Israelserbian247 Recent post collective




It fell out though ima get another blue blinky for my forehead eventually…

So contactless payment check my newer post. Its easy pz. Go to card info make it invisible on whatever bank app your using. Take bank card to nfc reader. Copy url. Program chip. Contactless payment accessed!



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Why is 666 scared of 777 cuz one hes a cowardly cowardess and two 777 888 999

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Omfg thank you soo much for not banning me. Contactless payment for all. Just get nfc reader app. Take bank card (make sure settings make you card info unvisible theyll need pin to make visible on whatever app.) Take url from bank card when read by nfc reader. Then take url put in vivokey or whatever nfc implant you may have and nfc read it check ur url itll bring u up too the cashless payment card in whatever app from whatever bank your using. Just make sure your settings are invisible under your control.

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Literally… yawns× which ones do you think is actually mark of beast technology? You know my answer

What’s up with custom applications on a vivo key what’s they for and how do they work thanks…

Download the Fidesmo app,
have a look at each app, and read the descriptions
have a guess what this app does and how it works

Read this thread

check out this

and read this thread

That’s what I’m gonna do I plan on getting 66 implants a total of 7 in the forehead 6 leds making David’s star over a 134.2 khz I’d. David’s star would be about 1 1 1/2 inches from point to point.

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Between 5 and 8 thousand dollars in implant… glad to see your level of financial support



Have you seen the north start implant? Might fit your desires better. (Not a dangerous things product)

Why stop there?

Pegleg loaded with scripture

Forehead of course


What’s up with the north star implant? And jyeah I got a bible app in my vivo key and the rest are gonna be in roses and star gazer lilies I might get a giant lily with a whole bunch of led xsiid’s where can I check out the north star implant? And I decided a cross. I asked the Lord should I get David’s star or a cross he said cross in the forehead. So thatll be what it is.