alone away from everything, and getting to see some new areas and cool views

Although, wandering off into nature alone is not without risks, so, you know, pack a penguin for bear repellent or whateverā€™s appropriate for your area

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Enjoying some time alone in the cloud? No, Iā€™m not going to ask about how that works in the case of AIs.

I know that Iā€™m that guy who really wants to get uploaded but Iā€™m asking for a robot body insteadā€¦

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I like to call those ephemeral conversations. They are short, interesting, and often pretty fun. The last and most interesting one for me was when I hit a opossum on the highway and messed up the bumper of my car. I ended up asking someone for a pocket knife at a nearby truck stop and we ended up chatting for about 2 hours.

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