The antišŸš«-derailmentšŸšƒ & threadšŸ§µ hijackingšŸ”« threadšŸ§µ ā‰

i, infront of it
iPhone, iPad, iPod, iPods

and then the completely unrealted to apple bandwagon jumped on with their iProducts
Without the need to give examples, You all know what i mean




Looks interesting but itā€™s probably a reseller of chinise products. Might be worth looking for the same thing on aliexpress.

Hi @Pilgrimsmaster yeah, it was a dry install. It took about 30 mins and it was exquisite torture. I was shaking and sweating the whole time. Really impressed that anyone could do a self-install. Now I understand why the piercer refused when I called. I was thinking I would post a ā€˜lessons learnedā€™ for others considering a walletmor. If I could, I would also contribute some additions to the FAQ on this site.

Afterwords my mrs (yes, you guessed correctly :slight_smile: ) said that the lube we saw in another install video would have been massively helpful. Of course we only realised this midway and there was none on hand. In all of my research it was never really mentioned. I also realised the needle is massive compared to the injectable syringes which I was watching installs of as reference.

Aw man, you have put the fear in me that it will stop working! I had read on the walletmor site that it could endure high impacts - is that not correct?

I had also read somewhere you can use the needle to poke the implant in further, I guess that is not so correct either.

Hell yeah paying with my hand is great! I have wanted to do this since I was 15 years old so I am pretty stoked. Totally worth it IMO :slight_smile:


I havenā€™t followed the conversation here, but usually what wears down flexes is not the impacts but rather them being repeatedly bent and unbent (even a little ) thousands of times per day. Thatā€™s why flat spots away from joints are recommended.

Blunt tools yes, the needle is not blunt at all :sweat_smile:

:tada: Congrats on your install!


I didnā€™t look like fun.

I hope it hasnā€™t scared you off getting anymore implants.

the xSeries needles are (llightly) pre-lubed, and for flex youā€™ll know to get some lube (medical), When you get a custom needle from DT it comes with a sachet of lube for the exact reason you experienced.

Iā€™m not taking credit for it, but when I got my custom payment install, I sent the install video to Amal, and I think that convinced him that lube would be a ā€œcompulsoryā€ addition.
And mine only took 3 mins of a 40kg Korean lady persisting by pushing and prodding to penetrate me properly, not 30mins like yours.

Iā€™m actually surprised Walletmor donā€™t provide lube in their kit, or at the very least, a suggestion to do so :man_shrugging:
Maybe because they reccomend a professional installer and the installer would likely have some :man_shrugging:

Not my intention, just an awareness, that if it did happen, that kink was likely the reason.

@Az_F answered this above, and with regards to the flexing of the flex, the flex refers to the flexibility of the encapsulation material, NOT the implant.
Picture a Chip that is soldered to a thin PCB ,

then picture bending that PCB, next to using heat to remove that chip, flexing / bending is probably the next easiest way.

As I mentioned, I REALLY hope I am wrong

If you could find that again, could you share the link, just so we can correct / clarify it.
For DangerousThings, the use of metal tools COULD invalidate the Warranty.

Welcome to the club buddy


My finger install took considerably longer than it should have and I had no lube. Itā€™s doable, but would have been so much easier with lube

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Thanks all for the cool infos. Yes, lessons were learned, but I am not dissuaded. In fact, I am just getting started. I have another payment conversion device that should be with amal tomorrow I believe. That is destined for the other hand :slightly_smiling_face: . I think this time around, painkillers, lube, have a better way to poke it far into the cavity, and perhaps different placement.

So I am not tooooo worried about the walletmor breaking. Things in life are transient, and the devices expire after a few years anyway. Lets just hope I get a good year+ out of it. It would def have been gutting if it immediately didnā€™t work after insertion though.

I have looked for the link indicating poking the implant but havenā€™t found it. I will keep an eye out, but I do recall I read that they flipped it and used the non pointed end, which presumably isnā€™t as bad.

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Im not sure what Walletmors policy is, but i think it is supposed to be an authorized installer :man_shrugging:

Walletmor is a completely independent company from Dangerous Things and VivoKey.

Amal encapsulates them and probably supplies the needles.

The warranty i mentioned is a DangerousThings one, and completely fair

heres the relevant excerpt for your reference

Additionally, the polymer coating is very robust, but very thin. If the flex device is handled with tooling such as forceps or tweezers or any tooling other than a sterile gloved hand, it could be punctured or damaged in such a way as to allow moisture to infiltrate over time and damage the internal encapsulated electronics.

As such, flex products carry a 1 year limited warranty, under the condition that the installation must be done by a professional and the installation procedure must be recorded in one single or multiple smaller videos which show;

  1. the flex device being removed from the vial, pouch, or polymer bag on to the sterile field.
  2. the flex device being picked up and manually installed by the professional without tools.

and the link for further info

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I thought amal was the CTO? I do understand they are different orgs though yup.

Pretty tragic to hear about the possibility of a puncture slowly destroying the chip. I guess I really didnā€™t do enough research. Hopefully it should be fine in that regard as the majority of the pressure was applied by hand. I wouldnā€™t consider pursuing a warranty claim in any case.

I wonder why the chip is flexible. So it reduces the pressure it is putting on a single point on the inside of your hand?

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I wasā€¦ not for a while now thoughā€¦ at least a year.


Could you offer to fund and install the new readers?
They shouldnā€™t cost a lot and the infrastructure is already there, so it SHOULD just be a simple swap.

Whatā€™s the make and model of the reader that works?

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My last ditch effort will be to pay for the devices and labor. My first offer will be have the company pay for an actually upgraded system, second is installing the device myself myself, third is paying for it and installing the devices.
I think I might have a good situation where I might be able to have them swap their old RFID and cam systems into an all in one Linux system that saves them money on subscriptions. Weā€™ll see though, they might believe in the commercial subscriptions, or the single guy in charge of things (Iā€™ve got mixed feelings on it, but itā€™s not a big corporate management company so Iā€™m keeping my fingers crossed that it stays good) will see some benefit in have an on site cheap server with the pre-existing cameras, and a better suite of RFID readers. Iā€™m not well versed in the latter so I have to research that and add it to my printouts before I go up and ask for changes.

Edit: Iā€™m celebrating having everything done in order to sign up for clinicals, and singing up for clinicals, and passing a few assignments, homework, quizzes, and tests. So forgive any misspelling please!


Ah, well here is my source material Aboutā€“ Walletmor :slight_smile:

The implant procedure may be performed by a doctor or professional body modifier. We recommend that the person performing the procedure, regardless of the profession, get acquainted with the professional installation guide prepared by us

ā€œprofessional installation guide prepared by usā€

I didnā€™t go digging TOO deep, but the guide wasnā€™t exactly obvious or easy to find.

Plenty of fluff to filter through, and still showing Amal as CTOā€¦

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It came with a little leaflet which you can find a copy of online IIRC. Def not quite enough info to go on by itself but to be fair you donā€™t know what communications/training they have had with their implant partners.

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Welcome To The Club - GIPHY Clips


Thanks for the welcome and link to that Google sheet, super handy!

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Iā€™m re-enrolling in college. I just had to explain to someone that my vaccination records were done, in the 70ā€™s, on paper, before the internet.

The blank look of horror and confusion was well worth it. :exploding_head: