Everybody’s done stuff in the past, haven’t they? I’ve had quite a mundane, but fun-filled childhood. No different from anyone else’s really. It’s just that for some reason, I regularly find parts of it to be relevant to one discussion or other here.
I have had a lot of mishaps with what I though was a semi normal regularity. One trip to A&E every year or two and a quite a few minor mishaps and adventures. I recently found out that most people I know have only ended up in hospital once if at all
I can definitely see where @anon2520759 gets this reaction:
It was just a 12 x 12 pane of glass with embedded metal wire on a wooden door in my school. The door slammed shut as I was running in the corridor towards the playground, and I instinctively put my hand to stop it. My hand landed on the pane and went through it. It wasn’t action-movie-worthy But I see what you mean, in retrospect.
Microsurgery - and removing bits of glass in torn flesh - tends to be long. That’s just a boring fact of life.
Try to pick up a hot piece of steel when you don’t have a hand withdrawal reflex. It quickly smells like pork on a barbecue
I won’t push that super power; remember one of the reasons why the Hanson Disease victims progressively lost digits. Not being able to feel when they were damaging them.
They healing powers of the body are amazing… if you got the time.
I’ve been fortunate; got a “hot spot” from a shoulder injury that fully healed but minor nerve impingement from it haunted me for decades.
By simply avoiding behind the neck pull downs I can keep from hitting it. Not a real world motion anyway.
The trick with hot spots is learning the motions or reasons that trigger them and avoiding them and/or increasing ROM/strength. Once they cool off they fade away completely over time.
Sciatica is a very common one the responses well to the goblin squat stretch and latter back squats.
Also popped the ulnar nerve out of its tract in the elbow doing weighted pull ups; eventually it healed.
It was a bugger from many months though.
Nerve racking stuff, lol.
I ordered an Ultron kit and was considering where to put the Spark 2. I was thinking of this area and after reading through this thread I was pretty convinced.
I just thought I would add to the conversation a little after getting it done yesterday. I didn’t self install, I went to a piercer that hadn’t installed in this spot before but felt confident doing it. We sat and he poked and prodded and measured everything out. It ended up going pretty much exactly where the birth control implant would go. He found that it was harder/impossible to tent the skin with my arm on the table so we rolled up some sterile drapes and he propped my elbow. From there he was good to go. He was across from me so he went in the direction of elbow to shoulder.
I think it hurt less than my hand (but we did do this second so I might have been amped up from the first implant or just knew what to expect), it also felt much smoother. It didn’t bleed nearly as much as my hand, and a day later it is looking and feeling fine. The only complaint I has is that my skin seems to hate the bandage. Its also a little weird because unlike my hand, I can’t really feel it (though its obviously still tender so Im not willing to poke or prod very hard).
Left is yesterday right after they were completed and right side is today about 21 hours after.
Haha I’m wondering if the collage software also marked the exif data with your GPS coordinates… probably not, but one never knows and I’m too lazy to check on my phone
Congrats on the installs though! I’ve been considering a Spark 2 in a totally random, nearly useless backup location at this point.
I’m boring. I can give all of the details. It’s all being broadcasted by my phone and social media anyway! Not giving you anything that can’t be found easily elsewhere.
I really don’t understand how people are so scared of chips/infoleaks when they carry (unmodded) phones. It is mind boggling. I’m derailing the thread now though xD
As an engineer on Alexa this mind boggles me. I get asked about “her” listening to you all the time… Yet all the people who are worried seem to have a smart phone with a cam, microphone, gps and goodness knows what other sensors and data sources.