Those who are backing the Titan - where are you implanting it?

Total nonsequitor, but is your username a portmanteau of eye + yeux? Frenglish? Eye eye captain!


Well spotted!
it is indeed! I doubt no one else ever noticed it, but in almost a decade of using it, you are the first one to comment on that! :smiley:


Honors French paid off lmao! Thats so funny! Are you a native speaker?

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You have a fair point, more use does mean more chance for damage but when I pay attention and think about it, I have found that I don’t actually use the ring finger tip much at all, even on the dominant hand…

Combined with the fact that for the purposes of

It would just feel so much more natural to do those tasks with my dominant hand

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I love the fact that many of us come up with a silly / very unusual placement.
Thinking about it as a great idea, then thinking about it as not as great idea and returning to the classic placements. :sunglasses:

Socratic reasoning within itself :nerd_face:

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unfortunately not.
mon français est très rouillé!

I’ve learnt it many years ago because I wanted to read some novels by Pierre Louÿs in the original version (silly reason, I know), but then I ran out of french speakers around.
Now I can read, but can only hold a very basic conversation, mostly thanks to other Latin-rooted languages I speak, but am terrible at writing! >.<

but oh, the french accent! hand in hand with Norsk! :heart_eyes:

You also have the advantage there that you are probably going to be less prone to accidents while using the magnet if it is in your dominant hand!

I just know myself oh-too-well to think 3x before doing it on my dominant hand! :sweat_smile:

Gotta love some Socratic reasoning!

Although @Coma did a pretty good job on helping me decide! :sweat_smile:

I’m not wondering if I should put in my hand instead… I’m wondering if I should get a second one to go there as well :joy:

Just gotta do some research to see how actually feasible is to get it on my forehead! ^^


Just imagine picking up a screw from the floor… :rofl:
Jokes aside, you made me think!!! :thinking:

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or where to store the odd penny you get as change! :rofl:

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I find the idea of magnetically attached glasses to be appealing. Especially since I require corrective lenses for practically everything (Horrible headaches without them). Having the mount for the glasses on the bridge of the nose presents a problem though. From what I can see, and my experience with glasses, they would be prone to falling off, and the weight of the glasses (which isn’t much) could cause discomfort or necrosis if the glasses are worn for an extended period. Alternatively, If you had a magnet on each side approximately 1cm back from the edge of the eye socket it would provide that typical tripod of stability, increase surface area for better adhesion, and reduce the stress on the skin between the magnet and the glasses.

Bonus points for being able to pull off a very convincing Geordi La Forge cosplay :smiley:


That would hurt! :scream:

Your tattoo is EPIC.

@Eyeux beat me to the joke, but funny is funny

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And again - no. Not a good idea… Attaching anything to your skin with magnets will inevitably lead to problems, unless the “inner” magnet is somehow screwed to your bones. Skin will get crushed between the magnets, blood flow will stop, and necrosis will happen, and all of that in shorter time than expected. Unless you plan on wearing your glasses for 5-10 minutes a day, you will run into problems.
And it doesn’t really change that scenario if you spread the pressure across more magnets or anything like that - bad things will happen. People tried that out about 15 years ago, and several times after that as well, and it never worked out.

So you’re getting two Titans? Ah, I’m a bit jealous! Though I’m actually not even really sure where to put my one-and-only Titan, since the diameter might be a problem with my small-ish fingers… guess I have to decide when I have it here and can play around with it :wink:

Hehe, went through that myself - fingertips is definitely the “standard” placement, and the most obvious, but I literally poked my body on various spots to find out if any is sensitive enough to be useful as well… but except for the “obvious” spots (where sensing anything with it might look a bit… strange), I didn’t find much… and I would be pretty annoyed by myself if I decide for a placement that reduces the sensing abilities just because I wanted something unusual. At least if I only put in one magnet - if I finally decide to use some more of them, I might implant them in funnier places :wink:


You’re right of course. I forgot about the anchoring part that is required. It would still be cool to do one day…

I always found that look really appealing, but…
Truth be told, no matter how much you alleviate the stress on the skin, having that stress there will inevitably lead to some nasty damage.

Actually, I would say even if the magnets are screwed to your bones.
but you are on the right track there! ^^
As long as there is any skin between the magnets (body/glasses), the damage @Coma is pointing at will always happen.

I’ve actually studied a lot about this a while ago, and the best I could come up with as a solution was to have one magnet on each side of the nose bridge, but the magnets must be on the outside of the skin. which would look a lot like a regular bridge piercing.
At the same time, to pull that off, the magnets would also need to be screwed into the bone. Otherwise there would be no way to sustain the whole weight.

But given that most of your nose is cartilage, the hooks would need to go deeper, straight into the skull…
then it becomes a Nay for me… too much for too little gain.

Hah! I wish I had that much Cash!! :sweat_smile:
Although that thought still does crosses my mind!

Anyone interested in a kidney?
I could even use the leftover empty space to put a raspberry pi in!! :rofl:
that’s what I call a win-win!

I totally get you there!
The thing I really loved about the titan is it’s shape. (I mean… besides the fact it’s the first one that should not decay over time / have all the issues with the resin that I waited until now for them to get fixed so implanting a magnet would be a good Idea)

Titan’s shape truly maximizes the sensing effect and allows you to explore way new placement options than the usual encapsulated one.
On the other hand, it does have sort of edges, which makes so I would not want to place them somewhere where I might end up applying force diagonally against the edge.

Not saying the finger is not a good placement. it sure is! but that awareness led me to think of other placement options… which led me to seriously considering the forehead. :relieved:

Although… you did helped me seal the deal with your unicorn reference! :sweat_smile:

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Funny thing aside - we have two little, but strong magnets at work, and I use to play around with them when I’ve got nothing to do, like putting them on both sides of my fingers and such. Yesterday, I put them on my fingertip, one on the pad and one on the nail, and kinda “forgot” about it - after some minutes, it started to hurt slightly. Not much, not unbearable or anything, but I felt that something would go seriously wrong if I would keep them there for half an hour or whatever. That started after very few minutes and actually amazed me…

I read somewhere here about the idea of using a regular bridge piercing and just screw magnets on that… might work, dunno - I don’t really like attaching stuff to my piercings, either :smile:


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Yeah, easy to forget about it because there is 0 pain when you first place them. but the crushing is constant, so after your body moved the squishy bits safely away, there isn’t anything else that can accommodate to the pressure, so the pain begins.

I actually tried that already! :rofl:
but the piercing can roll on by itself, so unless you have a third anchor point, the glasses end up in a weird angle.
Also, the constant weight will inevitably stretch the hole and drag the piercing downwards…

Yep, that’s why I don’t like to attach anything to my piercings… I stretch one of my lobes, okay, but the rest of them should stay firmly where I put them :wink:

Ah yes, of course - didn’t think about that…
Maybe some microdermals / subdermal implants with magnets on top would work, but again, constant pulling on those already slightly bitchy mods might be a problem…

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Indeed… =(

In these moments I’m both annoyed and relieved that I don’t have any surgeon friends in the same side of the ocean as I am. :rofl:

I’ve got a great bodmod-artist who is very open to experimental stuff and whom I trust a freakin lot just a 2-hour-traindrive from my home - believe me, that’s dangerous :smile:

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That is you, surrounded by all of us, wanting needing to know more about how you plan on actually using a magnet in your forehead or back of head…

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