The anti🚫-derailment🚃 & thread🧵 hijacking🔫 thread🧵 ⁉

I think your problem is, you are trying to sell / trade it upside-down

Here you go, I fixed it for you

ZOOM & ENHANCE :mag_right:

OOOOOHHHHHHH…SEXY :emoji_loveeyes: :star_struck:

“Another pointless post Pilgrim…really?”

Nope, Now I have advertised it in a 2nd thread
I am about to suggest you take some Sexy Sexy PDU photos ( the right way up) and make a new thread in the Buy & Sell category

So thats 3 places
(since it’s not implant related, I’ll delete it once you are rid of it)

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:fish: :amal:

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Starting to feel very hated upon.

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Please tell me that you’re not using Windows 8.1… :grimacing:

Win7 the last useable version.

I really need to go newer, but 8/10/11 ain’t happening. Chrome is not an option, and neither is mac.

I’ve tried linux, but even the windows lookalikes are still too linux for me.

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I felt the same way, computer randomly updated me from 10 to 11. I lost being able to move my taskbar to the top of the screen :frowning: and I do not like the rounded corner, Windows Store app-focused aesthetic in 11.

I had issues transitioning to Linux too. The only way they can convince me to switch 100% to Linux is if Valve releases a SteamOS for regular PCs. For now I’m surviving with Win 11. The Steam Deck has been the one linux based PC that I am pretty happy with using regularly (on game mode and desktop mode).

I love Linux! And I like Windows 10, why did they have to mess with the UI again!?

Sure, you can move the start button on Windows 11 to the left but it still feels weird. Speaking of which, I should probably update my Windows 11 VM…

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This is my core problem with 8 and up. The purpose of an O/S is to run the machine. By definition, (my definition) it should strive to be as invisible as possible while maintaining maximum function.

95 / 98 / Vista / XP / Win7, All have a functionally identically U.I.
Then somebody got the idea to have the U.I. start screaming “LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!” with a design that totally borks any continuity of usage.

I actually think that “under the hood” the later versions are going to be superior. But… not if I spend all my time confused trying to figure out how to even find the control panel or something equivalent.


Is there currently a shortage with Walletmor implants?
Mine died earlier this year. They already agreed to replace it under warranty, but for month now there are delays upon delays with shipping.
Does anyone know if Walletmor is in trouble or anything?

Saw this and spit out my drink laughing,

Is in worse taste than normal to post it THAT thread?


Smortphone moment:


Love me some Locrem Ipsum.


Filler text, intended to be replaced by actual text later.

I didn’t know, but google did.

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I think the irony is the spelling mistake on something that doesn’t have grammar :joy:

Yup it’s used a lot in software when you need placeholder text in a UI. You have probably unknowingly seen in on a half finished website or app

For a second I thought, what does lorem have to do with batteries? :joy::joy::joy:


Lorem is closely related to the ISO9001 and shit sigma BS…

I really hate that crap and it got brought up today… I need a break from humanity…

Upload me into an Atlas already, I want to move to mars or the moon or something and not have to deal with the food oxigen water problem.


I hear performance evaluations are brutal

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@wolfy , silly question but does you profile pic have anything to do with games on graphic calculators? Every time I see it it reminds me of the monochrome pixel art we used to do for those in my early programming days. Thanks for the nostalgia :blush:

Why is it that sometimes when you contribute to open source hardware you get some of the dumbest nonsense!?

From people who don’t understand things like the voltage drop of a fuse to a lack of safety considerations regarding the mains and good old common sense.

Why, just why!?

My name is on the about page of on an infosec project because I fixed a lot of bugs, organized everything, cleaned up things, etc…

This is the first time that someone tried to fight me instead of a thanking me but it’s also the first time that I tried to contribute to a hardware project.

Probably pride or arogance? Or they have some information that you’re missing

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