The doNExT is in

I don’t, and I didn’t change the title. Someone did though.


I mean, it started as the FlexNExT, so DoNExT Still makes sense As it started as a NExT. Seeing as this thread has been around since September it has been mentioned many times what it is (A 3 LED NTAG216 With a custom hole)

I think the issue lies in the fact that Rosco is having a hard time with his implant, obviously in distress and Ragebolus keeps playing with semantics (especially quoting Rosco talking about AntiBiotics and just replying with more about calling it a DoNuT)

As someone who also has a custom Implant (Magic Flex) Naming it as it was the first of its kind is kinda something you shouldn’t mess with, not saying it is sacred or anything, just obnoxious to keep nagging about, This is something already in his body, he can name it whatever he feels, especially while it is conducting a revolution under his skin.


I have to come back to the possibility that the adhesive film left on the surface might be to blame here, and your body may be going through a tough time getting rid of it… possibly oscillating between trying to encapsulate it and eliminate it. In fact, white blood cells can randomly decide to attack things, and they can pile up really quickly, which might explain the firm “fibrous junk” that comes and goes. The rash is, to me anyway, further proof that your body is attacking something there… and it’s not the polymer resin.


Possibly. If it ever need to come out, I’ll have it analyzed. Absent that, it’s anyone’s guess.

The problem with that logic is, the flexM1 in my other hand, implanted the same day, out of the same kind of packaging, went in like like papa in mama. No issues. It stayed in the baggie far longer than the doNExT, even.

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This thread did not confuse me. The other references on discord and in the forum to a doNExT made me think it was the original idea Rosco was going for which was this:

I agree and stated as much. Rosco can call it Denise for all he want’s was just clarifying and frankly was interested as to his logic behind why he would call it such a (In my opinion) misleading thing. But he seems disinterested in the discussion and I am fine with that, was for the most part a tongue in cheek joke based on the fact I personally was thrown for a loop till I found this thread…

Also from what I know of Rosco opinion’s on cracking jokes (Example) I would hazard a guess my comments did not offend and hope they where not taken the wrong way :man_shrugging: But now knowing your opinion on the matter I will endeavor to not comment upon the name of your custom implant should the urge ever pop up :stuck_out_tongue:

The name came to me for no particular reason other than I replaced “flex” with “do” to make it sound like “donut”.

I am totally not interested in the discussion, other than to say that changing the name will confuse the forum, since I and others have been using the previous one everywhere.

I am not offended by anything.

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Perfect, almost exactly my read on the situation :slight_smile:

Jokes with Rosco is all good fun, just when we are trying to figure out why his implant is being an ass it seems a little redundant.

No hate, just felt off about it

Agreed. Definitely seems like you’re taking it a bit far. It’s not cool to repeatedly poke fun at Rosco while he’s already having a hard time with this implant.

The rash is half-gone, and the hole is half-back.

The hole seems to be a good indicator of the implant’s current level of hostility…


We’re all on the edge of our seats waiting for status updates about your hole :wink:

Seriously though, hopefully the implant settles down for good soon and you can start to actually enjoy it again


I found a technique that helps relieve the pain, and seems to help with the skin discoloration over the implant too.

When my arm hits a position that creates pain or discomfort, I stay exactly in that position, grab my entire wrist over the implant with my other hand and gently but firmly stretch my arm’s skin up, down, left and right, and let the implant bite where it wants to bite for 10 seconds.

My assumption is that the pocket is too tight around the implant, and the edges of the implant dig into it and irritate it each time my arm gets into certain positions, creating micro-bleeding and generating that odd darker skin tone over the implant that won’t go away. So I figured I’d try to slowly enlarge the pocket to give the implant more space to move freely without repeatedly hurting the flesh around it.

That seems to do me good over time. Maybe it can help someone else with the same symptoms.

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Sounds plausible. Do you think the lack of space is from the original pocket or due to the pocket starting off its life fighting off the adhesive, now causing it to be a bit smaller than it should be?

Firstly, I’m still not convinced the adhesive has anything to do with it :slight_smile: Amal seems happy to blame himself for my issues, but I highly doubt it’s the cause.

But no. That’s something else entirely. My thinking is this: my arm got opened up rather violently, something foreign was put in it, it got closed back up, then my body spent a few weeks trying to sort itself out and repair the damage. Since I don’t spend my days making my arm assume odd or extreme positions, the pocket probably shrunk as close to the implant as possible, but it’s too tight a fit for those uncommon positions.

Same reason why doctors get you moving as soon as possible after orthopedic surgery: if you don’t, you get stiffness and adherences, because your body tries to repair the damage as fast as possible to accommodate the immediate situation. If you’re not moving, it’ll repair the damage for a situation in which you’re not moving.

So what I’m doing in a sense is “rehab” to loosen the skin around the implant and give the implant space to accommodate any position my arm may assume without any tightness. I’m hoping my logic is sound, and that is indeed the cause of some of the pains I’ve had with the implant, and the odd skin color which I assume is blood lying around in the tissues.

Since I know other flexNExT wearer at least have the same discoloration (I know because I’ve seen it on photographs that have been posted here in the forum), I figured I’d share, just in case I’m correct. If I’m not, massaging the area won’t do anything but it won’t hurt.

Thankyou, ill be making sure to “rehab” my implant when i do get it in.

If you do, make sure the swelling is gone first. I’m not sure massaging an oedema is terribly good to get rid of the fluid.

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jumps up and down

Here! Me! Got this too!
Actually, that’s a pretty nice explanation - since my occaisonal oddly-coloured areas are not hot, not painful and not itching, I just decided to ignore them (as they are clearly no inflammation or such). But I asked myself several times why this implant does it while my other one, which is significantly thicker, is calm like a well-fed cat.
And so, after reading your possible explanation, I started to move the skin atop of the implant a bit around, and while most of that is comfortable, there are some tiny spots that bite a bit. So maybe keeping the arm rested as much as possible during healing was great against the swelling, but not so good for the creation of a nice pocket. Seeing that the flexNExT is very thin, the edge is “sharper”, compared to a silicone implant, and thus might cause more trouble.

Thanks a lot for this idea :wink:


My pleasure. Maybe my theory is bull, but like I said, massages don’t hurt. If nothing else, it’ll free up the biting points that you seem to have as well as I do.

Hmmm… if this really is a thing, how can we prevent it for future installs?
I mean, the flexNExT is pretty visible anyway, your doNExT as well, so maybe a well-rounded ring of slightly thicker polymer would be a solution? I don’t even know if it would be possible to manufacture such a thing, but it would help against the biting…

I don’t know if Amal can shape a “crust” around that particular pizza. I seem to remember asking him something similar before ordering, and I was under the impression that he said he couldn’t.

But I think yours is a lot more visible than mine - apart from the friggin’ hole in the middle of course. The edges of mine are as good as invisible unless I force them to the side.