The antišŸš«-derailmentšŸšƒ & threadšŸ§µ hijackingšŸ”« threadšŸ§µ ā‰

Yeah I know, j/k.

Here in Europe, itā€™s the other round: 90% of the tellers have lost their jobs, you canā€™t pay in cash anymore, and you have to use the ATM by the (now unattended) pumps.

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Iā€™ve seen that in Denmark a lot (didnā€™t get further north yet^^), but at least in Germany, the ususal shop-thingy is still pretty standard. I pay almost everything in cash (itā€™s just so nice and anonymousā€¦ yeah, paranoia kicking in :stuck_out_tongue: ), and at least on the gas stations I visited, there was no pay at pump optionā€¦

I kinda miss the full service gas stations - you know, where you can stay in your car and an attendant pour gas into your tank. Those are long gone.

But yeah, mostly now I miss not being able to pay in cash.

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Iā€™m lazy enough that I would like thatā€¦ actually had that experience about 15-20 years ago in Poland, was quite surprised about it :smiley:
And a former friend of mine once said that she just had to look confused and helpless, and very soon sheā€™ll get full service at the gas stationā€¦ well, I donā€™t like looking confused and helpless, so no option for me, but might work for others :smile:

In New Jersey, there is a law that you arenā€™t allowed to pump your own gas. All attendants.

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Oregon is also like this. Think they just passed a law allowing some self-serve relatively recently, but it was full service only for decades.


I visit New Jersey regularly. Personally I think itā€™s ridiculous. Pump your own damn gas, and either enable the pump attendants to get some more fulfilling work or just give them free money so that they donā€™t have to do such humiliating labor.

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Conversely, I know a lot of people who used to have menial jobs they didnā€™t like, but they needed to put food on the table (gas station attendants, supermarket cashiers essentially), who are now out of a job, on the dole and counting the last penny to get to the end of the month. They donā€™t have enough to live a reasonably comfortable and stress-free life no more, and the taxpayer ends up footing the bill.

Humiliating, yes, but those jobs are welcome by those who need 'em, and their disappearance ends up costing a lot to society.


@pilgrimsmaster would you mind moving all the posts about pumping gas to the anti-derailment thread? I want to continue chatting about it but I donā€™t want to fill up this thread.

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Sorry, didnā€™t mean to derail. Iā€™m done.

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Nah m8, weā€™re cool. Iā€™m interested to talk more about it and see what everyone thinks, but it might get long and maybe political so I just donā€™t want it in this thread about the purewrist.

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or fork it to a new thread entirely, I wouldnā€™t mind continuing the convo


Exactly why Iā€™m done :slight_smile:

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I knew some weird states donā€™t let you pump your own gas. Thankfully Iā€™ve never been to them :smile:. What do the attendants do if you have a car with an unusual means of filling?

Been thinking

Might blackout the arm, and do some scarification over it

I googled it and healed up it is beautiful.

Edit, not mine but an example ā€¦


Here itā€™s even more strange. Stations have attendants but they are basically only there to sell you beverages, you pay at the pump and go. BUT about 20 minutes away it is law that you canā€™t pump your own, and the excuse that I have heard is that it is ā€œtoo close to the airportā€ā€¦ /shrug

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There pretty cool, looks like the scarification removes pigments?


Problem number one

Donā€™t press on it :wink:
Problem solved :white_check_mark:

Problem number 2

Not 100%, but if you can still read /write NDEF, its probably okay. :interrobang:

an X-Ray
poke it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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you are contradicting yourself good sir


The Poke was the ā€œJokeā€