The antiđŸš«-derailment🚃 & threadđŸ§” hijackingđŸ”« threadđŸ§” ⁉

Your English is fine
 I was just being deliberately obtuse. “Fixed it” could have referred to Satur9 or your use of pronouns. :unicorn_good_luck:

Thats the only one I struggle with (pronouns wise) taught from a younge age that “it” is offensive so still dosnt feel right saying it but as with everything I’m sure we will all become a custom to it.

Same here in Germany
 we have er/sie/es, so equally to he/she/it, and calling someone “es” would be massively offensive. Similar to reducing someone to a “thing”, not even accepting that they’re human in a way. So
 sorry @Satur9 for calling you they/them quite frequently here, I will definitely try to swap to “it”, but feel free to correct me if I happen to use the wrong one again :wink:

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The thing is, in English the term “they” is equivalent to “it” in essence, and was a perfectly good way to refer to a person in a gender non-specific way, before gender pronouns came into the social spotlight.

In linguistics and grammar, a pronoun is a word or a group of words that one may substitute for a noun or noun phrase.

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Don’t worry, I volunteered to be fixed :wink: can highly recommend.

You’re working under the assumption that being human is desirable. We’re terrible creatures. I’ll side with the artificial any day. I’d prefer to be an animate object.

I never mentioned it so there’s really no way you could have known. They is a perfectly acceptable default, and if someone gets upset about using it when you don’t know the person’s preference then they’re just trying to stir up trouble.

I don’t usually communicate or enforce my preferred pronouns because there are plenty of people (like trans people) who have suffered for theirs. As someone who has had it very easy in life, enforcing mine would feel silly. Some platforms like the Discord require you pick though, and I’m not going to lie. I’m an it.


Today is a holiday for me (MLK day) so naturally I decided to replace one of the door handles on my wife’s jeep. (Salt air does a number on steel parts)

The door handles are well designed. But whoever designed the door could have designed better access holes. The exterior door handle has a six inch hole about 10 inches away from it, and a slightly larger hole near the bottom of the door. I look like I was trying to cut my wrists with a butter knife. Never mind that the door is actually thinner than my forearm in places.

Anyway, we now have a working driver’s side exterior door handle!

ETA it only took me 3 hours to install. I have at least learned how best to hurt myself for the next door handle.


Don’t wanna polute the endochron thread,

Has anyone looked at how the wifi power harvesting stuff compares to the beta voltiacs? Flesh might cause too much shielding possibly

Yeah, I’ve looked into wifi and Bluetooth power harvesting. Unfortunately they don’t look viable.

  1. you need there to actually be 2.4GHz signals in the vicinity to capture, and you’re sapping power from them
  2. the capacitance of your skin will attenuate more more than 75% of the signal strength at 1mm depth
  3. the antennas need to be very large and flat, and tuning is normally somewhat difficult, but much more so in a body with belligerent and numerous parasitics.

If somebody wants to try it they’re more than welcome. I just don’t think it will work and couldn’t in good conscience ask someone to shed blood for a test that I believe is doomed to failure.

That’s fair, I knew it wasn’t going to produce much juice, just wondered how 25% of not much compared to a betavotic

I’d be a willing test subject, just don’t have the know how :frowning:
Though if anyone would like to send me some new prototypes, I’d be more than willing to get them installed and test them out for you, especially if it’s got blinkies :stuck_out_tongue:

What’s the yellow star some people have next to their avatar, like @amal for instance?

The stars are a part of DT Club, more info here:


I’m afraid to stir up a heated discussion again, and I hope it doesn’t happen, but
 why this self-hate? I read this frequently here, and so I feel like I just have to ask.
I have big problems with mankind as a whole myself, yes - mankind has done terrible things. We pollute and exploit the earth, are responsible for the extinction of whole species, can’t even manage to get along with the rest of mankind that just happens to live across the next (artificial) border. “We” create stupid concepts like capitalism or religions to justify this behaviour. And yes, all this is really a problem and not a good business card for humans.
But still
 everyone of us is human, and while I totally dislike “mankind”, I just cannot say I hate every human being. I met wonderful people, warmhearted people, people with mindsets so unusual and interesting that they helped me evolve a bit. I met people who deciced to share their lives with me, no matter how difficult, strange and broken I may be. I met people who try to reduce the negative impact mankind has on the world, in tiny but important steps.
And while I hated myself for being part of “mankind” for quite some time, I realized that I am also a part of small, nice communities, that I share similarities not only with war lords and people who torture animals, but also with those who do good. And I realized that it is a lot healthier to look at the “good stuff” and the positive capabilities we all, as humans, have, than to revel in self-hate just because other beings of the same species are behaving like shit.
After all, we are all just made of stardust - so I am a part of humanity, a part of the animal world, a part of the big forest I can see when I look out of the window, a part of the clouds, a part of the earth underneath my feet. And that’s all neither “good” nor “bad”, that depends on what I make of it.

