Should I get the NExT Implant at 15?

Hey everyone,

I’ve been considering getting the NExT implant for over two years now, and I really want it. This isn’t a spur-of-the-moment decision—I’ve done a lot of research, and I love the idea of having a built-in way to interact with tech.

That said, I’m still working on finding solid use cases to justify getting one. I know it can be used for access control, digital business cards, and more, but I want to be sure I’d actually get enough long-term use out of it. I’ve been thinking about integrating it into a project with the xAC Access Controller (maybe for a secure lock system) or developing a custom app that makes full use of the NFC capabilities.

If I do decide to get it, there’s also the issue of finding someone in the UK who’s comfortable installing it.

I haven’t asked my dad about it yet, but before I do, I wanted to get some advice from the community:

  • Do you think 15 is too young for an implant like this?
  • If you have one, how often do you actually use it in daily life?
  • Any tips on presenting the idea to my dad in a way that highlights the benefits?

I’d really appreciate any thoughts or advice from people who’ve been through this. Thanks!

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I will not speak on the “should you” aspect, as it is not my place. Ultimately that is an opinion that you and your guardian(s) can form and discuss jointly.

To cover your 2nd and 3rd pointed questions:

-Before I had my xMagic implant, the LF side was used multiple times a day during the work-week. Now that I have my xMagic which has the LF programmed the same as my NExT, it is used maybe once a day during the same work week. This is due to which implant is easier to use at which door reader I’m at. The HF side gets used maybe once a week.

-For presenting the idea to your guardian(s), you may want to try to emulate having similar capabilities and technology in a less invasive manner. For example, an NTAG 2xx card and a T55xx card. I would also suggest seeing if having these on hand do provide you with any benefit. Start your projects with these. If these do provide you with any notable utility or entertainment, this could be presented as a good argument. If they do not, well…

Again: I will not speak to whether you should or should not. Just as I would not suggest a nose piercing is a good or bad idea, as I think its fair to be placed in the same category. Not my place. I will suggest however, that whatever you decide, you start with something that is not under your skin semi-permanently. A pair of cards or a ring.

You may find they serve you no use. You may find those particular types of RFID modules are not quite what you are looking for.

I hope this helps, and I hope I am not overstepping by anyone’s standards.



Thanks so much for the quick and in-depth reply!

I’ve already experimented with RFID modules like the RC522, and I recently picked up a PN532 module to explore its capabilities further. While I’m definitely not a pro, I have some hands-on experience with RFID devices and projects, and I’ve always been fascinated by the possibilities of a NExT implant. That said, I completely understand your point about starting with non-permanent options first, and I’ll definitely take that into consideration.

The reason I asked about real-world use cases is that I’ve actually brought this up with my dad before, but he wasn’t too keen on the idea at the time. He told me to think through practical uses, take my time, and if I was still interested after a while, we could revisit the discussion. So, I’ve been brainstorming some weird and wacky projects that would make good use of an implant—hopefully as a way to demonstrate my interest in a practical way.

For now, I think I’ll follow your advice and start with non-invasive alternatives to see how much I truly get out of them. I’ve always found the Magic Ring interesting, so that might be a great next step before committing to an implant.

Again, I really appreciate your insights—your response was incredibly helpful!


I use my NExT every day for multiple purposes.

  1. LF side has my work badge cloned, so it opens the doors at the office for me with a wave of the hand. (Obligatory note: Some companies frown on this practice. I got permission from my boss and the engineering department before using my implants in any way at work.)
  2. I use the UID of the HF side as part of my domain password, so I type a couple of characters and then scan my hand on the USB Reader to complete my password. This has saved me SO MUCH TIME in the typing of complex passwords at work. When my password expires, I just change the two prefix characters that I type before I scan.
  3. I have my LinkTree saved to the HF side, so when I want to share my contact information, I can have a person scan my hand (assuming they have a phone that has adequate NFC power).

