NFC installation information on your phone


You have an xNT
The x means x Series ( a small biosafe glass implant)
It is High Frequency 13.56MHz

Your phone is likely capable of using NFC (near field communication)
This also uses 13.55MHz.
, check out this list to see if your phone is on there,

if it is, then you may get some good information, if not then “google” your phone make and model + NFC antenna

Once your xNT is installed
(You may need to wait a week or so to be able to effectively read and write to your xNT)

There are a few options but Tag Writer ( & Tag Info ) by NXP are quite popular for reading / writing as they are the manufacturers of the chips in the implants.
Play store Tag Writer

You will need to make sure phone NFC is turned on
And your screen is unlocked
Possibly remove your phone cover.
You want to try and read you implant perpendicular to your phone antenna coil.

You will then be able to write some data to your phone like these

I would also recommend you have a look at the product matrix and see if you can find any use case scenarios.
for work or home access, If not, you can still use them for a variety of things.

Scan your work and school cards with TagInfo by NXP

If the result says ISO14333A, then POSSIBLY you may be able to enroll your xNT into the system, but we can discuss that after you have scanned your cards

Good luck, I hope this helps