I am bad with words sometimes. I was not offended, and did not intend to offend anybody else. It blew up into a big weird thing, but I was just playing.
I finally put my order in too! Super excited to receive this. I have a silicone coated Haworth for rn, but my main reason for buying this, other than the lifetime warranty, if the Haworth has to come out, I want to have something on hand readily available to go in when the old is removed.
Have grown way more attached to this thing than I thought, it’s as if it’s integrated itself into my subconscious, I perceive and touch things slightly differently, in a way where I’d almost feel blind without it lol. Anywhooo looking forward to my Titan!
That kinda sounds like an actual 6th sense
I kinda thought it was the purpose of it.
Do people install magnets for things other than sensing/magic?
There are still a bunch of lifters out there
Less sense, More power
I presume their end goal is to advance the homo superior race and destroy the human race…
I would be willing to guess maybe 7 out of 100 people get it to hold screws and stuff, and the rest really got it to mess with people/sense. Both are VALID reasons to get one.
Please speak up though if I am wrong. I view the xg3 as a magic magnet. Titan as a 6th sense.
Certified paperclip holder here
Alright. I need 99 more. Let’s keep them coming in.
Looks like it is time to go to the Polls
What is your preference?
I think you need a sense and lift option also. As to show preference order. I am putting them in for sensing first, lifting idc about really
Thanks! You vote about where you plan to put yours, cause curiosity kills the cat.
I feel you would be the kinda person open to a few week install of some sort.
29 Backers!
Uno mas?
30 now
Has anyone ever tried a Titan in each of their fingers and in the webbing of the palm?
I’m pretty sure that’s how Spidermans web slingers work via a reed switch…
but don’t quote me on that
That sounds like suck city.
Oh shiiiiitt made it to 30! Can’t wait!
I’ll do it if someone sponsors it