First experiment suggestions

Hi! I’m totally new to this. I’ve been reading here and there about it for a few years but never in depth. I’ve always wanted to do the chip implant and yesterday I finally went through with it. I had the xSIID with a white led implanted. What are some beginner experiments you would recommend for this? Any tutorials available? Thanks and I’m glad to be part of the community!

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Welcome to the club!
After you’ve let it heal for roughly 2 weeks, you could add your contact info or link tree to it. Or use the POPL clone. Could also do the traditional Rick roll by writing iirc to it.


Thanks! Any how-to reading or videos you could send me to?

Here’s a wiki on the best location/position for cell phones.

Best practice is usually positioning the implant on the edge of the reader’s antenna and perpendicular. If you have the field detectors that are an antenna and LED encased in plastic, you can use that to find the best location and position on a reader as it’ll light up.

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Do you use any access systems in your daily life? Work, School, home?
Implants can often be used to replace access cards BUT you may need the stars to align for it to be compatiable.

Check out the #projects category for some ideas eg. Unlock, Lock, Start car, motorbike, tool boxes

Also unlocking you computer with a variety of readers, including Dangerous Things KBR1