The antišŸš«-derailmentšŸšƒ & threadšŸ§µ hijackingšŸ”« threadšŸ§µ ā‰

Fair enough,
But the Star Trek analogyā€¦. People still strived and inched technology bit by bitā€¦and accepted limitations as part of the process

I feel like thatā€™s changed socially

Just kinda looking at stuff from the perspective ofā€¦
ā€œYou donā€™t to just skip to the endā€

Regardless of the techā€¦ if everybody wants to wait till itā€™s ā€œgoodā€ then it never gets traction and goes nowhere

Maybe Iā€™m just being a burned out cynic at the moment, but its more complicated than thatā€¦ itā€™s not cynical because I want progress and engagement thatā€™s hopeā€¦ Iā€™m just annoyed with people not engaging with tech until itā€™s their day dream realized

As to the uploading vs robot thing. I personally donā€™t have much interest in going full robot. My interest lies in enhancement. Like being able to do stuff faster or easier or go farther or just be more. Iā€™d like it if I could have eyes that had telescopic zoom and saw into the infrared and uv. That might be a pipe dream or it could happen in the next 20 years. What really keeps me going is seeing the massive progress that prosthetics have achieved in the last decade. Every year theyā€™re getting closer and closer to the prosthetics being as capable as the flesh it replaces. And I think that is quite exciting.


Iā€™ve never met that type of person when it comes to VR but Iā€™ve seen memes about it. TBH, I think that those ā€œItā€™s not perfectā€ excuses are just that, excuses, and mediocre ones at that. Thatā€™s what people who donā€™t want to bother with something will say if they canā€™t articulate why they are not interested or if they donā€™t what to admit their real motivations to stay out of something.

I got into VR a bit late as I didnā€™t want to spend too much on something that I was unsure I would enjoy long term, I didnā€™t want to have to run a bunch of wires to the original Rift tracking cameras, and I lacked a significant amount of knowledge . But the hype about the Quest 2 made me take another look and that was way more palatable.

While I would prefer to connect a cable to the side of my head, sit down in a chair, and hang out in a virtual place, I still enjoy the tech thatā€™s available right now. Or, well, I used to. I could use more friends TBH.

This is true, and I donā€™t expect that achieving that would be 100% perfect. Doing this will come with a lot of drawbacks, and also a lot of advantages. But I want to be a robot, not a better human so Iā€™m ok with this.

My personal goals aside, as far as the reactions of most people go, I think that most people are afraid of needles and surgeries and donā€™t understand biohacking very well so youā€™re going to get excuses. And in many cases the real reason why they are making excuses is because understanding things takes work and people are lazy. And well, every so often we try to help newbies figure out what to buy, how to clone a credential to an xEM, etcā€¦ So itā€™s easier for most people to say, Iā€™ll wait until itā€™s perfect, but they might be saying ā€œIā€™ll wait until I donā€™t have to make an effort to get into itā€.

Pasion doesnā€™t come overnight, it takes work to develop. I think that most of us in the forum have it already, but most people donā€™t.

Same, and I wish I could be more involved working on those technologies.


went to the vet today and they asked if the dog was chipped, got a funny reaction when i said i was the only one chipped :sweat_smile:


Sure but thatā€™s the classic bell curve meets hype cycle. The vast majority of people are consumers of technology not innovators. They just arenā€™t interested.

In some ways Iā€™ve slid a little bit into the consumer category. My choice of the bambu printer for example is clearly one where I am squarely in the consumer category. I didnā€™t buy one until very recently and when I did I chose one that was as close to plug and play as possible.


I kind of loosely planned on testing this once some of my current projects are up after the recent price drops. Buying a pair of xNTs would only be $50, and I am close to someone who have said theyā€™d do a couple of free xSeries installs (same person who did all of mine).

