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yeah because you’re removing the skin that encapsulates the pigments, and new unpigmented scar tissue grows in its place.


I’m very excited to get mine done in late May.


Opinions on Biohackers Assemble?

Maybe @amal wants to give his “usual” talk there, maybe mention the new payment stuff and the titan?

But personally, even if amal talks I wouldn’t spend $99 on an online con


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This is why I don’t like to identify as a biohacker, because I get confused with these snake oil salesmen. The supplement folks are not one of us.


Yeah, found this one online, too - I like the idea, but the black part is too
 dunno, messy? Just my personal opinion :wink: But scars on a blacked out arm might look really good, actually my tattooist is thinking about the same. Just go to a good artist - I’m a bit irritated by the very different scar-sizes of the picture you posted^^

Just looked at that a bit

I mean, to each his own, as long as everyone’s happy
 but why on earth is eating healthy, sleeping enough and monitoring my own heartbeat or whatever “biohacking”? Hell, I’ve been a biohacker for much longer than I thought! :smile:



Zone Halo



LMS Health (apparently their marketing budget is +++)

Dr. Jolene Brighton (she has swindler/alternative medicine vibes. I want to like anyone who will help women with their criminally unaddressed healthcare needs, but I’m also wary of predators)

Resilient Nutrition


Gennady Stolyarov (and they bring in one transhumanist nutjob who actually believes in biohacking to round off the ensemble)

There you go @yeka I saved you $99 and some awkward conversation with some mouth-breathers.

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Broken finger :wink: :smiley:


As I said, I wouldn’t spend money on that.
But thanks, it looks super non-serious now, even more than when I looked at it :smiley:

D: the old naming problem
Biohackers = snake oil
Transhumanism = snake oil
Grinders = grindr
Posthumanism = too extreme
Cyborgs = a bit fishy
Implantees = lame
Augmented Humans = Cyborg Supremacy


That’s called a scam - or a fad, it’s you’re being generous.

I never call myself a biohacker in large part because no-one outside the community of those who think they’re biohackers knows what the hell a biohacker is.

And yes, I don’t want to be identified with some new-age vitamin supplement bullcrap neither.


My artist had a different idea.


That’s so sick bro


Thanks! It was 4 hours of
 fun. Ha.

Just glad I was able to have 2 artist tattoo me at once.

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Wow - that looks just amazing! Impressive contrast between the solid black and the very delicate wing-artwork
 love it! :heart_eyes:

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Looks good!

You know what though? I was trying to imagine that motif on my own arm, and it felt really distressing: I would live blacking out so much of my own natural skintone like a true loss, quite akin to when I lost feeling in 3 of my fingers as a kid.

Funny how we all react differently.


Does the solid black fill take less time to heal, but dump a lot more ink? I’ve only ever had solid black lettering.

Don’t think so
 skin is irritated, guess it even takes a bit more time (as, it’s irritated everywhere, not just some lines^^). But I don’t have solid black tattoos really, just some “normal” ones, so I guess I let @Backpackingvet answer that :wink:

Healing takes the same amount of time. I wet healed my blackwork and it was a lot easier of a heal, ie; almost zero itching and scabbing, but still took the same time. Can also be hard to get a consistent black & takes a lot of time too which is why I’m glad my artist went with a 25 mag flat shader (50 was too large). Still took 27 hours in total though :sweat_smile:

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Hey thanks! I wasn’t expecting the design, kinda glad he threw it in.

Hey fair! I guess I never have loved the skin I am in, so am trying to.

Also, you would hate the otherside

No clue. I feel like my whole arm is on fire. I cannot see this taking less time to heal currently.

Please define that word for me.

23 today for me. I had 2 artist working on me at once.

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We will eventually add mandalas to the black side in white and grey ink

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