The doNExT is in

Hey! Finally some good news: the fibrous collagen funk seems to be getting reabsorbed into my body. Or maybe it’s spreading out evenly or something: the surface of the implant is as hard as ever, but it feels a lot more even. The largest lump is almost half-way gone.

About time!


Definitely happening: I can poke my finger through the center hole again, and my skin is dropping down into it. It’s even slightly visible in grazing light now. If it keeps on going, I might even be able to take a picture of it in a few hours.

Happening really quite fast now. My skin is literally collapsing into the center hole:

I don’t know why my body insists on doing things in rapid phases like this. It’s freaking the hell out of me each and every time. I wish I could ask it what all the drama is in aid of…


The doNExT has reached critical mass, and it’s now beginning to collapse upon itself

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Ah! That’s it! Amal has activated the singularity he’s hidden inside the device :slight_smile:


I predict the hole will become less pronounced in 3-4 years. I’ve noticed that my body had a really pronounced rise over my flex devices that gradually went away and by the 3rd year it so it was relatively flat.

It doesn’t bother me. If anything, it’ll let me tell people I share my contact information with “put your phone on the hole there”. And if I ever decide to get an NFC symbol tattoo, it delimits exactly where the tattoo artist can go with his needle.

It’s just that it’s so sudden - as always, since stuff started to happen with that implant. It’s disconcerting. Although if I’m honest, I’m not so surprised when new stuff happens now.

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Your body is really doing strange stuff… but the hole in your arm looks funny, I think! And I like the idea of an NFC-tat directly in that hole, that must look amazing :wink: Not that you’re a fan of tattoos, yeees, I know - but still, the idea is great.

That’s just exactly what I meant when I said all this “knowing your body better afterwards”-stuff :wink:
There are really few things my body can still surprise me with, and it helps me take better aftercare.

I might just be convinced some day, if it makes things easier for people who want to scan it without my having to intervene in the process - highly doubtful. But in any case, if I do get one, I’ll wait a long long time to get it done, because I want to be sure the implant isn’t gonna die on me within the next few months. I’d be really miffed to have a dead NFC implant with an NFC tattoo on top of it.

It does doesn’t it :slight_smile:

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New rash:

That thing ain’t done bothering me it seems.

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The circle seems to be gone

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First thing that came to my mind…
Oh no, not that again.

Did you do anything special? Rubbing your arm on a tree, hanging on your ceiling with one hand, anything that could make the little guy angry again?

Yep. It’s had a collagen funk attack earlier today. It’s totally filled up with hard stuff. Now the whole implant kinda hurts.

Nothing. It’s back on the offensive again, is all.

I wonder why your body just still isn’t fond of it

I regret implanting it.

Ah damn… I was afraid that this might happen, some time…
If it would only be the rash, I wouldn’t worry… mine is sometimes a bit oddly-coloured, just from time to time, and then it goes away again - since there is no pain and no itching, I don’t really care.
Same with pain and swelling - If I do too much with my hands, I have to face the consequences. Not a big problem, I know where that comes from and it will be more and more stable over time.

But this…
What really worries me, is the “filling up” with whatever that is, and the pain… this shouldn’t happen, unless you provoked it (and you clearly said you didn’t). I honestly got no helpful advice. Just the standard stufff - keep it calm, visit a doc if it gets worse, maybe talk to Lassi about it, whatever - all the stuff you already know and already did. I feel bad for you, sorry.

So far it has been great the first week, then nothing but misery and lifestyle compromises, interspersed with a few hours of technical amusement.

I’m still waiting for bits and pieces in the mail to move forward with my projects and tilt the balance a bit more towards the amusement side. But the overall result is a regression.

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I am confused, is this a NExT or just an NT? Should it not be a doNT :rofl:

doNT seems to describe this experience better based on that too ^


a doNuT considering its shaped like a donut perhaps :thinking:


it is a flexNExT but his in particular has a whole in the center (which is where I assume the do part comes from)