Flipper Zero - Kickstarter RFID/RF/BLE/USB/IR

I’m constantly torn, I like the stability and rfid stuff for flipper firmware, but I love all the apps on unleashed

I think You can install apps independently but I haven’t figured that out yet

Yeah buddy you can, It would take me a bit of time to write up a guide which I dont have to spare at the moment; Plus, easier to show on and put together on a PC, which I am away from right now ( and another few weeks )

However, I can try and point you in the right direction, then see how you get on, and if you get stuck, I (or somebody else) can try and get you back on track.

There are a couple of ways you can do this, I’ll start you on an “easy” way, but its not the most convenient, but also not a big deal.

Go to your Github of choice,
here is the one I linked to in the Flipper OTA thread ( I haven’t found a better Git, but also not needed to…there could be other good ones out there :man_shrugging: )

Find the “App” you want to add to the flipper
Example here is Minesweeper :golf:

Follow the link

I would preferred to have done this on my PC to confirm the process for you, so apologies if I miss something, but hopefully you should be able to work through it yourself if I fuck this up

After this, you have a bunch of different options / sequence of events you can follow, here’s one:

Download ZIP

Extract the content

Now again, either unmount your SD card from Flipper, OR use qFlipper

I like / prefer to use qFlipper, except when transferring many flies eg. IR library

Either way

Put your extracted Minesweeper folder / files, into your game folder, just follow the file structure that should already be inplace.

That SHOULD be it!!!
Disconnect qFlipper ( or use the on screen control ) or put your SD card back into your flipper, (you may need a reboot?)

Then you should be up and running
Bob’s your uncle, Flipper’s your aunt :flipper:

Now your’e playing minesweeper

Any other sort of apps are basically done the same way, if they are different, just follow the file structure already in place, and that should be good for :man_shrugging: 90% of what you want to do

Help it helps,
Sing out if you need a further hand

Good luck


Got my flipper today. Can’t wait to play around with it! :grin:I Need to find my old RPi to get SD card and update it to get up to speed.


I think when you install Unleashed all the stock apps are still there, but not 100% sure. I haven’t noticed anything missing on my F0 at least.

I reinstalled stock, with the new magic mifare support,
And it removed all the unleashed apps that I enjoy

Controversial opinion, I hate the graphics on unleashed

I like anime, but it kinda looks trashy on the flipper

The flipper app added an “apps” section



But wait, Theres more


Dun dun dunnnnnnn

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Just thought I would throw together and add on to my previous post

I am STILL loving this little tool / toy

I went away for a week and of course I had my flipper with me.

2 of the places I stayed at had 2 different LF Access systems

I didn’t take photos of the fob. Typical Black KeyFob

The first was an unbranded EM41XX reader

Written to my NExT

I didn’t take photos of the fob. Typical Black KeyFob

Branded Paradox

Written to my NExT

Nothing really useful, but still thought it was worth the share.

Another win for Implants :next:
Another win for Flipper :flipperzero_white:


Here’s some updated info on that “nfc field only” feature I requested a while back… but more importantly an explaination of why debug mode can be dangerous

“ As @djsime1 said, this has already been implemented.

However, leaving the field on for a long time (more than 20 minutes) actually can damage your device, as the ST25R3916 NFC chip is located directly under the battery, and leaving it on causes it to heat up quite substantially, which unevenly heats up the battery, which is bad for its health and longevity.”

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Hi everyone! Just wondering if the flipper is capable of writing onto an NeXT implant, not the NFC part the RFID part.

Thank you!

Certainly is, and VERY easily

From read to written in about 5-7 seconds


Mine arrived today. Massive shout out to lab401. Amazingly quick considering the time of year.


I am excited for you. :flipperzero_white:

If you get stuck, just shout out.

There are a good number of flipper owners on here that can probably help you out


Just a “recent” article link (WIRED)

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There is a "new"ish firmware called Xtreme -
Its the one with the NSFW content, I saw that when it was first released, but i’m not a 14 Year old boy, so I ignored it.
If you are into 8bit porn, then have at it, no judgement here.

