The antišŸš«-derailmentšŸšƒ & threadšŸ§µ hijackingšŸ”« threadšŸ§µ ā‰

Well, not for nfc. If youā€™ve seen the peg leg projectā€¦

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I have not? Should I google that? I feel like google will give meā€¦interestingā€¦ results

Pegleg implant is safe to google.


Hahahahahha. I had to reread that because it didnā€™t make any sense at all comparing computer space to horses. :rofl:


I second this XD


Iā€™m both tired and bored right now. Needed something to entertain myself (and hopefully you) with.

If youā€™re guessing, youā€™re not even close. When you know, You. Will. Know.

When / If you get it. DON"T SPOIL IT FOR EVERYONE. Put it behind a ā€œblur spoilerā€ if you must.

Iā€™d also welcome some of your favorite riddles.

Edit, @vampire_blue had it in like 30 seconds. Iā€™ve seen a little kid stump a rooom full of adults with this riddle.

Edit #2, for those not used to U.S. currency, the coins are Penny, Nickel, and Quarter in that order in the video.


Not a riddle but this is just made me LLOLā€¦


A friend on twitter posted a whoooolle slew of dog-wood pics. some were amazing.


etc. etc.


Pareidolia is the term for seeing shapes or faces in inanimate objectsā€¦if anybody wanted to know


I predict a bug rush of new cyborgs real soon, like next spring.
The stars are aligning!

  1. The flexNExT blinky hype, much social media coverage
  2. The Titan just happened and will be talked about much next months
  3. US Payment Implants are a thing now

All this only (hopefully) months before the release of the Apex.
How much better could it get? What else could get more attention to grinding?
The payment thing is huge, because I think people will likely notice that IRL.
2021 will be an epic year!


These remind me of those deep dream AI rendered images.


For those who donā€™t do social media, where can one see some of the coverage?

I google it up every now and then, see it that implant gets some press, but itā€™s all quiet as a church out there. If thereā€™s coverage, itā€™s not indexed.


More like many installers shared flexNExTs on instagram and talked about it to clients.

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I feel like Iā€™m behind the curve on this but what ever happened to

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Did this strike a chord (between 20 and 20K Hz) with anyone else?


Oh right okay. Thanks.

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Near the end of last year Alex Smith was having trouble with PayPal and dealing with some personal stuff so he put the site on deep freeze. I donā€™t know if heā€™ll ever bring it back, but he might. A lot of big name biohackers have trouble with the business side of things (partly why I like them so much :laughing:). He was making some cool stuff in his lab, but compared to DT the RFID stuff was meh, and some of his other experimental stuff really should have had better quality control and testing.


Iā€™ve always wanted to ā€œfeelā€ more dimensions. Not science-fiction-style dimensions, but mathematical dimensions: I can conceptualize perfectly a scalar as a point, a one-dimensional array as a line, a two-dimensional array as a plane, a three-dimensional array as a volume, possibly a four-dimensional array as a volume evolving over time (the sense of appropriation of the concept starts to break down there), butā€¦ anything beyond that is just math. No intimate connection with 5D+ at all. Humans arenā€™t wired for that. It frustrates the hell out of me.

Or said briefly, I want to see a tesseract like it really is!


@Satur9 - since youā€™re always pretty ā€œup to dateā€ considering fellow biohacking companies, are there any news about the northstar? I frequently throw a look over at Grindhouseā€™s facebook-page or their youtube-channel, but I have heard nothing about it for quite some timeā€¦ think the latest news was a short introduction of the v2 and the ā€œcattle-implantā€ (forgot the name, sorry)ā€¦

Might just be me, but it reminds me of ā€œI have seen things you people wouldnā€™t believeā€ā€¦


Ehh. I mean, you saw their update video a year and a half ago. I wouldnā€™t hold your breath. Ryan talks about the regulatory hurdles (FDA, FCC) they would need to go through to bring something like that to market in the US.

DT is able to fly under the radar because itā€™s a completely different product than what theyā€™re targeting. They want to implant lithium batteries in people using experimental coatings. That might work fine for small batch stuff, but it would never fly as a ā€œproductā€. It seems theyā€™ve completely pivoted to livestock labs in Australia as their gateway to regulatory safety, and it seems like their hitting some serious hurdles on that front too.

To further confirm that the Northstar may be on indefinite hiatus, 24hr Engineer has been hard at work on a new(ish) project called the Cardinal (which Iā€™m trying to help him out with), which basically just vibrates when facing north. The Northstar was supposed to do that, it had an IMU. Heā€™s very friendly with the Grindhouse Wetware team, so I canā€™t imagine he would go to all that effort to design something that they already had working.

All told, I think they fell victim to feature creep when they tried to pack everything you could want into one device. They also didnā€™t seem to have a clear path to market defined when they set out. It may be possible for you to get one of the prototypes if you talk to the right people, but I doubt youā€™ll see it in a purchaseable format any time soon.

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