Just got my flexMN and want to write my business card using the HF, NTAG216.
Any tips on how to format it to the proper type using a smartphone or the ACR?
Just got my flexMN and want to write my business card using the HF, NTAG216.
Any tips on how to format it to the proper type using a smartphone or the ACR?
Someone may correct me if I’m wrong but from my understanding you need a Proxmark to change it from ntag213 to 216. But 213 may be just as capable of what you’re looking for so I’ll send this in advanced
NFC Contacts, Profile Sharing, and Popl
Popl a handy contact sharing mechanism
Which one did you get? The large one or the slim one?
Finally some real-life usability reporting
Likewise here, but I wonder if NFC shell has any commands?
Also Rosco would be one of my top picks for ACR support commands…PLUS he wants some real-life usability reporting
The large one!
I look forward to reading anything you have to say about it!
Let’s not be so sure
Actually I haven’t the first clue how to configure the magic NTAG. Amal or Iceman would be the ones I’d ask. Probably Amal: Iceman replies… sometimes.
So unfortunately, through the testing that I’ve done, it doesn’t seem like you can write to the magic NTAG from your phone. Not sure if it’s something with the way that Android handles NFC transactions, but no matter what I’ve done, I’ve not been able to get my phone to write any amount of data to my discMN, no matter how large or small. The good news is that once you get it written to it, you can absolutely read the data on the chip with your phone, and (contrary to what I thought previously), it reads in just as fast as any other NTAG.
The Proxmark3 has a script that’s included in the iceman repo that will take care of reconfiguring the magic NTAG very easily, but you have to have a proxmark for that. This thread does have me wondering if it would be possible to send the same APDUs through the ACR. Actually, let me rephrase. Obviously, you’d be able to send the APDUs through the ACR, but I’m curious if the issue that is present for phone writing is also present on the ACR. I’ll try and write something up to see if I can get it to write from the ACR sometime soon, we’ll see if that works.
Sounds like some testing on one or a couple of these might be needed first
That would be a good investment, and the smart choice luckily I’ve been able to recover from near problem I’ve run into so far, so I’m not too worried yet. Though I guess “it’s not a problem til it is” isn’t the best mindset to take with this expensive device in going to be putting in myself
I assume you mean after the chip is configured as a NTAG216, correct?
Meaning it’s not a transparent emulation: it does something differently enough to weird out a cellphone NFC app - or Android itself.
Both as NTAG213 and NTAG216, but yes. That led me to the same conclusion as well, but it does have me hopeful that the ACR will work.
I think you’re right: time to get me a test card and start testing.
Definitely keep updated on it. Since we have near identical use case here
The flexMN sent out in the first two rounds are not default configured with anything you should consider stable or standard.
You absolutely need a proxmark3 to set it up right. Once it is, yes you can easily program it with a smartphone.
Maybe I’m missing something then @amal. Because I used my proxmark3 to specifically set it up as an NTAG216 (just like you did in the video you uploaded to the youtube (using the “hf_mfu_magicwrite -t 7” script, and by and large, it seems like it is being recognized as an NTAG216, but no matter what I use (NFCTools, TagWriter), I always get a write failed. I’ve written to it fine from the proxmark (I’m working on a custom script to upload NDEF data to the tag), but it fails every time from my phone.
Hmm what phone model have you tried with which version of Android?
What’s the error say?
How does taginfo fare?
Pixel 3, latest update of Android (Android 11)
NFC Tools: “Write Error”
Tag Writer: “Store Failed”
TagInfo recognizes it as a NTAG216, with all the correct info (NDEF max size 888 bytes, NDEF access: Read and Write). Only thing missing is the signature, which the script didn’t generate.
Interesting ok I’ll run some tests but can you do an hf 14a sniff while trying to write?
Yep, I’ll do it when my power comes back online (snow storm in Texas - who woulda guessed)