Handy Dandy Tips and Tricks Proxmark3 :pm3:

I thought it might be Handy Dandy to have a place for those little tips and tricks with the Proxmark 3 in all of its iterations that may not be common knowledge to everybody.

Things that make our implanted life just a little easier

I would ask that people don’t ask questions in this thread

Just read or post your Tips and Tricks and move on, knowing you have the community’s thanks…

And here it is


I don’t know if it’s just me that experiences this, but it seems like every time I get a text or see a post on here about the PM3 that I could answer if I could just look at the commands in the client to jog my memory, every single time one of those pops up I seem to be on some deserted island and the nearest PM3 is on the opposite side of the planet or something, and I just can’t easily look for the right commands.

Well no longer! Now you can browse the commands all you want with nothing but a web browser.


The mobile experience is… rough…
And there are typos and probably bad links and whatnot, but hopefully all of that will get solved soon-ish :tm:
Mostly it seems to work for me though, so I hope you find it as useful as I think I will


PROXMARK3 Abridged setup

Amal has done a bang-up and thorough job of a walk-through for setting up a Proxmark from scratch.
His thread explains ALL the what where and whys, and is worth a read if you want to understand what you are doing, If that sounds like what you want, read the following guide


Getting started with the proxmark3 easy

HOWEVER…If you just want to get up and running, this might be the guide for you

Open for Guide

I thought I would throw together a “quick guide” using his steps.
If you have any issues, go back through his guide ( Sometimes short cuts lead to long cuts )
I wrote this as I did a clean build and it worked, so if you do the same, you SHOULD get the same results

2 Parts - Environment Set Up - Proxmark Set Up

**Environment SetUp**
  • Get the latest environment from here (download the ProxSpace.7z file.)
    Getting started with the proxmark3 easy

  • Must use 7zip to extract ( Extract to root level folder C:\ProxSpace for example )

  • Open and run runme64.bat

  • Wait a while
    If you get a green
    pm3 ~$
    You are good to go for the next step

  • copy this
    git clone https://github.com/RfidResearchGroup/proxmark3.git

  • right-click - it should automatically paste for you Hit Enter

  • Wait a while
    If you get a green
    pm3 ~$
    You are good to go for the next step

  • We now change directory with the command
    cd proxmark3

  • You should now have this new line
    pm3 ~/proxmark3$

  • Blah blah blah omission blah reasons blah don’t worry why blah next step…

  • If you are using Proxmark3 RDV4 you can skip this step
    If you are using Proxmark3 Easy…Copy this
    notepad Makefile.platform

You will see something like this ( Thanks Amal )

Change this ( just move the # )

to this

File - Save - Close

  • Next big step and welcome back RDV4 owners, this is for you also
    make clean && make all
    wait a while
    When it finishes
**Proxmark3 SetUp**

Plug in your Proxmark3 :pm3_easy: or :pm3_rdv4: We are almost there…

  • ./pm3-flash-bootrom

  • ./pm3-flash-fullimage

  • pm3

  • hw tune

Future Updates

( Thanks to @TheCyborgFirefighter and @Zwack ORIGINAL POST )

  • cd proxmark3
  • git pull
  • make clean && make all OR make -j (it will allow for parallel compiling and goes faster. - Thanks @ Iceman) OR make -j4 (for compiling in parallel on all cores - Thanks @ equipter)
  • ./pm3-flash-bootrom
  • ./pm3-flash-fullimage
  • pm3
  • hw tune


Open for Guide
  • download the ProxSpace.7z file from Releases · Gator96100/ProxSpace · GitHub

  • Must use 7zip to extract ( Extract to root level folder C:\ProxSpace for example )

  • Open and run runme64.bat

  • git clone https://github.com/RfidResearchGroup/proxmark3.git

  • cd proxmark3

  • Proxmark3 Easy ONLY
    notepad Makefile.platform

Change to this ( just move the # )


File - Save - Close

  • make clean && make all

Plug in your Proxmark3

  • ./pm3-flash-bootrom

  • ./pm3-flash-fullimage

  • pm3

:boom: BOOM - And we are done

Future Updates

( Thanks to @TheCyborgFirefighter and @Zwack ORIGINAL POST )

