The best post of 2023 so far šŸ†

The Finalists are in; the top 10 posts of 2023, voted by your fine selves via the :hearts: of the Nominations

The winner will win a shiny and Exclusive BADGE

You all will decide who gets it

Now to the vote off, In chronological order

Follow each link and vote for your favourite, It doesnā€™t matter which category, just whichever post that YOU think are the BEST posts/threads, and the most deserving of that honour which should be rewarded with a badge

Entry 1

Entry 2

Entry 3

Entry 4

Entry 5

Entry 6

Entry 7

Entry 8

Entry 9

Entry 10

Agree or disagree with the finalists, let your vote speak for you

You have TWO votes this year, cast them wisely

Which one will be the BEST POST OF 2023! Thatā€™s up to you

The poll will close at 11:59 pm, on December 31 Seattle Time (GMT-8)


Best Post/Thread of 2023 :trophy:
  • 1 coil-inductance-capacitance-calculators
  • 2 zinc android-nfc-cyborg-multitool-development
  • 3 lodestone-pico-finger-magnet-fun-for-everyone
  • 4 uv-tattoos-and-borging-up
  • 5 safe-alternative-to-xglo
  • 6 chip-stuff-aka-siliconbased-us
  • 7 riding-a-motorcycle-after-an-install
  • 8 biohackingmap_com
  • 9 privacy-its-a-spectrum
  • 10 nomination-for-chipster-of-the-year
0 voters

Good luck to all finalists