Backstory: I’m 16, from the uk, new but very interested in biohacking. I’m wanting to get the Xnt implant but I can’t find any piercers that are willing to do the implant (I’ve emailed like 10 places). The two parters that I can reach are unable to implant me (a. I’m a minor b. Bio-hacker enthusiast only does friends and family). Therefore I am wanting to get a mate (same-age) to help me with implanting the chip.
What are the laws regarding friends piercing/implanting without a license in the uk cos I dont want to get him in trouble because I’m too impatient to wait till 18.
Have you asked your parents/ guardian? in some countries, you can get pierced younger than stated with your parents/ guardians consent
Are you planning any holidays to any country soon where their minimum piercing age is 16?
I think you could do it yourself. It isn’t an incision like magnets or flex, just a injection. Not quite the same thing, but people do (deep) intramuscular and (precise) IV injections alone every day.
I have heard of people passing out so I would recommend someone watch. Make sure you get ALL the sterile materials not just some alcohol and gloves. Hardest part is taking care after the injection.
Like pilgrims… said, “How old do you have to be to read.” I would ask “how old do you have to be to follow directions”
Do some research and be honest with yourself when deciding if you can do it. 2 years isn’t too bad if just your age is a problem (insert buying scissors joke).
.1. yes, they dont mind but piercers dont actually want to do the implant due to it being grey area and im a minor so too much risk
.2. not going abroad anytime soon
4. 17
9/10/11 already read it
The ages are all over the place and I couldn’t find any clear laws online about non-licensed piercers
Haha, I wasn’t giving you homework and didn’t expect a response, but THANKS.
I was just trying to highlight the arbitrary legal ages for a number of activities.
For example in USA their legal drinking age is 21 but they can legally fight and die for their country at 17/18. WTF ???
18 to buy a firearm…
In the UK like you pointed out, you can get your ears pierced at 5; one could argue that a 5yo hasn’t given INFORMED consent, and you could also argue that a piercing carries twice the risk with 2 openings.
one thing the video link i suggested doesn’t cover, is the bevel of the needle; that is something you should add to your information .( I will insert a couple of links at the bottom of this.)
You sound like you are A LOT more sensible than I was at 16, and as long as you have all the CORRECT information and make an INFORMED decision, I wish you the best of luck
Instead of stating whether you can or should do it, maybe some info on what happens if you do it wrong.
The biggest risk is infection. This is different than a typical scrape or cut. You are going deep in the fascia. If the utmost care is not take and maintaining a sterile environment and injector as well as properly disinfecting the injection site, you could force bacteria deep into the injection site. At best you get an infection and have to get some antibiotics. At worst, it leads to sepsis which will land you in the hospital.
Do you understand the anatomy behind what you are doing? If not, you won’t understand the proper placement…or rather improper placement.
Do you have good insurance if something goes wrong or will your parents be paying the hospital bill. Oh you are in the UK, nevermind. I assume they cover self inflicted wounds… haha.
My vote is to wait for a professional. But you’re 16… you are going to do it anyway… lol. My 16 year old self would have…
Thanks, and no need to worry, didn’t do any research just stuff that I already knew. in the UK you can be a lot younger to do certain things but gaining possession of the item is harder due higher age limits such as you can own a firearms license at 14 allowing you to have possession of a certain category of weapon but cannot buy until 18, same for smoking, you can smoke in public at 16 but cant buy until 18. and cheers for the links
yeah, I understand the risk of infection and I know its not nice due to a previous incident. And yeah, thank god for NHS but I dont think they will fix bodymods properly, they pretty much prevent you from dying.
I’m only giving you this advice, because, at your age, I would have just done it and not thought of any consequences.
You sound like you are quite “switched on” as evidenced but coming to this forum
also @turbo2ltr raises some valid ( sensible ) points, but you sound very aware of these.
What is a friend???
Maybe take some time to make a friend of the enthusiast. ask questions, show a genuine interest etc…
I am now putting myself in their ( enthusiasts ) shoes, if you were to come to me and say " I’m 16, I’ve done all this research, I want to use it for… i’ve been looking at it for…time, I know the pros and cons / risks and rewards… I have my parents permission ( maybe evidenced ) I am going to do this regardless, could you help me do it correctly / safely, even if it is in a hands-off situation…" I would 100% help you out.
I am glad you have spoken to your parents about it, it says a lot about your character. I would hate it if my daughter felt she had to hide it from me.
FYI my daughter is 16 and she is hopefully getting hers next month
Hers will be done by a piercer, in NZ legal it is legal at 16; If it wasn’t I would give the EXACT same advice; in fact, as soon as I thought she was old enough to make the informed decision I would have given my permission and sought a solution ( like I have highlighted to you ). Chronological age has nothing to do with social / functional age
As I say, these are MY thoughts, feelings and opinions. and what I would do.
Some people may agree, some may disagree. ( I assume you would have heard the quote about “Opinions are like…”)
At the end of the day, I wish you luck, and hope whatever you do, you do it:-
cheers, I contacted the enthusiast about 1 year ago before I gave up searching for a piercer. Forgive me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure he said he doesn’t have his piercing license anymore therefore to prevent risk of legal trouble he only does friends and family that he trusts.
I started to write this, then was going to delete it. But Hey, at the end of the day,It’s your decision.
so read below and take from it what you will.
Of course you can’t force anybody to pierce you, but you can:-
Ask the question (like I have said above)
Provide a written indemnity
Provide proof of your parents permission
Make him a friend…
Ask him to read this thread; you sound conscientious throughout and will show him you have done your due diligence.
Ask him to watch as you / your mate as you / they do the implant.
Like I said, if it were me in his shoes, I would feel it was my duty to ensure you don’t come to any harm.
What’s the worse thing that could happen, He says No??
alright, cheers for the help, I’m going to ask a few more piercers and if not imma see what he says, and then as a last result I will self implant with a help of a mate
I’m 17 and live in the States. I did an xNT and xEM myself when I was 16 and 17 respectively by myself. I have wanted it since 6th grade and have been researching all the how-tos. There are benefits and downsides to doing it yourself or have a friend help you. If you do it yourself, it’s in some ways easier, don’t have to worry if they want to do it or not; but you also have to push the needle in by yourself and it’s kind of hard to do it when you’re essentially missing a hand for the whole procedure. However if you have a friend help you, it may be much easier. But, if something bad happens and the police find out, your mate may be on the hook for practicing medicine without a license (at least in the US - not sure about other countries).
If you do it yourself, do be aware that it does come with risks. Many others have mentioned it but I may as well say them again. Your biggest risk is infection, however if you do it right it is nearly a non issue. Key phrase: if you do it right. If you do choose so, a few points of advice. First, thoroughly read and understand both the Pro guides. Including all the anatomy and medical terminology. Second, watch both the Sparkfun chip implant video and this one Amal did at a conference. Both are very informative in my opinion.
cheers for the advice and heads up, as I said to @Pilgrimsmaster I’m going to look at a few more piercers and then talk to a biohacking enthusiast partner and if all fails ill will self implant
Okay just an update, I have realised that all the piercers that would accept the procedure would not let a minor go through with the implant therefore I’m going to assume that there is some form of law or regulation that does no allow licensed piercers do the implant.