Thanks @Coma. Think I’ll have my mom do it. So far I’ve had 4/7 people cancel on coming to my birthday party tonight, so at least I can look forward to getting some augments tomorrow. Stay beautiful, y’all. I hope you have great Sunday.
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Aravae.
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday!!!
Thank you everyone were gonna do the implants in about 3 hours, I’ll let you know how it goes!
Haha nice coincidence, I just got back from my installation So here is a little encouragement if you need it First implant story + photos
Good luck, wishing a smooth and painless install!
How’d it go?
Left hand NExT, right hand Spark 2. We did the right hand first, and OW as it slid along under the skin. NExT was far less pain despite my expecting more.
Happy birthday, @Aravae!
What are you going to use your implants for? Apart from the cyborg factor, off course.
No immediate use cases besides computer and phone. Gonna look into home access and see what all’s available with the Spark right now.
This could have something to do with the adrenaline. It’s one hell of a drug. I’ve noticed the first one is the most painful for me.
I did my next myself. It hurt as the hole is made in the skin. after that there was no pain while I forced the needle further in to make a pocket.
Different pokes for different folks. I’m hypersensitive to stimuli, so what I felt was under the effects of 2.5+ hours of 4 coats of compounded lido/tetra/dmso numbing gel, 1000mg of acetaminophen an hour-ish prior, and a few days of arnica montana leading up. Still felt every millimeter. I get what you mean about the difference to an extent; the initial piercing through the dermis as opposed to the needle sliding along the fascia were distinctly different experiences.
“One of Us, One of Us” intensifies
Dang thats a lot of drugs and not neccisarily the fun kind. It wouldnt surprise me if your body flushed most of them if you were very nervous
Might have been a good idea to have a spliff to relax you beforehand haha.
I just made sure to have food in my stomach before I did it in case I passed out. I think the time from opening the door and getting the package to scanning the chip in my hand was about 30-40mins, but hot damn was my heart rate going, and my skin temp dropped a few degrees I’d say.
I can’t stand the smell of weed, and alcohol and thc have reduced effect on me. I did the best I can lmao
Gah, how did I miss that!?..blah blah blah, Birthday wishes excuses excuses, not so subtle hint/reminder received