I also have an xG3 on the top of my hand for holding small screws and such which has really come in handy as I frequently work on systems that have tiny components that I don’t want to roll away while I’m doing my work. I also have an xSIID in the other hand for funsies, but it also is useful for passwords and storing data. I have a second xSIID still in its syringe waiting to go into the top of my hand as well! I hope to have that one implanted this weekend. I might put emergency contact information on it as well as have yet another UID to play with for passwords and such.

I haven’t yet built anything with the Access Controller, but I may at some point make a door lock for use with the LF side of my NExT.

Honestly, it’s really been a positive impact on my life in both practical and emotional ways.

I would suggest having that heart to heart with your dad or even have him come to the forum himself to ask questions if he has doubts or fears.

As @Not said, it’s not a matter of “should”, but of consent, which your dad will play a part in.

Good luck!


My two daughters got them. They were around 14 or 15 when they installed them. They use them everyday and are happy with them. They had no issues. Both implanted in P0 on the left hand.


Hey, @XC-108,

Thanks for such a detailed and insightful reply! Those are some really cool use cases, and it’s awesome to hear how much your implants have positively impacted your daily life—especially the password integration and work badge cloning (with permission, of course!). The LinkTree idea is great; I hope I get my NExT implant so I can link it to my own website, which I’ve been developing for a while, and show it off!

One of the biggest reasons the NExT appeals to me is that if you ever decide you don’t want to use it anymore, you can simply forget it’s there—you don’t feel it, see it, or even notice it unless you’re actively interacting with it. That kind of low-profile versatility is really important to me. I don’t think I could ever personally go for an xG3, though. While magnet implants are undeniably useful (and cool), I feel like they’re much more intrusive in day-to-day life since you’re constantly aware of them.

I’m still deciding between a NExT and an xMagic, but hearing about your experiences is definitely inspiring! Thanks again for your thoughtful response, and best of luck with your new xSIID implant this weekend! Hope the procedure goes smoothly!


If you do decide to get an implant, but are stuck between the NExT and xMagic, reach out and we’ll help you figure out what is right for you, even deciding between gen2 and gen1a on the xMagic, if that’s the route you go.


That’s another thing I’ve been trying to work out, whether I should get the implant in my right or left hand. It seems pretty split from the X-RAY posts on here and I haven’t seen a dominating hand choice for implants (ignoring those who have multiple), so I guess I’ll just have to decide for myself…


won’t happen. we are heavily underpopulated in terms of professionals who will agree to do it anyway given the strife with body modding in the uk and even with parental permission they don’t undertake minors.

i am a hobbiest professional (21 on myself 45+ on others) and am in manchester, if you are able to bring a parent who can consent and sign the liability release waiver i will do it if you’d like.

don’t get an implant for the sake of having one if you can’t come up with reasonable use cases

also fwiw get the xmagic. everything the NExT is used for the xmagic can do + a whole lot more.


@not Thank you so much! I definitely need to spend more time thinking about my potential use cases and what would suit me best. Financially, the NExT seems like the better option, but the xMagic has a lot more features and overall seems like a better investment in terms of value for money.

That said, I need to figure out if getting an implant is truly worth it for me—whether I’d actually use it on a day-to-day basis or if it would just end up being a novelty. Plus, it’s a big expense to consider. (If only the xMagic was $150 so I could get the $35.87 shipping discount!)

I really appreciate the offer to help with the decision, and I might take you up on that when I’ve thought things through a bit more. Thanks again!


Yeah, it definitely seems like most of the implant scene is happening in places like the U.S., while here in the UK, people are still pretty hesitant about the idea. I’ve mentioned the NExT/xMagic to a few people, and they all called me mad! So I can imagine there aren’t many professionals willing to do it. There’s nobody listed in my area on the Pro Installer Map, and I definitely wouldn’t trust the local piercers to handle it.

