I know they are no longer currently being stocked : ( . But for those who have the xBT (or even this → Brady temperature sensor NFC labels potentially?) it would be an interesting idea to make specially designed jackets with a display in the wrist to check your temperature. Due to their installation there’s a general idea of where the jacket would need to be read with below armpit reading options available.
For now I await my Halo Reader from Amazon to deconstruct. And I’ll start looking into lithium ion batteries they put in heated coats! If anyone has done something similar to provide a HUD for their implants or has any advice/experience let me know!
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Some reading you may be interested in
I’m trying to code an application to extract the temperature measurement from Destron Fearing Lifechip with Bio-Thermo - sold by Dangerous Things as the xBT . I can tell at least part of it is in the 24 application bits in the 128-bit FDX-B telegram. I also have a strong hunch that the value is encoded in the 9 last bits, little-endian.
But I’m not sure for several reasons:
With all the readings I’ve taken with my PM3 , compared with readings from my Halo Scanner, many times the value in the 2…
I just purchased a SureSense Reader to compare it with my Halo Scanner . Both are affordable 134kHz FDX-B readers that support the temperature field in Destron Fearing Bio-Thermo chips - aka the in DangerousThings parlance. Just to be clear, there are other readers that read Bio-Thermo chips - including Destron Fearing’s own Global Pocket Reader Plus GPR+ scanner but these devices are insanely expensive - as in rip-off sort of expensive, considering what they do.
This is going to be a quick re…
This is monumentally helpful! Thank you! I have a lot of reading up to do for this project. Exciting!
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No problems, there is even more info here on the Forum around some temperature projects, @anon3825968 is pretty central to most of it.
It helps that he is a clever little fucker AND lives in Finland land of Snow and Saunas.
Once he sees your post, I’m sure he will be able to give you further help and direction.
It helps he also has an xBT installed
I’ve read the various topics on the xBT in this here forum, and I’ve watched a few videos on Youtube, but I have a few questions left:
On the few videos showing people getting an xBT implanted and then using it, it seems to me the people have the chip implanted in the wrong location. Like this lady : she clearly has the chip implanted at the front of her arm instead of on the inside, as recommended in @amal ’s not-so-unisex recommended placement chart photoshop job. Does this explain why the v…
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For what it’s worth, I Just taped a fdxB tag to the underside of my tricep, and I can read it easily through a sweatshirt with my flipper zero
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