Flipper Zero - Kickstarter RFID/RF/BLE/USB/IR

I realized that you meant the BLE spam, which is also doable with Android phones by the way. Way more discreet.
Apparently it supports iOS, Android, Windows… And some adult toys.

Yeah, I honestly hate this sort of people as well. Does it actually get people to stop from keeping yelling during calls at their phones?
Seems great!

Yes, the two women szopped, because they used their front cams to make videocalls, they have BT Headphones - they speaked / screamed so loud, that i heard evetything (i habe ANC headphone from Bose)
Short time after starting it, it was quiert.

For the kids, they played loud music / games. They were 4 - two of them got the popups. It was fun to see, that they get a bit annoyed, and the loud sounds stopped.

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Or, to be even more discreet, you can leave your Flipper in your pocket or bag and just use the remote control function on your phone using the Flipper App.


The flipper app stopped working, after i installed the custom firmware.

I just installed the latest update to Xtreme yesterday, and thats where I took that screen shot from.

What Firmware and version are you running?


Your post yesterday inspired me to update to Xtreme Dec 8 version yesterday and it has been working.

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From the 22 november.
Does the new one also have the complete BLE Spam.

Latest XTREME is from the 9th December

I haven’t checked to see what the COMPLETE list is, but there are 10 attacks including the kitchen sink


I have time on sunday to make an update, thx

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There’s a new Firmware worth checking out.

I don’t have the details, but I believe the dude split from the xTreme team and developed this


Momentum Website to check ot out

Heres your GIT link if you want to follow that path


The more of this type of thing I see happening the more curious I am to discover whether the M1 will be able to compete with the thriving F0 community or instead be DOA…


I think for the f0 community this would be doa. Anyone who got in ealry would probably have invested in dev boards. But the only demographic i can see is maybe the higher end companies who want to incorporate this tool with a more professional look. The fake videos have pretty much killed it with the no knowledge wannabe hackers.

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I agree, unless one of the prime movers in the f0 community sees a feature in the M1 that the f0 doesn’t have and decides to develop something for it. Loyalty to a platform will exist until the possibility to achieve something radically different arises. Currently I don’t fancy the M1’s chances but… :crossed_fingers:


Given how much of a knockoff it seems this is, i am only going to assume any F0 apps are going to be able to be used on the M1. i wouldnt be suprised if it uses the same firmware or “can” use the same firmware with general tweaks to the UI.


You know… After thinking this through and seeing the shift of momentum being developed, i am kind of curious if the offshoot of momentum and one of F0’s main devs starting his own project was in preparation for M1…

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I just found this small series on Yt and I think it’s amazingly well made. Worth a shout-out:

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What the status of the Canada ban?
Would they size it up on entry? Even for travelers carrying one?

Its not banned yet. There going to try and go about it a different way making it possible for people with a case use to have one. Possibly require a license. But currently not illegal

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