Upper Arm Self Install?

One of us excelsior


giphy (29)


Interesting QR code - pretty thoroughly scrambled :slight_smile:


Tis a logo for the QR scanner. You click it to scan oauth linking pages and the like.

Ah ok. It’s just a pretty image. That figures, because its format is completely messed up.

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Even with swelling etc it is quite easy to read, getting it almost every attempt. Works a charm. Can tell where it is from the scan location but have not prodded it to see if I can feel it. Nothing is visible.

Install was a bit award as I injected down towards the elbow. so had to reach almost across my face to hold the injector. I am now looking at the other 5 implants with injectors much more closely since that was such a breeze.

Full install details

I used a brand new binder clip I left soaking in isopropyl alcohol to pinch up the skin.
Inserted bevel up as I was concerned about the needle wanting to go down given the proximity to the brachial artery.
Once the bevel was fully inserted I removed the clip and continued until the needle was fully in.
I struggled to squeeze the plunger while withdrawing so I withdrew about 25% of the implant length and then slowly depressed the plunger until it looked like the implant had started to exit then I edged it back a few mm at then advancing the plunger the same amount.
Removed the needle, neat little u shaped wound that almost entirely sealed itself flush with just a little blood. Removed my outer glove layer (I had 2 gloves on 1 hand) then used the gauze to apply light pressure for about 30 seconds until I was it was not bleeding and put the teraderm on and applied a pressure bandage from slightly above the entry point down just to keep the area a bit protected etc.

All in all I am pleased with the position, as it turns out holding by arm at a 90 degree bend my arm acts as a perfect guide to place the phone dead on the sweet spot.

Thank’s everyone for there input.

EDIT: To be clear I am getting reads through a compression bandage and the swelling :smiley:


The more I think about it the more I am disappointed that there is not a Easter egg in there…

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Here you are everytime you need to scan it.tenor (17)


I tried to decode it by hand, because I thought it was a real QR code that linked to some private Vivokey page that you had mangled to be unreadable. But I quickly realized it’s almost random garbage. And since I thought you had mangled it, I thought you had made a pretty thorough job :slight_smile: But no, sadly there’s no hidden data to recover: it’s just a decorator…

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FTFY @amal :wink:


There on the list, that’s all that counts.

I kinda assumed you used a icon library so was more disappointed the creator of that didn’t do something.

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Install went well, healed nicely.
I can read it quite well with my ACR122.
My Note 9 can also read it but it is hard to get the positioning right in such a large area like my arm but I can do it quite reliably.
Minimal luck with the KBR1, It takes about 45 seconds for me to find a sweet spot where as with my NExT and xSIID it reads them easily.

Overall I am happy with the choice to install there but it would be irritating for a tag I use more frequently unless I could use my ACR122 *wink* *wink*


I’m tempted to put my Spark in the same place. I’ve had implants in that location in both arms, and watched the insertion and removal process all three times. Handily I have small scars that show me exactly where to insert! Two implants stated exactly where they were put and were stupidly easy to remove, and the third encapsulated and was a bit tougher to get out (but most of you don’t consider removal so meh).

How was it pain wise? I would say for me it was nose-hair pulling eye wateringly pinchy, and you will hiss. When mine were done I had anaesthetic for removal but not for insertion. It’s a long hollow needle with a plunger so spectacularly similar to DT ones.

How does it read through sleeves of clothes? Don’t want to have to be rolling my sleeve up constantly.

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Any reason why there and not the hand/wrist/forearm?

Very True. I am considering removing my NExT only because I cannot move it under the skin. It is stuck and across my bone. On the flip side, I have no issue scanning it.

I would imagine as long as you don’t have a thick layer there, it should work. It might depend also on how deep you insert it.

I just folded a towel in half and put it on my hand. The spark and xsiid could be read, just took longer cause I am used to looking to where I will scan.

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I don’t have any long sleeves but draped a t-shirt over the area. Read fine, tad harder to position as I lost some of my reference points.

Easiest one I have done. Skin is thin compared to the hand slid in like a charm. No hissing involved.


When you aren’t trying to life an inch of it!

I’ve had an xNT removed and documented it

It wasn’t too bad. I would definitely recommend an anesthetic, but it’s not strictly required. Just make sure you don’t pinch a nerve with the forceps while you’re fishing around for the implant, that can be really jarring.


If you damage a nerve pathway you won’t be happy or fully functional. -If- it can regenerate, nerve injuries have some of the longest healing/rehab times.
Those funny little white structures aren’t ha-ha funny at all… be careful and do your homework before you play surgeon if you must insist on doing so.

Aren’t those nerve bundles embedded deep under and between muscle? If you’ve gone past the fascia, you’ve gone too far. Take a u-turn and call a doctor.