Obviously, just my humble opinion, I am just a bit surprised by the amount of times I read about someone hating to be human here. So I had to ask :wink:


Since we are in this topic:

While I do appreciate the whole Queer Awareness movement, and do Appreciate that for some people being able to be finally called as they want is a huge step

Here comes a controversial opinion:

This whole insane emphasis on pronouns is actually retrograde.
I mean
 The real issue here is that Gender is an outdated and harmful concept.

The only real use for gender in a modern world is to achieve dominance by a “superior” caste over an “inferior” one.
As an example, “having balls” is a synonym of being brave/strong while “being a pussy” is associated with being a coward/weak. (and I’ll not even say that just a flick to someone’s nuts will send then crying while a pussy can withstand
incommensurable amounts of pain during labour).

I mean, this gender divide is literally the same thing as the black/white divide we now are so ashamed our ancestors did that we can’t even use the word “black” to describe someone without being afraid of suffering whiplash for it. (used here intentionally).

But I honestly see no difference on the use of Gender as to the use of Race. (Both should be abolished concepts)

So the more we put focus on “pronouns”, the more we’re strengthening the notion that Gender actually matters.

Also on a “funny” note, Take a look at all those “gender pins” you see around. The ones which aren’t handmade from scratch are usually mass produced by factories owned by people exactly like Donald ‘Tramp’
 There’s some irony there, right?

Neopronouns on the other hand
 love it!! ^^

Ok, controversial opinion out of the way (and please, do feel free to tell me to fuck off if you disagree.)

So back to the pronoun thing @amal said:
Technically, “it” can be used when you address anything/person while being non-considerate of individuality. This should not be something “bad”, but our human-centric society does love to nitpick it

While “They” is a perfectly valid way to address an unknown/undefined entity, it is (or used to be) not a valid way to address a single, known entity. in which case “it” should be the preferred gender-neutral pronoun.
We just corrupted ‘they’ into being used as a gender-neutral thingie either way.

but as quite a few British friends already told me (in multiple isolated occasions):
“The problem of native english speakers is that we just use the words. We never had a real reason to actually try to understand what they mean.”

Also, totally agree with this:

Although it does drive me mad when I’m in a group with people and someone asks me “what’s your preferred pronoun”

if I reply “whichever between it to Fae/Faer”, there is often someone who turns around and exclaims “those are not valid pronouns”.

What is even more shocking is that most of the times it happened to me was someone Trans who came with that ‘zinger’. (Don’t worry, I do not generalise it)

And since I would rather not cause a fuzz about it. Especially being aware that “denying others of the validity of any variation to what you identify as your identity” is a very efficient means of achieving oneself’s own Identity
 (Just look up basically any teenager development psychology studies), Then I just gave up replying altogether.


I agree.

I don’t hate humans or being human but I dislike the weaknesses and drawbacks of biology
 And I think that even if you manage to upload yourself to silicon and become either an AI or a robot of some sort, you’d be just as human as before in many ways. At least if you actually succeed at doing this right.


I feel trapped in my human brain. Always these stupid feelings and stuff
 I wish I could just modify myself like I can modify software.
If software is not perfect you edit it, if hardware sucks you upgrade, changing yourself and other humans is between hard and impossible.

Humans are at a very early stage of evolution, barely functioning, brutal, greedy and dumb
 just bad at humaning.
Humanity can become something great, but all humans alive are shitty.
Compared to what we could be, we are all shitty.

I wish I had more time right now, I’ll try to get back to this @Coma


I love the fact that I can come here and read well thought out commentary on pronouns and being human.

As far as pronouns, I will use those that people express a preference for, but I won’t ask. It doesn’t bother me that people have “non traditional” preferences for pronouns but I suspect that people who do have a preference will let me know.

While there are times that I wish to be separate from the worst of humanity, there are other times that the best of humanity astounds me with its creativity, kindness and, for want of a better word “grace”.


This never occured to me, you can generate secrets for secure chips badly, so they become predictable and thus maybe clone secure chips to implants.

We should probably add the lock to the product matrix :’)


It doesn’t matter how many “good” people there are, even if it was 99%. I enjoy interacting with most humans I meet, but the nicest person in the world doesn’t “offset” someone else’s transgressions. If the general trajectory of our society is decided by bad actors, then we have a bad society. Currently selfishness and greed dictate our course. I think it’s possible that we could do some course corrections, but I can’t predict the likelihood of that happening. No person is “good” while they allow evil to flourish.

Just looking at the good stuff is definitely better for your mental health, but solely highlighting the good only masks the bad. I suspect it might be so confusing to you because you live in a real country. The United States is a terrible place. Truly, truly terrible. It makes us hate it and ourselves.


That’s nice and all. I think most people would agree with you. I don’t think anybody would say “okay we’re there as a society so let’s flip a switch and deactivate race and gender as a concept” though :sweat_smile:. In the meantime diversifying those previously binary concepts into a spectrum really muddies the waters in a good way, because you know how much people love navigating ambiguity and nuance in their day-to-day! This is the way. Unfortunately change takes time, so we’ll have to deal with this “what are your pronouns” awkwardness for a few years before it becomes commonplace and we can move on to something better