The antišŸš«-derailmentšŸšƒ & threadšŸ§µ hijackingšŸ”« threadšŸ§µ ā‰

Iā€™m not a metric devotee. Iā€™m agnostic. I use what does the job best for me. Standard speak to me for everyday things because I was raised in an environment where people would go ā€œWow! A foot of snow!ā€ but would look at you like a dead goldfish if you told them 30 centimeters of snow.

Now, for anything serious, precise, and that isnā€™t meant to be relatable by other people or elicit an emotional reaction, Iā€™ll use metric, because standard is stupid and Iā€™m not stupid.

So for instance, Iā€™ll say I drove 100 mph and I feel that was fast. Or my car got 50 mpg during that trip and Iā€™m impressed at how very economical it is for a diesel. But Iā€™ll always ALWAYS say I was going 44.45 m/s on average, because most likely Iā€™m using that unit to calculate something else and I donā€™t like headaches.

And if I think about it before speaking and I know Iā€™m talking to a strict metrichead, Iā€™ll just speak metric. Itā€™s just that I donā€™t always think about it :slight_smile:


What a cutie pie

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I actually have desire for a simple and not crazy expensive but also not costume grade katana, but finding that level is difficult

ā€œMurder roomā€ makes me think of this

When I used to work the range, I had a fairly large, but transportable range bag, and I prided myself on always having the odd tool or part someone needed to get them back up and running or help make something they were doing easier

Venture Brothers reference

I would call my range bag my ā€œmagic murder bagā€
Itā€™s like Mary poppins, but more gun powder and lead

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I have a wide range. Cheap ones I use for Halloween pumpkin destruction, a couple I use for tree trimming (this past Christmas tree got a good slashing)
And I have nicer ones that I tend to play with and pose with for in and keeping my daughters future love interests at bay.

Hereā€™s a sample of my pile:) there are many more in various places around the house.


So boy, he says, while drawing a stone down the already razor sharp edge, tell me about yourself.


The one I like the most is likely your mini wacky waving inflatable tube man.

He doesnā€™t help much for self defense though.

Iā€™ve often told the wife that I reserve the right to do the ā€œcleaningā€ a gun routine

But in my ā€œscenarioā€ I would have the offending boy help me with some ballistic calculations

Boy!, take this out side and hit this button
hands atmospheric measuring device

Ok good :ok_hand:, Iā€™ve shot to 1050 yards in these conditions

ā€¦her knowing me usually asks

ā€œBut what if he likes guns and asks you gun questions?ā€

ā€¦well then our daughter gets married earlier than planned


I see. It must be that I donā€™t fully understand the first part: ā€œKeep the belief system to oneself.ā€ I let you to unfold it rather than me making wrong presumptions.

No, this time it wasnā€™t the dominant point of my examples.

I donā€™t alienate tradition or moral from philosopy.

No, that would mean having a choice between eating with chopstick or spoon if you prefer.

You are bind by rules everywhere. You just mentioned moral and tradition.

??? Where did you get this from?
You donā€™t have free will by default since Amal is twisting the magic knob, remember?

Debate, I am up for. :+1:
But I keep the exclusive right for my gf to argue with me. :speaking_head: :flushed:

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But why is he holding the flamethrower upside down?

Possibly better expansion chamber?

But that thing is designed to be held other way up

Scratch that they make different versions :slight_smile:


My buddy has one of the above, and itā€™s a blast


So I noticed blocks 4-6 on the T55 arenā€™t used for anything when itā€™s configured as a 26 bit HID card (the type we use for ID cards at my place of employment) so Iā€™ve decided to fill them with a note for anyone curious enough to dump a card.

B4 43555354
B5 4f4d204d
B6 4144442e

Run all those together and then do a hex to ASCII conversion and youā€™ll get ā€œCUSTOM MADE.ā€

Iā€™m open to other ideas for something I can slip into someoneā€™s card.


ā€œRick Astleyā€


That, my good sir, is quite a nice pile!

You got me cackling loud in the middle of a zoom call.
Well done! :rofl:

Btw, while Iā€™m at itā€¦

Has I attempted to reply with reactjiā€™s to one of @Pilgrimsmasterā€™s posts and they are just not working today.

Alsoā€¦ has anyone noticed they have a default white background? i.e. they look ugly AF in a darkmode forum:

ps: sorry about the awfull pic. :yum:

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I. Totally. Love. Blades. :heart_eyes:

Hell, thatā€™s a really nice collectionā€¦ the last picture reminds me of SoulCalibur a bit (yeah, one of my guilty pleasuresā€¦), and I love the ā€œBladeā€-style sword second from topā€¦ I wanted to get that in tanto-length, but didnā€™t find it againā€¦

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Speaking of Michelle, Iā€™m curious: is she wearing any implant?

Not that that has anything to do with anything :slight_smile:

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So strange hearing you say that, especially considering you consider them as permanent as possible.

I wear glasses and theyā€™re kind of permanently affixed to my face most of the time too :slight_smile:

I use ā€œwearā€ because RFID implants donā€™t interact with my body in any way, shape or form. In other words, theyā€™re in a permanent pocket under my skin instead of being in a temporary pocket in my pants. But I still only wear em: I carry them around and they do their own thing.

Magnets on the other handā€¦ If I had one, I wouldnā€™t say that, because itā€™d extend my sensory abilities. Different thing.

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I think thatā€™s underselling it quite a bit

You may still consider them totally separate from your body because itā€™s removable,

But toā€¦ I would guess most, but I leave room to be wrong

To most, itā€™s part of your body, it was something I added and now itā€™s part of me

Yes I can remove it, but thatā€™s no different than being able to remove a breast implant, it was added and part of their ā€œpersonaā€

I think itā€™s more than just carrying something around

Thatā€™s just how I see things. Sorry, if saying ā€œwearing implantsā€ upsets anyone, Iā€™ll quit saying it :slight_smile: I just canā€™t think of implanted transponders as anything other than impossible-to-lose keys.