Though this (my) thought process is immediately flawed. If I take your quote and twist it just a bit, ā€œeffortā€ could probably include pain, or at least overcoming the fear of it. The financial barrier would be an order of TacoBell for the ride over, so effectively none. The learning curve would be ā€œinstall NFCToolsā€, so again, basically nothingā€¦ But almost every time someone started asking questions and got really interested, started asking how they could get something similar (mostly referencing the HF side of my NExT), the moment I mention ā€œloosely blood-draw-sized needleā€ they no longer want to think about it.
I need to stop rambling at 7am before my coffee.

I fall into this category.

I consider myself a late adopter. Not for lack of interest but because I like to see what failure points are and give some time for aftermarket solutions. I make a lot of decisions on my bigger purchases based on the community around that item.

I assume at some point Iā€™ll have an issue with the item and the ability for me to resolve the problem is big. So if the community is active then Iā€™ll be more likely to get it. Also I like to get in around the V2 of the product to ensure the mistakes of V1 are at least known.

3d printers were really hard for me to wait on but Iā€™m glad I did. There was so much fragmentation and not enough solid direction for me to make a decision. But now itā€™s pretty great the strides it has made over the past even 5 years


There is no shame in that

What is important to you?
Where is your time best placed?
Why reinvent the wheel?

Buy something off the shelf, that is best placed to work first time, every time which allows you to focus on the things you are passionate about and use what ever tools you need to do that.

If you are getting into 3D printing as a business, or as a hobbyist who is happy to be constantly printing things and tweaking things to refine your designs, then sure, make your own printer, modify it, test it, push it etc. Thats part of the experience.
If you are getting into 3D printing purely as a tool to help with your main business / hobby and you dont have the time to tweak it, you ā€œjust need it to workā€ get yourself that consumer model, and put it to work, it should work for you, not the other way around

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No, I donā€™t think so.

If there were an option to cloud-connect my mind and to be able to cohabit my consciousness into a machine, I would be there. I honestly think that the combination of biology with technology is the future of humanity, and I want on board now.

Iā€™m not fooling myself when it comes to what is realistically possible at this point, but thatā€™s part of what drew me to Dangerous Things in the first place. I was originally looking for cyborg artwork and then stumbled on the Cyborg Foundation and DT.

I immediately knew that these were people I wanted to be with. And I wanted to have what miniscule tech integrations that I could. I wanted to be part of the ground floor of what I see as ā€œthe futureā€.

Maybe being uploaded into a machine or connecting to the hive is fantasy at this point, but it may not be in the future, and I really want to be as much of a part of that as I can, with what we can do now.

I donā€™t think these are our people. They donā€™t care about what it means for the future of humanity ā€“ they just want to experience something cool, like VR. @enginerd is right. They probably have other motivations for not wanting to be involved in biohacking at all.

I could not possibly say it any better.


Why do i want to buy pile of parts that may or may not work ā€¦


Because they MAY work


Those are the people who forever wait for the future of which cyberpunks reminisce.

They tap on their little glass rectangles, and they like the fishes inside, but they donā€™t know what they are. They get to dreaminā€™. To wantinā€™. But they donā€™t know what it is they want, so they donā€™t know what to do but wait for someone to come along and sell 'em a cheap imitation of it.

They canā€™t imagine how some of us feel seeing the fish in those little aquariums; the anticipation to get back home. To sit down in our lairs, stroke our hands over the keyboard, jack our fingertips in, and throttle it like a light cycle taking off at zero to a hundred straight through the screen and into a green and black ocean of zeroes and ones. Pandemonium, heed my call! I am one with the machine.

Just for those brief moments, we glimpse it. We taste it. We feel the metal flowing through our veins. They who do not recognise the future in front of them can only wait for it. But we eat it, little by little every day. We become it.


I need to get my mom into runescapeā€¦


Sitting in the Lowes parking lot right now.

I just went in and saw itā€™s all self checkout, no exceptions. Seen it before, but forgot again.

So, I, and my wallet, turned around and left.
Iā€™ll drive a few minutes to another store and shop there.