I really appreciate the offer, but I’m down in the Southeast, so getting up to Manchester isn’t really an option anytime soon…

As for the implant itself, I’ve been noticing that a lot more people go for the xMagic over the NExT, and it does seem like the better choice—especially with all the extra capabilities. The only downside is the price, so if I go for it, I’ll probably have to save up a bit longer. Also, the xMagic doesn’t seem to be able to share data with/trigger events on NFC enabled smartphones, which is a bit annoying.

Thanks again for the insight!

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yes it can, mifare classic is totally NDEF compatible

Shipping won’t be an issue, price will. If you go for either the NExT or xMagic, you’ll almost certainly want a pm3 easy in your order if only for the the T5577. An extra $80 or so, but so very worth it.

Also android or iphone? Android plays a little nicer with MIFARE

I have a NExT in both hands. It is really depends on your use case. I mainly use mine for access control. Unfortunately the building I work in has some readers in strange locations, where it is easier to use my other hand rather than twist myself up in knots to get a read.

I suggest non dominant hand if you can, as it has less chance of accidental bumping etc.

I also have the xMagic gen2 and would recommend it over the NExT if you are going the access control route. It is easily programmed on the HF side with a phone and can be changed on the go. My work uses LF, and I program the HF for motels etc when I am away.

NDEF on iOS gist

for if you’ve got an iphone (also explains mifare classic ndef)


Dangerous Things obviously can’t suggest taking any action as a minor without parental approval and supervision. That said;

  • 15 is not too young in terms of the human body.
  • I use at least one of my implants every single day.
  • Probably the best way to approach your dad would be to understand your dad’s perspective on all this. He will be concerned about safety more than you highlighting the benefits. He will be concerned about potential friction he could get from others (partner / SO, teachers, legal system, etc.).

My suggestion is;

The approach

  • First show the cool projects you’ve made that use the keyfob / card. Confirm he thinks the projects are cool.
  • Next say you want to ask him something and that you’d like to “give him a presentation” or something like that… just like school always tries to make you do… presentations and knowing how to give a good one is actually quite a useful skill in life.
    • Talk about how the technology works (passive inductive coupling, etc.)… maybe again demonstrate a project and how the fob works with the reader at only an inch or so etc.
    • Talk about how it’s the same technology that’s used in pet chips (dogs, cats, etc.)
    • Talk about how humans (like me) have been getting them implanted since early 2004 (VeriChip at first, then me in 2005)
    • Talk about how they are safe (show testing data, MRI data, map, etc.)
    • Mention how nobody needs to know if you have an RFID implant, unlike a tattoo or body piercing, which you aren’t interested in getting :wink: :wink:
    • Then the ask… basically lay it out that you are interested getting his permission to go (with him) to a professional to get an RFID implant just under the skin, which has been tested to be safe, which only works from about an inch away, and that nobody else will ever need to know you even have.
    • Say you’d like him to think about it and give him time to review the materials you printed out. Don’t push for a yes or no because you’ll get a “no”.

Good luck :slight_smile:


2nd generation Cyborgs


Reading your intro reminded me of this, It might have some stuff not mentioned below ( I 've only read @TSMC55 post so far )


38 posts were split to a new topic: The pros and cons of a Mifare Classic gen2

Your opinion is as valid as anybody elses…

My first thought would be, School projects.
If the opportunity arises, the implant in itself could be a project, or implement into a “thing” such as RFID modules like the RC522, and PN532 you mentioned as you overall project snd implant as “bonus points”.

Does your school use RFID in anyway that you are familiar with?

Thats a great first project

That decision will be easier once you know HOW you want to use it.

For you I would lean toward the NExT becuase of the NDEF Weblink idea,
other Projects incorporating “chinese” RFID type devices would lean toward xMagic.

This too will be easier to decide depending on which implant you choose and how you choose to use it

:heart: I was hoping he was going to offer, I can confirm he is probably your best option, There may be one or 2 (community members) in London that that we could ping if you can’t get to Manchester

If you can, it is a great offer …

This will be quite common for many people, especially multiple implanted people, MOST people get an implant for a reason, an one won’t do it all.

I too use AT LEAST one implant daily.