Purewrist prepaid payment card in USA

Haha, That was a little touch of my motivation for getting mine.

Boring story follows

The last time I was in Fiji :fiji: I went for a run, :running_man: I had planned on an 8km run, and I did a Forrest Gumpā€¦ā€œI just kept runninā€™ā€, I ended up running just under 25km (more than a half Marathon), If you werenā€™t aware, Fiji is HOT and HUMID and not even half way I was parched to say the least, I regretted not having any money with me just to buy a simple drink of water :potable_water: , This was not the first time I had done something similarā€¦How I wished I had the ability to summon the power to pay with my paws :paw_prints:

Now I do, :raised_hand::credit_card: never to be thirsty and stranded on a Tropical Island :desert_island: again.


when I saw that it wasnā€™t working right I put my pure wrist order on hold,

Iā€™ll reassess after more testing I guess

@Satur9 I guess I should have listened when you said to wait

@amal I wonder if it has to do with pure wrist ā€œrequiringā€ a pin, and the readers are possibly setup to not require a pin for contactless

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Gee, that must have sucked. In Australia, pretty much everywhere which takes cards has contactless, in fact at markets and such people are using Square to let small stalls take cards - and that is contactless only for the base model.

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Yeah we are quite lucky here in NZ :new_zealand: and Oz :australia: , Eftpos is the major player in payment terminals.
In NZ about 80% of terminals are contactless, the remaining are Chip and Pin, with just the occasional Mag swipe :credit_card:

I havenā€™t had to put my card in a machine for at least a year. Itā€™s pretty fantastic.
And especially during covid it has made contact with high traffic items like an Eftpos Machine alot safer.

@Satur9 make sure you and Amal post updates, Iā€™ll resume mine when itā€™s figured out whatā€™s up

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Nah m8, weā€™re just gonna leave you hangin :wink:


Thatā€™s cool too I guess

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Lol I mean Iā€™ll definitely be posting updates. Iā€™ll be doing testing on a variety of readers, taking pictures and documenting here for everybody. Itā€™s like my thing.

I got you, fam.


@Eriequiet hereā€™s one!

I made a payment with the converted purewrist today.

Hereā€™s evidence:

All the readers Amal and I have tried so far have the coil situated behind an LCD display, which makes finding the ideal spot for coupling to non-standard antenna shapes difficult. After some vigorous rubbing, and some questions from the attendant, I discovered that the ideal technique is to hold the implant in line with the top edge of the screen (using the edge as a bounding box) and slowly slide the implant across the centerline. Direction of the chip and side of the implant donā€™t seem to matter much. I held it right against the screen, but different readers might have different antennas that require some distance, and others might not like you touching the touchscreen while attempting to read.

Iā€™m going to get it installed in position L3 on Sunday afternoon. Iā€™ll let you know how it goes :smile:


Out of curiosity, is Purewrist aware that this is happening to their hardware? Could they freak out and cancel the account?


Could ask the same about vimpay to :slight_smile:

To answer your question about if they are aware to what is happening with their hardware. Yes, Purewrist is very aware of what is happening to their hardware. I was having problems upgrading my card so that I can put more money on itā€¦so I called them and explained my problem, he asked me what I was planning on using my Purewrist for so I told him. No they didnā€™t freak out. They thought it was very cool/interesting. I talked with them for quite some time about what I was planning on doing. I plan on sending it to @amal for conversion.


Iā€™ve told them as well. Amal also has a call scheduled with one of the co-founders soon. As long as youā€™re paying their fees, they donā€™t seem to mind.



I asked because you never know how people / companies react. I had a machining shop subcontractor call me once to tell me they were cancelling all our orders right here and now, because they found out the parts we asked them to machine were gun parts. Really surprised by their reaction, but there ya go: they said they didnā€™t want their company connected to guns in any way for some reason.

I was afraid Purewrist might say they want nothing to do with implants. Seeing as though EMV isnā€™t hot to be associated with that particular activity, I thought Purewrist might have the same knee-jerk reaction.


Gonna get around to activating mine and sending it off I think. They sent me a second email, saying they sent me a second one. I was waiting until I got it, but seeing as Amal didnā€™t have too tough a time with yours, I will just send the one.


Have you tried any places that donā€™t traditionally use a pin? Like a drive thru or ?

For instance my vending machines at work have no pin padā€¦

Working on it :wink: Iā€™m trying to get the thing installed first so the observations are more valuable. Thatā€™s tomorrow afternoon. Donā€™t worry, Iā€™ll take pictures and document every reader I try it on and report back. Thatā€™s just how I roll.



Whatā€™s your spending limit when doing contactless?