  • cd proxmark3
  • git pull
  • make clean && make all OR make -j (it will allow for parallel compiling and goes faster. - Thanks @ Iceman) OR make -j4 (for compiling in parallel on all cores - Thanks @ equipter)
  • ./pm3-flash-bootrom
  • ./pm3-flash-fullimage
  • pm3
  • hw tune

Proxmark add a delay to Proxmark3 commands


add a delay to Proxmark3 commands for implantees


Proxmark issue several commands



ProxMark ERROR

plugged in on the short side of the device orange and green lights stay lit until after the error message comes up

Orange and green… might be something with the bootloader. Unplug… hold button in and plug in… keep holding the button… after com port shows up, fun pm3-flash-all and let it update again. After it’s finished updating it will reboot… keep holding the button until you get the rainbow flashy LEDs that indicate headless operation, then unplug… wait… plug back in and use normally


PROXMARK Remove Blue Cloner Password

There are a couple of approaches to this, but for simplicity sake, I will post the one I THINK is the easiest

Wipe the implant / fob / card back to T5577 using the password, something like this:-

lf t5 wipe --p 51243648

Then write the new mode to it as per Proxmark instructions ( Found elsewhere )

Thanks @TomHarkness for the Blue Cloner Password


Newer version of Proxmark3 EASY: Standalone mode and what the lights indicate!

  • = - = - = - =- = - = - = - =- = - = - = - =- = - = - = - =- = - = - = - =

Hold button 2 seconds – blue/amber/red/green indicator lights flash in sequence and it puts the PM3 EASY into standalone mode; all colored indicator lights go back off. (If you have it connected to the computer, you will be able to follow along on screen.)

#1. Short press – green light stays on, red light blinks. It is looking for an LF HID tag to read into “green” memory slot. When exposed to readable tag, red light goes out and green light flashes, indicating successful read, then both lights go off. If you press the button before a successful read, green light blinks 5 times and PM3 goes into standby mode. Single press here while in standby mode will put it back into #1.

#2. Short press – orange light stays on, indicating simulating previously read HID

#3. Short press – orange and green lights flash one time, then go out, indicating simulating done

#4. Short press – red and green lights blink while cloning previously read HID, then lights go out when done.

#5. Short press – blue light comes on, red light blinks. It is looking for another LF HID tag to put into “blue” memory slot. When exposed to readable tag, red light goes out and blue light flashes, indicating successful read, then all lights go off. If you press the button before a successful read, blue light blinks 5 times and PM3 goes into standby mode. Single press here while in standby mode will put it back into #5.

#6. Short press – orange light stays on, indicating simulating most recently read HID

#7. Short press – orange and blue lights flash one time, then go out, indicating simulating done

#8. Short press – red/green/blue blink while cloning most recently read HID, then lights go out when done.

CYCLE COMPLETE… next short press goes back to #1.



If you can’t use or modify your hf magic mifare Gen 2 chip or card (or in my case Magic Ring that I thought I’d killed) because you’ve written bad data to block zero (such as mis-typing data that doesn’t match the checksum) and you get a “BCC0 incorrect” error with “No known/supported 13.56 MHz tags found”, there’s hope! Using your Proxmark3, try this for a 4-byte UID:

hf 14a config --atqa force --bcc ignore --cl2 skip --rats skip

or this for a 7 byte UID:
hf 14a config --atqa force --bcc ignore --cl2 force --cl3 skip --rats skip

From there you should be able to do a hf search and see the device again without serious error.

I suggest that you then write a known good sequence to Block 0. If yours is a 1K chip with a 4-byte UID, an example would be::
hf mf wrbl --blk 0 -k FFFFFFFFFFFF -d 11223344440804006263646566676869 – force

From there you should have a readable 1K Gen2 ring, card, or chip and be able to write to it again.

There’s a good reference at THIS PAGE and it includes alternatives if you have a 4K chip and/or a 7-byte UID.


PROXMARK3 RDV4- Physical Hack (@Iceman)


Mifare Classic encrypted nonces


PM3 Installation Wizard

Another Aox production
