Hi guys!
New member here. Looking for some advice on what chip to get once that juicy tax return comes in.
So basically my two requirements for the setup must be:
1.) at least 13.56 MHz NFC capable, to share contact info or a link to a phone
2.) Freakin GLOW (because I want it to, damnit, even if it’s childish)
Ideally if I’m going to be dropping any money I’d like to have the capability to expand as my understanding of this programming grows, which is why I’m thinking of getting the White bundle (added scanners and whatnot).
However-- I have an iphone, and I’m a mac person, sadly… depending on how this goes I might switch to android because I’m tired of Apple’s shit but still-- this would defeat the purpose of having the Spark 2 in the white bundle, right? Not even programmable…?
So that narrows it down to the xSIID or the NExT coupled with the xLED, basically. My eventual goal is to be able to unlock the doors at my university, which use some version of HID scanners and what I think are Prox cards, although frustratingly enough (as I’m a locksmith student aide for the school) I have not been able to determine what encryption they use or even the scanner frequency. Not trying to push too hard on that subject and cause scrutiny, as I have full campus access currently.
Lastly, my concern with the xSIID is that the colors I’d be able to afford-- blue and red-- will not be very bright. This kind of defeats the purpose for me as I could just sacrifice storage and get the NExT and xLED for cheaper, but retail space needs to be considered. Does anyone have pics of how bright their blue or red xSIID chips are? I was thinking in between my middle and ring finger or ring and pinkie to save space in the typical thumb-index finger region in case I expand. Also think the skin might be thinner there or something so it could be easier seen, and anatomical positioning of the hand for phone-tapping might be easier, but I’m nervous about hitting those big ol’ veins I see in the medical diagrams I looked at.
This is a whale of a post so any help or guidance is much appreciated.
Thank you!