Those who are backing the Titan - where are you implanting it?

Please do so, especially with the right solution!
Puns aside, a decent ball grabbed would have been needed, but that wasn’t available at the time.

The ring opener was too big for that tiny piercing.
The jewellery could fit it just barely, plus you need some space
for the skin.

I tried it when the ring wasn’t inserted, and the plier widened the opening too much, so the ring had to be pushed together. Boy, slipping of the plier during insertion guarantees a bad day. I wouldn’t care a lot if that was my ear, but frenulum - NOOO WAAAY! :no_good_man:

I tried one of those pliers, and the end bits divert a bit. That comes really handy when you need to keep the ring in position, w/o slipping. And those pliers are lovely quality (the best I had so far). But that bloody ring was just too small for them.

I just took another read in this topic, because I’m still a little bit undecided where I’m going to place my Titan. :thinking: since I’m having a very skilled installer in my family, I have no worries getting the Titan implanted within the next few days.

Fingertip is still my favorite location (50%), and since I’ve seen the fantastic looking fingertip install of my sister I’m even more thinking in this direction.

BUT My other 50% is still at the go for a experimental placement mode :nerd_face:

I know there were a lot of interesting ideas discussed above, but now I’m asking myself (and the fellow forum members) if someone has maybe a new idea for experimental placement??? … even in my mind I have one possible placement that was not mentioned before (but I want to ask my professional installer about this location first, before I give someone here a possible bad idea…)
I mean, new ideas are always starting as a small thought. So if someone here has a interesting thought that might have grown bigger since the previous posts, I would love to hear about it. :grinning: thanks in advance!


I’m having similar thoughts - I’d love fingertip, but I am very hesitant on placing it on the pad, since I often carry around stuff and I’m afraid it might be a problem there… and for the side of the tip, it might be too big.
So I was thinking about other places, all on the hand because it makes it easier to reach out for sensing… current (maybe bad) ideas are

  • knife edge, closer to the finger
  • side of the first (most proximal) phalange of any finger it fits in
  • top of the first (most proximal) phalange of any finger I never plan on wearing a ring on…

The “opposite knife edge” (side part of the hand, proximal to the thumb) might also be an idea, but would lead to conflicts with the usual 0-position…

I’m really curious about your idea! :wink: I don’t think sharing possibly bad ideas is a problem here, since if it’s a really bad idea, someone will jump in and explain why, and if it’s just a slightly bad idea, someone might have some solutions to improve it and make it work. Or it’s not even a bad idea at all! :smile:

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If I may chime in with -P0. Pretty new, and has easy installation. I think sensing isn’t as good as fingertips, but still nerve dense.

On the underneath of my sac, just as it creases into the taint. It’s a bit inconvenient when using it to open my door at the office but nobody’s said anything yet.


I’d pay to watch you try… :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m happier and happier with my wrist placement!

It is expectedly less sensy than a fingertip (although I haven’t exposed it to tests yet.), but the sheer extra usability I’m getting from it is insane!!

Sewing, breadboarding… just having a handy place to catch the tiny metal bits that would otherwise make me halt the flow to place somewhere safe… is stunning! :star_struck:

Although this placement was driven from the fact that my lifestyle would not allow me to have it in the fingertip pads. Similar reasons as @Coma raised!

The other experimental placement I have in mind, but not for something as tall as the Titan, is the forehead.

Would need a flatter, wider magnet for that.

+1! :grin:

You could try to get a flexUFO from amal?
(You know, m31 with magic goop in UFO form)

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I tried. he wasn’t making them anymore at the time. :sob:

Does any current magnet implantee have experience with playing a stringed instrument, or doing sports that strain the fingers like rock climbing?
Would love to hear from you :slight_smile:

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I have enough experience with both activities to be sure I can’t have a magnet on my finger pads.

Don’t need to get to the stage where I regret placing the magnet there to be sure about it. :stuck_out_tongue:

I also chatted extensively with folks who had from small to big problems because of the magnets on pads and doing those sorts of activities before deciding on my placement options.

I never mentioned I wanted it on a pad. :stuck_out_tongue: I was more interested in placing it on the side of the finger (i.e. laterally on the distal phalanx). I know that on-the-pad placement makes any real hard handwork rather uncomfortable. Presuming the strings are metal, would it still interfere?

Funnily enough, I’m planning on getting one installed in a similar place (proximal phalanx instead of distal, outside of ring or inside of pinkie - whichever my installer thinks is easier :sweat_smile: ). I don’t know how soon you were looking to get it installed, but I’m a somewhat regular climber, so I could report after awhile of healing, but it probably wouldn’t be for month or two.

I would be very grateful :slight_smile:
I don’t have a Titan yet, was planning to purchase one in batch 2, so it will probably take a number of months. Hmmm nice, is that a common placement? I mostly just hear either fingertip or somewhere else. And I don’t want to spend a bunch of $ on a sensing magnet that I then install in a suboptimal place for sensing :sweat_smile:

I think most of us will have to find some sort of compromise… the perfect spot for sensing is the fingertip, and for that placement, the Titan is a) on many fingers, too big (for the side of the fingertip) and b) for many use cases, too “dangerous” (for pad placement). If you have pretty big fingers, the side may work, and if you don’t do heavy work with your hand, the pad may work. But for all other cases I think we have to find a spot with comfortable placement and still decent sensing… I’m still searching for that spot myself :wink:

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Yeah I will have to do a lot of research and measuring, don’t want to end up with the worlds most expensive fridge magnet :wink:

Me too, I’m considering trying an experimental placement too tho.
The titan can be taken out and reinstalled, so only the install is wasted money.

oh, but I did. :sweat_smile:
Hence why my comments where on that.

on the side of the finger could work. But on on “any” finger and the placement must be very well planned, on a very individual basis.

I made experiments playing a bass wit some magnetic rings and with stronger-than-implantable magnets strapped.

No perceivable interference apart from my finger being tugged to the sides and that messing with my playing a bit. but if I were to play constantly with that, I could train myself to ignore it.

Totally agree with you there!

I think that’s a big drive for so many experimental approaches as well!

I was thinking laterally on middle/ring distal phalanx on non-dominant hand. You know. the classic :slight_smile: :grinning:

I presume you did them with the magnet rings on the “base” of the finger (i.e. proximal phalanx)? Or did you have it near the tip, where it would actually be really close to the strings?

That is a big plus, true, but A.) like Rosco, I don’t particularly enjoy installations and would like to have as few as I can to accomplish my goals :wink: and B.) installation costs are prohibitive (where I live, only a surgeon is allowed to place anything “in” the body [anti-bodymod regulation] and that usually costs upwards of 250 USD - and unfortunately, I don’t have any surgeons in my family :stuck_out_tongue:)

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nope. used a pinkie ring from my ex, which could barelly get through my first phallanx. :rofl:

So near the tip.

It did add more bulk than an implanted magnet would, and even then I think I could re-learn how to move my fingers around it.

What was a big no-go for me is that I enjoy playing with Slap a lot more…
But mostly the activities such as Rock climbing and PK, which would definitely rely on me adding pressute to my finger pads.

Although a magnet would probably be way helpfull if you’re playing a 0 string bass! :sweat_smile:

The best advice I can give is to tape a small magnet to your finger and give it a go.

Even some apple seeds superglued to your finger should also be a good experiment. You’ll feel the tug/pressure if that portion of your finger would hit/get crushed by something.