The flexMN batch is now open!

Nah, that is a
“I like the way you think”

Let’s hope you’re right.

He was :slight_smile:

tenor (5)


My thought on this is that the xLED style antenna will not see any range benefit from being inside the ring. I could be wrong but I think it may have to cross over the ring perpendicularly to benefit from the larger antenna bending the field to it.

Testing tomorrow.

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I love that you let us goad your into throwing random shit together to see what happens


Oh good. Batman-needs-a-shave is much clearer too :slight_smile:

Besides performances, my main concern is one the glassies poking out of the polymer inside of me. That would be a disaster. But maybe the entire implant will be rigid enough - and the polymer compliant enough - that it wouldn’t happen.

Yeah yeah no rush. It’s the weekend and the crowdfunding campaign ends in 2 weeks anyway :slight_smile:

Actually, that wouldn’t be bad at all… it’s still bioglass, and the poly would be sealed around the cavity encasing the glass. Worst case of would just move a bit from ideal orientation.

Yeah, unless it pulls the bottom and top coats of polymer apart as it moves and shifts due to my arm’s movements over time, then exposes non-polymer bits when it finally punches through.

Nope… won’t happen

To expand on that… Basically it may work itself out because the poly might be extremely thin at the crest or top and bottom of the cylinder, and it might get pushed out with force… but the polymer surrounding it will be solid… nothing to come apart

That’s good news :slight_smile: I was under the impression that there was some kind of boundary layer between the two that could delaminate, simply due to one layer curing before the other. But I don’t know really, cuz I don’t know how you do it exactly.

tenor (6)


15 posts were merged into an existing topic: The anti​:no_entry_sign:-derailment​:railway_car: & thread​:thread: hijacking​:gun: thread​:thread: :interrobang:

This sure looks like an amazing “little” implant!

Harder but doable.
If the artist knows what he is doing, should be fine for a needle pocket install (with one of those 5mm needles)

That, if feasible with the LF antenna perks (not to say pricks) would be a reeeeally usefull implant.

Although I see it much more likely for someone to just encase 2 xSeries blinkies with some polymer just to keep them as a single implant.

In which case I would probably just want a couple of regular xSeries…

I see 2 advantages,

First, The flex would a much more substantial range, so you wouldn’t need to find the sweet spot on a “mystery reader”

Secondly, less importantly
No ferrite core, can snuggle into locations near a magnet install

I’m curious to see how xleds embedded in the flex works out, could possibly help prevent rotation if there a concern

Oh, me too!!

My comment was in regards to manufacturing it.



Is that Chad Smith?

Will Ferrell



That’s surprisingly meh. I didn’t expect the xLEDs to be “boosted” by the main coil as much as the NFC nails, but I expected more interaction. That sure don’t look like a winning arrangement.

Now I feel bad for wasting your time with this. Especially since it’s Sunday, and nobody should work on Sunday :slight_smile:

Thanks for trying it out at any rate!

Discovery is never a waste of time :wink:

Yeah… there are trade-offs to being an entrepreneur in a niche business … but it’s not all work on weekends… just a few jaunts to the lab once in a while ain’t all bad… I mean it’s just one door away from the living room after all!