The official Titan crowdfunding campaign thread

Lengthy political brainfart:


The UK pretty much used it to out-loud the struggle with Brexit.
But public self-regulation here is pretty good:
They look at you like pyromaniac stares at the wet haystack if you dare being without mask… You’d better step into the line.

Easter Europe, however, is different. You need to swim against the stream to fit in.
Typical example is escalators (those stairs that are moving). In western countries people travel on one side and walk on the other. That’s normal!
The E-Europians, like they were ignorant, they stay in the middle and block the whole way.
You can spot natives vs foringers at the airport only by watching them using escalators.

Interesting thought about the tribalic aspect of current days:

I think relevant story is the aftermath of national disasters: I remember seeing people work as one, I saw “US” together… yyes, some tried to make business out of it, but the majority created a sort of togetherness.

Covid… totally agree. Total tribalism, as some is less impacted, some more.
Not to mention tokenism: Clap for heroes?!! WTF?!! I could write essay about how big bullcrap that one was! But yeah, you need to fulfill level 3 in the Maslow pyramid.

A hurricane doesn’t care about your medical history, affects us all regardless.
This crappy virus was told to be racist, and hurts the weak more… anyways it came at the right time to be used as political reason to stalk about China, and screw up global economy, thus giving a chance to re-distribute after it was all fallen in dust.
Still better than the double-u word, I guess.

Topic realted: @amal, Is the DT logo “registered”? I’d love to know it after-all if it’s gonna be part of my body…not that it changes anything, but out of curiosity.
Screenshot 2020-10-19 at 03.10.43
I can see the symbol of :copyright:, but the “(“D” in the triangle)”, is that registered as trademark?

It is in the USA but we haven’t done so in the UK… probably should

Technically you would ‘own’ the logo in my body as soon as I enter US territory =)
by having it reg. as trade mark
Copyright… you have that by default… is just the right to copy.

Screenshot 2020-10-19 at 03.22.16
I need to be specific, you r right!
I meant this logo, as it is likely to be etched on the South pole of the Titan magnet.

Good tip: go to the website, they sort things out for you cheaper then other companies who advertise and been ranked higher on google. They forward the same documents as you would, to the same place, and you need to wait the same time (bit longer, as there is another party in the chain of communication). True for any government related business in the UK.

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Quick question on install, if i have the opportunity to go with either
a yellow pin dt partner whos done magnets before
a friend of a friend’s dad who is a surgeon that i just learned existed,
is there any reason not to save the $150 and 3+ hr cross border (one way) drive by going with the surgeon friend?

I dont think there is a right nor wrong answer.
And its a decision you should make for yourself.
which option are you leaning toward?
I know what I would do in your situation.


How many magnets has the yellow pin done?

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I have no idea how many. when i contacted them to see if they would be willing to do one when the titan ships (considering previous history of inaccurate partner map pins) they said they had haworth ones in stock and that finger mags would be no problem so i presume several.

i am also leaning towards the surgeon if they are willing, almost purely due to the convinience factor. they probably know what they are doing…

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Time factor
Money factor ( install, fuel, time off work etc )
and the biggest reason for me would be, all of the above for any future installs


ohh good point!
i didnt even think about that…
now i just have to hope that they are willing…


I am not a professional, don’t take my word for anything I say!

A body modder probably has more experience with the actual install, verses a surgeon who has never done that exact procedure. Might be a lot less explaining, prep time and potential objections going with a modder.

A surgeon would have a lot more resources and experience at their disposal in reacting should something go wrong - the finger is a sensitive area with usually small tolerances.

I’m sure both are very capable as long as they are well regarded by their respective communities. Go for whatever surgeon makes you feel most comfortable.


So an alternative is to wait for a meet-up like defcon or Grindfest. I’m hoping that corona dies down before may so I can get a whole bunch done at once when j go out west.


New to this forum and not sure how to DM you info for Hall of Titans :grimacing:

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click amals name and when his profile pops up click message :smiley:

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I must be too new as that is not an option that’s available when clicking on amals name or viewing profile :thinking:

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I sent you.a DM you can reply to

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Just an update about backer coupons… they will go out this week. We had a little oddity happen with our system that we are exploring a fix for, then the coupons will go out.


Curious if your planning a upgrade of the xg3 in the near future?

Would love to go for a meetup like that but my family is not in a position where we can go to stuff like that often. Usually we only travel for holidays and family and I doubt they would let me go alone.

If there is ever one closer by I would love to

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p.s: I send you a cheesy photo in a minute for the Hall

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Holiday in Seattle