VivoKey for iOS Dev Update:

Is it in the spam folder? :sweat_smile:

Believe it or not, I actually checked there first :joy:
Thatā€™s where I was expecting it.

Forgetting about the Forum for now, Can you scan and get into your profile to set it up?

Yes andā€¦

Actual footage:



Well that is good.

Are you able to use it on the DT Forum?

I never set up the two factor authentication however while setting up to work with the DT forum, (this forum) just now, I realized they are two different email addresses. Fixing that now

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I keep getting that error off and on

Try a different browser, that made a noticeable difference but it still fails sometimes

Changed the VivoKey email, still no confirmation email received, changed the DT email, not receiving confirmation email here either.

Changed the email from a yahoo to a gmail, getting confirmations from both places, so yahoo email must be jacked.

Decided to try logging in on MacBook with phone in hand to scan the QR and that worked, must just be a glitch.

After email confirmation and registering in forum on VivoKey still getting ā€œconfirmation failed couldnā€™t find challenge on serverā€ from app.

I thought it was me, cause I couldnā€™t remember if Iā€™d been in the forum before so I figured maybe I havenā€™t even set it up. Thanks for pointing it out.

Could be URI processing. @RyuuzakiJulio can you confirm URI processing was confirmed on the tap to login to be working?

Hi man,

This error normally happens when you click on the link inside the app.
(BUT you already had the QR code page open)
It will just pop the previously open QR code page without ā€œrefreshingā€ it.
So the visible QR code would be long expired.

  • Solution, is to make sure to refresh that page to get the server a new code, OR completely closing the page so it triggers a new one.

There is a known buggie that on several failed attempts quickly the app will crash when trying a new one.


If your email is not verified you can click on the yellow marker to send you a new one.
Emails will not be automatically sent uppon account creation, you can trigger the verification anytime you want by pressing that yellow marker.

Also you would get a message alert saying it has been sent

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Dropped my jailbreak for now :disappointed_relieved: butttttt worth it for the Vivokey app. Got my accounts linked, and learned that my Spark 2 was indeed not too deep :smile:

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giphy (34)

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OMG I havenā€™t heard that word in ages. I think the last Jailbreak I installed was on iOS 7 or 8.

:joy: Theyā€™re honestly less and less needed as time goes on. With tweaked apps and things like that. Honestly the only thing Iā€™ll be missing out on is custom culoured notif banners and my Youtube adblock. But I had to download IOS 14 to get the Vivokey app. I think having a working implant is a bit more important than my jailbreak though :laughing:

I think mine was on iOS6

Also my last iPhone (3GS)

Honestly hope this is my last (iPhone X)
Not that I donā€™t like my iPhone I just wish I had more options and customizations

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Jesus, here we go againā€¦ donā€™t know why Android users have to complain about iPhones and Apple all the time.

But ok, ill fuel that flame:

Ainā€™t like Androids are the perfect solution for everything that iPhones are doing that they donā€™t like.

I record video, make phone calls, read emails, see Facebook, check GitHub, control a bunch of Smart Home appliances (including non-HomeKit ones), watch YouTube vids, manage instagram, have a bunch of messaging apps working just fine, made custom apps to manage server-side databases, I even designed a BluetoothLE module and Apps to trigger my vintage camera trough my iPhone AND my Apple Watch, since I have Apple Watch, iPad, Apple TV, MacBook Pro, the seamless connectivity between the devices under my account is ridiculously comfortable. Can just copy-paste text and even images from one device to another out of the box.
Programming for iOS, Apple Watch or the Macbook is also a breeze, same language, same IDE, same Apple Store, rarely any 3rd party BS required, and super compatible, I donā€™t need to deal with ā€œWhat version of Android you want to support, and then program IFs for every single different version that donā€™t want to play niceā€ And still that, my Bluetooth trigger doesnā€™t run at all on some newer devices JUST because the hardware that some companies decided to use. Is a patched mess.
I appreciate my time and rather actually work in what I need to do instead of figgiting with a device to make it work as I want to.

If I canā€™t put a video as a background, or make my icons spin when I change the icons page, I donā€™t mind.
I havenā€™t found any reason why I would NEED to have an Android phone. And with iOS 14 and their NFC compatibility that they added for us, much less need to change into Android.

Some people say we are paying Apple for locked products. But is not like Android devices are open to change memory or processor and ā€œcustomizeā€ the device as you please. I got 3 Android phones here and all are stuck on old OS without the chance to do an update to the newer OS, isnt that a BLOCK? They pretty much discontinue the upgrades to old devices about every 2 years. And iPhones can run iOS 14 up to 5-6 years old devices.

Everyone says iPhones are more expensive, but last time I wanted to get one of this ā€œcheapā€ Android phones, I was faced with prices FOR USED (not so old) Android devices over 600-800 dlls.

Download apps from outside the App Store? Yeah you can do that, you got a Developer Account, then just get the source code for those ā€œexternalā€ apps and compile it with your credentials. I am running ā€œBlinkā€ which is a command line that has access to SSH, and I use my iPhone and iPad to connect to servers with an app that I got online and compiled myself.

But besides pointless complains, diminishing remarks and attacks to Apple and iPhones I havenā€™t heard any one single valid reason that even makes me consider getting an Android as my main phone.

What am I able to do with an Android phone that I canā€™t already do with my iPhone and whole Apple environment?


You can with a jailbreak :smile:
No but in all seriousness I see pros and cons for both sides. To be entirely honest Iā€™d like to own both. But oof as you said