1ft Range Injectable

Hello, I am hoping for some suggestions.

I am looking to make a RFID enabled dog door to let the dogs in and keep the rest of the wildlife out. In looking most of the RFID tags that are encapsulated are either LF which seems to be a range of perhaps an inch, or NFC also low range.

Any suggestions for how to get a read range of about a foot such the door naturally opens as the dog walks up?

Note: I tried to use a tile tag on the dogs before just incase they ever got out and they were destroyed by chewing before the day was over.

Thanks in advance for any ideas

simply not happening


There have been a few chats around it, such as this

But I thonk there is an alternate path you can go down to achieve the same result, just modified a little for a pet reader.

I totally understand why you would want that range.

I think the closest you will get to 30cm read range would be using what @Rosco used for his door mat, his desk foot reader and his chair.

His Chair was reading a FlexEM though, and thats not going into a dog, but the Doormat and Desk reader were xSeries.

You witth need to build a circuit to unlock the doggy door, but it shouldnt bee to difficult.

What size are your dogs?
This will help determine the location of the reader.

Wait one, I will dig out the relevant posts, wont be longā€¦

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Door mat reader

Desk Reader

Desk Chair

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Range is a function of two things trying to talk over a shared magnetic field. An injectable like the xEM may be able to be read from a distance of 12" if the appropriate reader is used. This one boasts 40" range but thatā€™s likely with fobs and cards. A smaller cylindrically shaped xEM is going to get far less range than a fob or card that has a flat plane shaped antenna. The flexEM could probably get range comprerable to a keyfob, but you asked specifically about an injectable.

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my MaxiProx doesnā€™t even see my xEM, nor my Paxton 323-110 (both designed for longer range on LF)

theyā€™re looking to induct something with a bigger surface area, range/capability of reader goes hand in hand with the right optimised antenna on the card/fob youā€™re trying to read

E2A: personally iā€™d just go with a UHF tag inlaid in the collar with a directional UHF reader near the door youā€™re trying to open


interestingā€¦ i have an older RS232 output long range 125khz reader and it gets 14" with my xEMā€¦ the brand is long lost to me thoughā€¦ no stickers.


Have you heard of solo pet doors?

Long story short, an automatic (and locking) pet door that opens when presented with a magnet. You might be able to substitute an xG3 magnet.

I used to have one, and it was a major deal for dealing with the doggoā€™s need to be outside. There were only two downfalls, firstly the magnet was on his collar and he was a people food thief. This meant he would occasionally get a spoon or fork stuck to his collar and then head outside where heā€™d lose it. Secondly, he liked to sit by the door and just look outside. End result, the door went up and down and up and down so many times it wore out the mechanism and I had to replace it. This was solved by putting a very coarse astro turf kind of welcome mat in front of it. Heā€™d cross it, but wouldnā€™t lay on it.

Anywho, food for thought.


there is also RFID doors that work by using an em4100 tag that attaches to the collar that might have less issues

(ps cute dog but holy shit that was a jump scare having been edited in and showing up when i switched back to the forum)


Thanks Dogs are 70lb labs - so generally 2ā€™ off the ground. The mat is interesting. reader distance would be much smaller if I put it in the paw.

I am pondering UHF, but given the tile trackers lasted less then a day, and a dog rope toy lasts perhaps 2ā€¦ and 4in oak tree branches a few hoursā€¦ It wonā€™t last long if the dog decides its interestingā€¦

Thank you all for helpā€¦ Presently the best idea seems to be putting the reader in the floor, and having the tag in a paw. Iā€™ll look at the floor mat project.

Both logistically and ethically, Iā€™m trying to figure out how Iā€™d get a glassie in a dogā€™s paw.

I have two ā€˜largeā€™ dogs, and I have a hard time trimming their nails on my own, so a 3mm wide needle seemsā€¦ Like a lot. Maaaybe if I did it with 2 other people to keep them still.

Then infectionā€¦ Lots of running in the grass and dirt, not to mention their ~monthly ā€œlather myself in animal shitā€ sessions in the spring and summer. It would be hard to keep the site clean for that first week.

With all that running, I also suspect a higher risk of a glassie coming out in the first 36 hours. You canā€™t really convince a dog not to touch a wound. You could use vetwrap, but I doubt that would stay on long.

Space in the paw is actually your smallest issue here. Lots of space on/in the bottom padsā€¦ Too bad those would certainly count as a ā€˜gripping surfaceā€™ and would have a pretty high risk of damage over time.

And now with ethicsā€¦ One of my dogs is chipped (normal owner info, not a DT product), but the nape of the neck has a whole lot less nerves (and lots more room and cushion) than their equivalent to one of our foot soles. Probably a good bit of pain for that first few days, assuming no infection. If there is infection, then even more. I do not claim to know the boundary to what is ethical, but I will say that I wouldnā€™t implant either of my dogs anywhere besides the top of the neck, where it is relatively unlikely to be damaged or cause damage.

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Any markings on the PCB?

What about a pressure pad? If you have 70lb raccoons then, just WTF? Pawnee Indiana much?

You might could even adapt one of the old grocery store pressure pads. Itā€™s dated technology, but they were sensitive enough to let kids in and out. The weight seems comparable anyways.

Just googled. Apparently called ā€œstep matsā€ and theyā€™re big with the automated halloween crowd. Many different offerings, but I didnā€™t see any minimum weight, so not sure how sensitive.

Notice I said the location of the reader, not the location of the implant.

You might be able to mount the reader on the door above the doggy-door. (shoulder height)

Or is there a side wall next to the door?

Lets look at alternatives before experimentals.

Youā€™ll want to test the system works before implanting anyway.

Itā€™s a great project, I hope we can help you make it happen

:rfid: :dog2: :dog2:

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Id be keen to know if the esp32 cam. That has a basic form of facial rec. Can differentiate between pooches.

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I am more worried about bears. - Woods in the Colorado Rockies.

I 100% agree with validating before experimentation. I appreciated the feedback about the implanting in the foot area (something I needed to research). Reading from above is still going to have some distance because the head is above the shoulderā€¦ but interesting to play with that or from the sideā€¦