Ubiquiti Access control

Same. Logged in, 404. I even manually looked through all of the topics yesterday, and searched. No luck.


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Ok finally got it sorted…



Joined and commented

Amal, were you intentionally being PUNNY here?

“developer program that VivoKey can participate in which would open the door to this collaboration?”


I just checked in on the thread linked and it appears UI just rejected it and moved on?

Classic grass roots approach. Need to get some higher level exec a hooker and some coke to get any traction.


Are the UA card conversions not possible? If not, I guess we will have to get a crowdfunding campaign going for some hookers and coke for these executives :joy:

You don’t wan’t hookers, you want call girls…unless the Exec is into necrophillia.

yes they are… its just … low prio at the moment… i even have a bunch of cards sent to me by a benefactor :slight_smile: … just low prio at the moment. The cards are LF / HF with a simple EM for the LF side… DESFire for the HF side… but they are 17pF DESFire not 70pF and that means big ass antenna… which I don’t have many of to be honest… and it makes a “narrow” flex so wide it bends the definition of “narrow”…

they want call girls… they. :wink:

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i think that’s me :slight_smile:

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This is, of course, pure bullshit. Universal affirmatives can only be partially converted. See discussion here.

All dead hookers are hookers but not all hookers are dead.

Archer would disagree, you NEED to watch the whole episode…

(not) sorry to be that person, but can we lay off the dead sex worker jokes please?



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I apologise for continuing that discussion with the professional logician bit.

Can I encourage people to read some of the information provided by Payoke on Human Trafficking as a way of making amends. If you have never heard of them then please go and read about what they do. I have had a great deal of respect for them since I visited them over 25 years ago.


I don’t think you have anything to apologise for; It was obviously a continuation of a Joke ( Unless you weren’t joking ) :man_shrugging:t3: then you might want to take a long hard look at yourself…

Life would be pretty shit if you can’t make a joke without feeling guilty or fear of somebody else being offended.

But yes, Payoke IS a very worthwhile group


I’d be happy to help you understand how these “jokes” are violent against women, misogynistic, contribute to the stigma and violence sex workers face and much more worthwhile information in the anti-derailment thread.