I’ve read that the titan was best for sensing EMF, but a bit less good for static fields, is that true ? Also, how would implanting it in a finger go, for a rock climber ? I’d like to get one around my middle finger’s metacarp, but I don’t want it to hurt when I put pressure on my fingers when climbing.
Alternatively, how sensitive is the hand’s blade, compared to that place ?
Heya there, I’m planning to get a xG3v1, but I have average/small sized hands, and the implant is pretty big. Where would you suggest putting it ? I’m thinking back of my hand, that way it won’t mess with stuff near my fingers, but I don’t know how sensitivity I’d get back there.
So if installing a Magnet in your Finger is not an option right now that could work, people have installed Xg3s and Titans there.
I dont think we have anyone who has both of them installed in -p0 so we have no comparisons between them .
If anyone wants to give me a Titan and a Xg3 V1 i can implant each in -p0 of one hand and compare them
Since you do rock climbing i would suggest the Titan since its indestructible and smaller so i think there will be no to minimal issues with climbing (in position -p0)
Xg3 will probably also be fine but whatever happens you wont be able to destroy the titan^
And if you are not satisfied you can always get a second one in a new position
Oh, I missed the minus, alright ! So, palm > blade ? Seems pretty good, plus it sounds like it wouldn’t be really subject to crushing forces there, since it’s in a pretty meaty place, right ?
As someone who had a Titan installed in the blade of the hand, I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s a very muted sensation that you have to be concentrating to notice (and if you have hairy hands, be aware that you’ll probably need to shave the area near it to avoid distractions).
I went with that position because climbing rules out fingertips (imo) and paddling crosses off p0-.
I have a titan in my right ring fingertip and have tried rock climbing once when an indoor place near me had a free day and I had no issues but then again I wasn’t doing anything advanced.
I’ll be taking a rock climbing course this next semester so we’ll see how that goes…
I can only speak for myself, but I noticed when kayaking the paddle tends to roll across that position. After some hours I feel it would be quite unpleasant. Maybe not so much with paddling gloves?