Can you imagine if a major retailer went on an ad binge about how friendly and personable their staff are and how souless the competition is? I think itā€™d resonate.

Iā€™ve also always thought truck makers (in the U.S. only) could really hammer on their cubic inch motors instead of the competitionā€™s pansy metric liters.


I remember when runescape 1 was basically abandoned after the launch of runescape 2 (before it became members only), and it was overrun by bots taking all the resources so you couldnā€™t get any ore to make stuff and it was unplayable. So my buddy talked me in to running some scams, because what else could you do in rs1 any more? Walked off with a guys mithril pickaxe, easy. Didnā€™t feel good.

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My problem isnā€™t self checkout per se - itā€™s that places like Walmart and Target will absolutely have you arrested for mistakes itā€™s machines make. Plenty of times Iā€™ve been scanning stuff in a crowd of people, too, and with all the beeps from your neighborā€™s machines it sounds like you scanned your item when in fact you did not. I always feel like a thief using self checkoutā€¦


When my local Walmart installed the self checkouts, their setup was walled in like this:

                                                         ā¬€ exit  
+--[]---[]---[]---[]---[]---[]---[]---[]---[]----[]--+     +
|   ā†¬ Two way hallway wide enough for 1 cart               |
+--[]-----[]----[]---[]--+  ā‡§  +--[]-----[]----[]----[]----+
           ā‡Ø   single entrance for entire store   ā‡¦
                  ā¬€         ā‡§       ā¬

[] = self checkout machines, accessible only from within the gauntlet

So everyone funnels in to the single entrance and has to fight their way upstream to use any of the checkouts on the left and then fight their way back downstream to get back out again. Instead of having any staffed check outs, theyā€™d have a bunch of staff people crammed into the gauntlet with us to tell customers when the kiosks lights were green for available, as though we couldnā€™t see them ourselves. Everyone could see the system was dumb, but Walmart management doesnā€™t care to listen to its employees, so the employees donā€™t care to say anything, they just endure it along with the customers (until they donā€™t).

The one thing that was good about it, was the machines themselves were by far the best self-checkout machines in any store Iā€™ve ever seen anywhere. So of course, when management did finally figure out that there was something wrong with the system, their solution was to replace the machines themselves with garbage.

(But I never go to Walmart any more because their only advantage was wifi so you could research your shopping list while in the store, and they changed the terms of service to be highly privacy invasive.)


So Iā€™ve got this hotmail account that I use to handle anything that might be spammy. Need to sign up for a bullshit account just to place an order, hotmail.

For some time Iā€™ve gotten one time use code notifications in sporadic bunches. The first couple of times I thought it was someone trying to get into their misspelled account. But then there were too many for that. So I got the idea that maybe an advertiser was trying to get me to look into the account, as they only seemed to happen in a certain season. Now I get them in little clumps at random times all year long.

Is this a bot spamming numbers, hoping to get lucky and sign into my account? I mean, thereā€™s only 999999 possibilities, right?

Just curious.


this is what I use to identify spam origins

The horse has bolted for your current situation, but maybe helpful for your next spamification sign up


I didnā€™t know about your location, but mine is incredible with great staff. And they went all self checkout except for the pro desk which is all I use.

In November my truck was broken into while I was in the store and all my tools were stolen in the matter of about two minutes. Around 2,900 total.

After the police left I went in and spent around 3500 relaxing the tools that were stolen. (Compound sliding miter, circular saw, DeWalt drill set, battery nailer, etc). The store manager called me about 4 days later and told me to come in with my receipt. They knocked 80% off the receipt and returned it to my card. They didnā€™t need to do this. But all the staff know me and my kids. Iā€™m in there very frequently and they were sorry it happened on their property. They didnā€™t need to do this, I never expected them to do this. Hell I do not know any retailer that would do this but they did. But it may be location specific but my store has me a customer for life.