The anti🚫-derailment🚃 & thread🧵 hijacking🔫 thread🧵 ⁉

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is the actual go/nogo line legitimately 1 inch? lol

Just seems like more evidence why it’s a better system if you ask me

(Also that’s for real the only mm conversion I know by memory, ONLY from the sheer number of times I’ve just googled it lol #stubborn )

It shows on those portraits!! ^^

I love some half-abstract, half-deconstructed, half-portrait, half-not-understanding-how-halves-work… artwork! :slight_smile:

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It looks much better now, background too. Thank you very much @vampire_blue for taking the time out editing this picture. :star_struck: :+1:


So I heard DT is making a v2 of the keyboard wedge! Does anyone know if it will have usb c this time? Just had to buy another mini USB cord because it broke on me. No biggie, but that would make it sooooo much better!


That reminds me of a T-Shirt I liked in Vietnam ( sold out of my size unfortunately )

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I do leatherwork as a hobby and picked up some (of those cheap aliexpress animal implants) to try embedding in various leather wearables like watch bands and wallets.

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I’d do the flat stickers if you can get it in there, I’ve good luck with those for range

I’m just interested in the glass for when I don’t have 1” of flat space with overlap

I’ll grab some of those at some point. Are they really only an inch? For some reason I thought the stickers were much bigger than that so I got the rice grains.

Yep, if not smaller depending on version

Also depends what frequency you want

I have some 125 to try to mess with but they are THICC lol

The 13.56 are fairly thin, I’ve snuck them into the middle of a 3D print without editing the file at all

Just stick it on like the 3rd layer and let it over extrude for 1 or 2 layers near the sticker

The 125 would require a hollow be made into the part

Appreciate the merge, I realized I was derailing and about to ask for it


All good. I am trying to be better at catching myself before leading too far down side trails. Maybe a thread to see if anyone is using tags for other things like that would be interesting.

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You can do a 4 color ( :us: spelling!) screen print to replicate the desired result, if you have the access to facilities.
Or you could do it on a white T in one colour (blue) if you have a printer at home. (inkjet will do) That would be cheap… about 20 bucks, maybe bit less.

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No need to spell things incorrectly on my behalf, We use actual English :uk: in New Zealand.

The print size is the issue, I tracked down and contacted the artist, I asked if they had any Tshirts “tucked away” or if they were going to do another run in the future. The answer was No, I even asked if I could get a full size image to make my own, understandably he said no. I started a photoshop upsize of it, but decided although I liked it and would have bought it in the shop, It wasn’t worth my time.
They recently started doing posters of it, also…

but MEH!

Thanks for the suggestion though! :+1:

Good idea,

I pulled the trigger on 20 glass ntags

So I can post some of the shenanigans I get into


Don’t google cyanotype on fabric then.
Anyways you need sunshine for that, so not ideal for rainy day project.

But poster art - me gusta :+1:
There is something “working class” in it.
Originally it was a method to label potato sacks, then it treacled up to fine art printmaking.
Then that guy came with his silly hair and made it pop.
And nowadays another guy with a better barber, but questionable manner calls himself the king of pop art.

…I have a feeling that vector graphics is part of your toolkit, by looking at your poster.

There was someone on this forum making NFC business cards afair.

That’s not hard to do even if you do them yourself.

NZ :new_zealand: = SummerTime :sun_with_face:

27°C Today

The poster was the OG artist