Even with swelling etc it is quite easy to read, getting it almost every attempt. Works a charm. Can tell where it is from the scan location but have not prodded it to see if I can feel it. Nothing is visible.
Install was a bit award as I injected down towards the elbow. so had to reach almost across my face to hold the injector. I am now looking at the other 5 implants with injectors much more closely since that was such a breeze.
Full install details
I used a brand new binder clip I left soaking in isopropyl alcohol to pinch up the skin.
Inserted bevel up as I was concerned about the needle wanting to go down given the proximity to the brachial artery.
Once the bevel was fully inserted I removed the clip and continued until the needle was fully in.
I struggled to squeeze the plunger while withdrawing so I withdrew about 25% of the implant length and then slowly depressed the plunger until it looked like the implant had started to exit then I edged it back a few mm at then advancing the plunger the same amount.
Removed the needle, neat little u shaped wound that almost entirely sealed itself flush with just a little blood. Removed my outer glove layer (I had 2 gloves on 1 hand) then used the gauze to apply light pressure for about 30 seconds until I was it was not bleeding and put the teraderm on and applied a pressure bandage from slightly above the entry point down just to keep the area a bit protected etc.
All in all I am pleased with the position, as it turns out holding by arm at a 90 degree bend my arm acts as a perfect guide to place the phone dead on the sweet spot.
Thank’s everyone for there input.
EDIT: To be clear I am getting reads through a compression bandage and the swelling