Ciao, vivo in Italia anche io, walletmor funziona anche in italia tramite il conto icard bulgaro che loro accettano il chip dove devi inserire il numero fornito da walletmor. Pensavo di prenderlo anche io. Però mi ha deluso la scadenza… 3 anni. Io personalmente aspetto arrivo della card Visa di icard e faccio la prova con fidesmo. Se funziona o prendo vivokey apex (appena sara disponibile in vendita) oppure trasformò in flex un indossabile fidesmo. Vedi te…
Scusate, non parlo l’inglese
Sorry, I don’t speak English (google)
I’m working the batches now for walletmor. I was supposed to have updated antennas yesterday but there have been delays. In any case shipping should start soon.
I wish I had the money now to get one of these I’m so excited this is happening!
Hello guys! I am new in this forum but extremely excited to join. I have just ordered Walletmor implant and can’t wait to actually have it in my hand.
I’ve been dreaming about this since I was a teenager, then a couple of years ago I heard about implants in Sweden, but they weren’t really useful in everyday life. Later on I have been following other forums, researching and reading this forum (however never registered), have been thinking about conversion of credit card chip implant, but it wasn’t the best option for me, especially regarding the size.
but THIS. It changes things.
I am also gonna make a documentary vlog about the whole process and publish it later on my yt channel.
There is also a new Walletmor subreddit that is still empty…
Things are getting exciting and The Future Is Here!
Do you happen to know What are the rough dimensions of the walletmor are? There isn’t any info on the site?
Is it possible to use the needle method like the xm1 or just the traditional way?
Pretty sure they are going to be the NEW Flex Format
7.5mm x 28mm straight, not wedge.
New antenna design. installed with a 4g needle.
More info:
Thanks, hadn’t seen that yet.
Now to decide where to put it xD
Left side of the forearm (I gave my flexpay there) or on the top if your hand (my flexSIID) is there.
I’m thinking top of right hand as most of the contactless are on-top or the left side.
Flexsiid I’m jelly.
I have my payment conversion there, it is very convenient.
I got mine put in position # 4.5 (between #4 and #5)
My thought process was that it would protrude and make payments even easier, I was correct , it is indeed very easy.
Because it protrudes rather than sitting in the natural hollow, I bang it and catch it A LOT.
When it expires in 3 years, I will take it out and put something else in Position 5 or 3, because by then I should have an Apex Flex in and hopefully it will also have payment.
Learn from my mistake experiment, if you go for the top of your hand, put it in a hollow.
I received an email saying that the system is valid for 5 years? has something changed?
Thats the v2 right? That was the email I got.
V2? Tell me more, I am not on the mailing list
Ouh damn, 5yrs is serious!
Yes they should be copy pasted here regulary!
Join there mailing list then
Nah thanks
When is this coming?
Because 5 years, I would seriously consider.