Excited to get a new implant!

I got my first implant back in May of 2010! It was a pet tracking RFID chip that I bought on AliExpress and had to convince a piecer at Hell City Tattoo Festival to implant since I couldn’t find anyone locally to do it. Miraculously everything turned out alright! I’ve never had a moment’s trouble with the implantation.

Here what it looked like the day after being implanted:

And here’s what it looks like a decade later:

The chip, though, is so flaky that it’s pretty much useless. Since I can’t rely on it I don’t want to set anything up to use it as access control because that would be more frustrating than just using a key.

Now that I’ve found Dangerous Things, though, oh-ho Boy! I just ordered a “Lifestyle Bundle” and an extra xG3 so I could get one diametric and one axial. And now there’s a whole approved network of people who will implant them! Things have come a long way!


Awesome stuff, Welcome to the Forum.

Great bundle choice too by the way.

Are you going to remove the Pet Chip?
if so, here is a good guide that Amal put together

Let us know how the installs go and sing out if you have any questions.

Thanks for the welcome!

Nah, I’m going to leave it in for now. It’s not hurting anything and I’ve still got plenty of space.

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It has arrived!

I’m reaching out to installers now too! Very exciting!


A couple of resources for you, incase you weren’t aware of them

Haha, I was actually excited for you, just seeing them all in that picture, knowing what comes next for you

Thanks! Those are helpful! It’ll be interesting to see how the wait is for an install given that COVID restrictions are lifting and people are getting back to their piercers and tattooers.

Where are you located? There may be people here on the forum that may have recommendations for you in your area

( I am assuming you have checked / aware of https://dangerousthings.com/partners/ and https://cyborg.ksecsolutions.com/partners/ )

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I’m in the SF Bay area. I found a couple of places in San Jose on the map that I’m reaching out to first but I’ll expand the search after that.

That’s far too many, please only do 2 installs and send me the rest.


:rofl: I am planning on breaking them up into to installations. xSIID, NExT, and one xG3 in the first trip and the VivoKey Spark and the other xG3 the second trip. I want to give the first batch some time to settle into their home before trying to place more.

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I have an appointment for Thursday next week!! I’m waffling between nerves and excitement! I’m going to take my wife and try to get her to video the installs.

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In my experience, more or less installs doesn’t change much… just potentially less time hurting and cheaper if you do them in one go


and once you start using them

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The two concerns that I have are 1) I want to get two implants at position L0 and I’m worried that doing them both at once might be a bad idea if they move around after. 2) I want to get an xG3 in the pads of my middle finger and thumb and I’m worried about them pulling on each other. This might sound dumb but it’s just kinda how my mind works, LOL! I think splitting them up would be easier mentally mostly.

crazy, well I am certainly jealous- the anticipation leading up to my first DT implant was tremendous.

I got my first for Christmas 2020 and now I’m up to 12, plus the titan when batch two arrives:)

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2 implants in same position is something I haven’t done , so that’s a fair consideration

Magnet in one finger and a chip in another,
Haven’t done that… but it took a while before my magnet would stick to anything… and x series are already just barely magnetic… that is guess is fine but your game plan :slight_smile:

I can totally feel the excitement and anticipation, this was the one year anniversary of the eve of my first install last year! :slight_smile: I totally felt the same way, I will experience it again soon when the Apex is released, hehehehehe!!! :wink:

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Happy penetration birthday



Well, less than 24 hours anyway. I just have to try to sleep and make it through work! I think I’m going to have them do the xG3 I the pad of my middle finger first since I expect that to be pretty painful. Then the other two in L0 and R0 should be nothing.

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That sounds like that will be more difficult than the installations themselves…

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