The official Titan crowdfunding campaign thread

Just tell Michelle, that is the job of the other sucker known as the CTO

Iā€™m guessing that is you Amal

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Got my MT replacement BTW, picked up the 9th delivery to UK on 12th cant complain at that!


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve jumped in here at all, as Iā€™m unfortunately not able to back this project, as much as I wish I could, but I did still want to put in my congrats to everyone involved. If my last year at uni wasnā€™t sucking every cent from me I would back this in a heartbeat. Still, Iā€™m SO excited to see such a worthy successor to the M31 have so much support. I canā€™t wait to see all the installation pics and hear about itā€™s uses:)


Same boat here. Iā€™m bummed out, but thatā€™s how life goes! At least I got to name it lol!


A little over one day to go, and we seem to have stalled out at 72.
Just to make it easier to track, instead of mega scrolling to find it.

  • 72 ThePolishedTurd
  • 73 Nimus
  • 74 Midoriya
  • 75 B4db0ycs
  • 76 ashsh
  • 77 Nbvcxz01
  • 78 Pris68
  • 79 hoker
  • 80 Vicarious
  • 81 Rosco

The winner is very likely right on that list. Kinda interesting how alot of the regular posters, like myself, piled onto the first list, and then got blown away. Pre-congratulations to whoever takes the prize!


I might be winning the poll at the moment but hopefully we see more backers. After all, campaign end is close to when a lot of people with semi-monthly paychecks will be able to join up.


Yep, Iā€™m one of those yet to back it! (sorry)

Donā€™t get buzzer bit.

How we reacted.
giphy - 2020-10-13T184542.008


How the person who just barely misses out on the campaign is gonna react:


The scalpers havenā€™t made their move yet. Just you wait :slight_smile:

Thought you thought whoever bought the 8 or 10 magnets was a scalper :stuck_out_tongue:

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Nah, I just figured they wanted to hold this pose for a really long time.


Just kidding. But I wouldnā€™t be the least surprised if, say, two people decided to pull the trigger before itā€™s too late and get themselves 4 magnets each. And then I will have won bwahaha!

Unless some random spoiler grabs one more.

Gee man, youā€™re such a buzzkill.

Oh, fine.
Iā€™ll take it back outta my shopping cart. :wink:

Add a few more instead. Just so it looks less like a stretch to 81.


For a handful of us

tenor (53)

Nonetheless, happy for the rest of you.

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Just ordered mine, up to 74 now! (sorry @Nimus, looks like @Midimarnā€™s guess is up) .

Wonder how many will also do it last minute like me?