20mm Repeater Stickers now available!

will there be a lf version released as some point in the future?
is this a limited run item or will this be available for some time?


Hey @amal, I hate to be that guy, but did you had a chance to look into the shipping options? I do not mind to contribute(and I do) but 118 bucks for shipping from The States to where I live is a lil bit too much :slight_smile: Thanks


Yep, shipping has been updated so if you only order stickers, they will now be sent in a cheap untracked envelope.


worked like a charm, thanks a lot, order placed


I think you left out a couple of words :frowning:

Seriously though, thank you! These are awesome. Shout of to @Hamspiced who designed them who inspired them. Canā€™t wait for the follow up versions.

looks like these are similar to, but distinct from the V2.1 small that Hamspiced makes and sells.


I did not design these ones. I couldnā€™t claim credit for that. I just showed that the project is large enough to gain interest of the community to help out other fellow cyborgs. My repeaters are a slightly different design but concept is the same.


Thanks ā€“ edited my post to clarify


I cant speak to @amal and what he may be cooking up, However i looked into this when i was designing the V2 repeaters. I could possibly create something in multiple layers but it was something i didnt focus on because it seemed like the work involved to create this wouldnt have been worth it. I may revisit this but it doesnt seem probable for me to look into at this time.


Will these effect the battery life on a mobile device?

i have had one variation or another of these on my phone for almost a year now, and i havent noticed any difference in battery drain.


Not in a way that could be measured. The NFC polling pulses are already so infrequent to save battery life, and thereā€™s no chip in the stickers that would consume power. There are miniscule losses as heat. But you wonā€™t be able to detect them, even with sensitive instruments.


To further that, I did do a test on an acr122u reader with ADB without a sticker. A power measuring device was put inline with the reader on the USB power lines and there was no difference between with and without the sticker.


Has anyone had any luck with an iPhone? I specifically have the 14 pro max and canā€™t seem to find a good spot where the sticker works. It either kills the signal or makes no difference. Iā€™d love to be able to show people without taking off my case.

I havenā€™t had any read issues with my implant while using an iPhone, even without these stickers (and with a case on the phone). The NFC antenna is along the top edge, where the IR diode would be if you held it like a remote control. I get reads easily every time.


It would definately be worth giving these stickers a try.
For the cost, the ā€œriskā€ vs reward is worth it.

As mentioned, the NFC antenna is at the top edge of the iPhone and you could test before sticking them down.
Let us know how it goes.


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Thank you. Iā€™m trying. I have them in my hand as we speak. Iā€™m just not having any luck unfortunately. Iā€™ve my implants in for years now. Iā€™ve never had luck showing people, unless they take off their case and even then it sometimes doesnā€™t work. I got it for my Linktree. Itā€™s easier just to give them a card. Itā€™s not too deep, I can see/feel it through my skin. I have high hopes for these stickers :joy:

I wish I had a similar experience. Iā€™ve never had it work without removing my case, or the case of whoever Iā€™m trying to show. Itā€™s been about two years +/-. I can see/feel it under the skin, so itā€™s not too deep. I might just try to replace the chip. But that doesnā€™t sound funā€¦

I wouldnā€™t call it FUN by any means, unless youā€™re into that sort of thing. :emoji_imp:
But its also not a big deal.

If you do look to replace (better yet, just put a new implant somewhere else)
If your main goal is info/business card sharing, I would personally reccomend the FlexNT

The performace and read range for the FlexNT implant ā€œis made for contact sharing.ā€

No bells, no whistles (no blinkies, no high tech P71 chip) It just does what it says on the tin, and does it very well


Thatā€™s great info. Thank you! The only reason I didnā€™t go with that was it looks like a much more complicated procedure. Iā€™ll do some digging (no pun intended). Thanks again for the info


Maybe this has already been asked, but has anyone test the repeater stickers with the ikea style cabinet locks?

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