The flexMN batch is now open!

There was no rush really. Quality time with your family is more important.

Unless of course you’re sick and tired of seeing them 24/7 because of the virus. My tenant in Belgium says she started fighting with her hubsand soon after the lockdown because they can’t stand each other’s guts no more. She says she realizes marriage only works when you only see your significant other part time, and I believe her :slight_smile:

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Could I potentially be annoying and ask how many LEDs would work in a flexMN or flexMT (they’re the same size yes?) without the flexEM part? I know there can be a moderate number around the outside, is there any chance of one in the middle too, and if so, what sort of range would that be?

(Can you tell I like blinky? :rofl:)

Also being a pain, how would it go range / brightness wise with a standard phone strength reader… ideally I’d want as many LEDs as possible without loosing much, if any, brightness / range.

(I am also considering the Apex Jumbo though with similar questions, so please don’t spend too much time on this :heart:)

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Not so far, but I’ve been working for myself in some capacity basically since we met so we’re always around each other… not much has changed for us during lockdown but it’s been real shit for the kids who are missing parks and going outside… hell they’re even asking when school is starting up.

I’d guess 4 is prob the max, and they’d have to overlap the large antenna at least a little. Range shouldn’t be affected all that much.


Ah yes, there’s that too - and the logistics involved for many parents.

My Dad who experienced bomb shelters during the war as a kid used to tell me the one thing he remembers most of that time is an intense longing to go back to school. I guess the virus is a sort of a war for a lot of people.

And gee, I guess it is for me also: I started going my the local U to learn Finnish when I landed here, and it closed 3 months later, inconveniently. Now it’s gone online and I’m not doing that - what with the stupid Teams account and Windows proctoring app the U requires to attend, and the massive headache I get each time I do videoconference. I’m longing to go back to a real classroom with real students and real teachers too.

And… maybe that was a bit of a derail :slight_smile:

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Since there are no LF fingernail LEDs, this could be a workaround to create a flex with xLED LF :slight_smile:

Didn’t seem to do much though

I have a feeling it’d be faster and more efficient to wind a flat coil and solder a LED to it :wink: In fact, I’m almost tempted to make one and send it to Amal before he starts making my flexMN

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giphy (46)

Yeah… The main reason why I like LEDs on my chips is so that I can get a visual confirmation of the read/range.

If the chip can be read without triggering the LED because of perpendicularity/range difference, it kind of defeats the purpose for me…

Is there any possibility for the wedge form-factor (albeit larger or longer) to include both the chips?
As in… 2x wedge shaped chip+antenna, side by side, but in a single implant?

I know the circle antenna gives a dash more range, but the 33mm is a borderline hard no for me… The Idea of having thin edges constantly applying force against the edges of my pocket just doesn’t sit right with me.

Right now it’s about choosing between 2 independent implants, or waiting in hopes of another format coming up.
But this pairing of chips is kinda perfect… Damn!

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I doubt it.
Or said differently, if amal just never told anyone that theres a wedge LF antenna, I’d be pissed :smiley:
IIRC he said circular is the best he can do. (Currently?)

My opinion: no one needs a flexEM, the xEM has an ez 2cm range for my door reader, who wants more?

I just hope it… :sweat_smile:

That is the perfect chip combo for me, and having as a single implant is perfect.
But 33mm wide is, on my particular use-case, an invitation for disaster. :pensive:

I could even think of a Stickman* form factor, depending on the final dimensions ofc! :laughing:

  • a wedge HF, with a circle LF attached on top of it.
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26 posts were split to a new topic: FlexKeyhole design (proposed)

FYI people

Less than 12 hours to go before the FlexMN campaign closes!!!

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I’m thinking on getting one of those flexMN’s with the LED’s, but not sure what color would be good.

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You have just over 2 hours to decide if you want to get one in this batch. Have a look at some flexNExT threads to see what blinkies look like (ideally after some healing)

14 posts were split to a new topic: Resonant repeater

Hah well, now I have so many people now suddenly coming to me just after closing I just opened another batch… really these are just about doing them in batches so the next batch is live now.


Any ETA on shipping the first batch?

I’m asking so I can start getting in touch with Lassi to book an appointment for the dead flexNExT swap. As you know, it takes some planning as I’ll have to fly other there.

FWIW, if you wanted to combine the first and second batch to buy the chips in larger quantity and save money, I’m okay to wait longer. The other “first batchers” would have to agree to this also of course.

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That would be fine with me as well.