What are you buying with your 50% DISCOUNT

if you dont mind me asking, whats with the multiple KBR1s?

Hmmm, lets see - hopefully lots of things, but my main issue is lack of (usable) space (thin, bony hand / arm). And yes, the Titan is my first implant, gotta go big :joy:

  • xSIID - cause LEDs - R0
  • Apex :crossed_fingers: - L5
  • NeXT / flexNeXT (depends on whether I can find an installer for the flex) - L0 / right wrist?
  • xM1 / FlexM1 / flexMT (probably without EM part) - right hand?
  • xDF2 / flexDF2 / flexDF - potentially uni ID or just fun with applications
  • xG3 - depends on how strong the Titan is - R5?

@amal a few questions: are you ever planning to make an xDF (EV1), xM1 (gen2) or flexSIID?
Also the ProxLF page seems to suggest a bundle with the Proxmark RDV4, but that’s not an option - will these be back in stock sometime?


The KBR1 I already own I’ll keep in my backpack for mobile use, in combination with my laptop, while traveling, etc.
New KBR1 number 1 I’ll keep permanently at my desk at home.
New KBR1 number 2 I’ll give to my significant other, who will keep it at their desk at home.

xDF (EV1)

xM1 (gen2)

This one I am not sure if Amal has answered this one, but here are my thoughts, and I will let Amal answer and correct me if I am wrong.
My guess is NO, because, the gen 2 can be easily bricked, therefore if you don’t get good coupling whilst writing, your implant would be dead. As xSeries do not couple as well as the Flex series, I imagine Amal doesn’t want to risk putting out an “inferior” implant liable to bricking



As far as the xM1 (gen2) the problem here is chip sourcing. As I’ve mentioned before, magic chip sourcing is kind of a black art. It is very much “a guy who knows a guy” kind of thing, and getting bare die of gen2 chips is not possible now… and that’s what we need is bare die to fit into glass. You can find “COB” (chip on board) but that doesn’t fit into glass.

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Even getting gen2 M1k cards is complicated. Last time I ordered gen2s from Lab401, they sent me gen1a’s because they themselves had been had and they hadn’t tested them.

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How long ago was that?
Have you tried KSEC, and they are in also in Europe… for your convenience!

individual gen2 cards


Included in the bundle pack


Weeell… Sort of not really anymore :slight_smile:

Haha, Not EU but still Europe, how does that affect taxes and postage etc.

Turns out Brexit has done us EU buyers good: with the sterling down the crapper since the referendum, I often score sweeter deals from UK sellers than from mainland European ones now - the latest of which from KSEC. I’m pretty sure that’ll change when import duties are put in place, but for now it’s working out well for us.


Honestly, no idea. The discount is not something I expected or planned on :stuck_out_tongue:

Bloody good cherry on the top though.

yeeeeeah I’m mostly hoping Apex stuff drops soon enough to use the discount on. Other than that not sure what I’d go far, but it HAS been a while since my first ones, so probably about time for more hahaha

As it turns out… yes there will be discounts… yes the titan backer price sheet will be updated… however…

This process has been grueling, as you might imagine. As it stands now we are just waiting… everything on the chip and ROM mask and factory key loading has been done… but we are still just waiting to get samples for provisioning and testing. Even though the chip itself is done, Fidesmo does not have an actual product that uses it yet - no cards, no payment modules, etc. As such, they are still working from a test wafer of die chips made by NXP. Until Fidesmo has a real product in production which would require more full size wafers to be ordered and put into production, we cannot possibly afford to purchase a full wafer of customized P71 die chips, so we must wait. Once full wafers are ordered by Fidesmo, we should be able to source the relatively limited number of chips we require to make Apex products with from Fidesmo or from their manufacturer. There is no ETA for when this will occur however.


Still a great update, Thanks Amal :+1:


Hey bro,

hit me a 50% off code, planning to get 2 units of flexm1 gen2 :blush:

Thanks in advance bro! :grin:

Those coupons were only for titan backers back when it was crowdfunded… and I never used mine :frowning:

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same irrc :unicorn_crying:


Shush, you have given the game away. (That and all of the exclusions in tiny print of course)

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I was hoping for apex tbh

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