Today I looked further into it
This is the comment that interested me

  • The focus of this firmware is functionality & stability: If an App doesnt work, its gone

SFW option

This firmware contains NSFW animations and uses these in stock (NSFW) mode.
The animations are tied to the level system. Each level you reach, unlocks a new animation. The higher your level, the more lewd it will become. Rumors have it, I’m to be found in at least one of those too
| — | — |
|1-10|Try harder. Just sexy clothes|
|11-20|Some tits, maybe an ass|
|21-30|Fully NSFW, graphic scenes|
If you dont like that, we added an SFW mode to the Firmware. From the main menu, hit Arrow UP and select SFW mode and now all assets will be stock.

Here it is, if you want to check it out.

It should be called “Claws out”

The author of Xtreme clearly does not like the Roguemaster author.

Note: This repo is always updated with OFW & Unleashed. No need to mention all those here. We will only mention our changes that we can actually be credited for, unlike others

Fixing bugs that are regularly talked about, removing unstable / broken applications (.FAP) and actually using the level system that just sits abandoned everywhere else.

Clean upgraded code: RM wrote some updates to certain files. These are… painful, to say the least. Here its all built with perfection in mind and integrated in a mostly clean way. I invite you all to compare the code

Xtreme sounds like a cleanded up error free Firmware.

NOTE: If you are coming from a different FW, it is recommended to delete / clear your “apps” folder on the SD card prior to updating. This folder houses all the .fap files, which do not update to the correct API versions by default if old ones are present (Thanks flipper devs). This does NOT remove any of your saved files!


I had a play with the Firmware, its pretty clean, and i found no faults.
I had no issues with RogueMaster.

Pretty ambivalent with all of the Main firmwares, as long as it works, I dont care.

I also saw today that Roguemaster now has Patreon level options

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this is genuinely upsetting as someone who has contributed a shitload of code and resources to many firmwares. open source means open source. unfortunately this has put me and some others in a mood and i’m currently scouring for my code in these other repos for attribution


I am aware of your contributions to the Flipper Community ( Thanks by the way ), and did wonder when I saw that if you contributed (directly ) to Rogue.
I also wonder if the other contributers got free access, leaving patreon level only for users.

When I see some making money off the backs of others free labour, I am immediatly disapointed, and hope there is not a knock-on effect.
Something like :thought_balloon: " Roguemaster is getting paid, in part from my contributions, I should go out on my own, start my own firmware and do the same, OR, stop contributing and keep my efforts to myself, or my group "

Without expanding on this too much, I see it as very detremental to the whole ethos of Open Source.
I know it is not as financially beneficial, but I much prefer the “free as in beer” “donations accepted” “paypal” ( BUT FUCK PAYPAL ) , Crypto address’, I feel this doesn’t exclude people that can’t afford to contribute, and hope people that than can afford, do donate.

When a person(s) gets to a point of thinking they should be financially rewarded for their efforts, due to their contributions, and time invested, I think that is the time they move on from open source, and put that time and effort into the commercial sector.

I have no problem with people getting paid for their work, but choose your platform on which to do that, dont sully the purpose of Open Source.

Look at our community for example, swap the Flipper for implants, and between the 2 communities ( Discourse and Discord ) there are many people who give up their time to freely contribute and help with many things that indirectly benefit Dangerous Things / VK , and if all those people felt that they had the right to a slice of the pie and with their hands out, and if they didn’t get it they would take their knowledge elsewhere or simply stop contributing, the knowledge is immediately diluted, Amal would need to spend more time answering innane and quickly researched question, and the end result is Amal would likely run out of time and stop making cool shit for us.

Back to Roguemaster
I guess, if i was looking for some sort of positive spin on it, I can think of 2 things

  • At least Patreon is a voluntary contribution
  • There are other firmwares

A quick thank you to those volunteers who freely give up your time, to help your chosen communities to thrive, and specifically to those here in the Dangerous Things Discouse, Dangerous Discord, RFID Hacking Discord, Flipper Devices Discourse and Discord.

Keep it open source


Roguemaster kind of seems like a douchebag.

On a side note, why would I want to see dolphin titties?

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That’s hot :fire: :sob: