I thought it might be Handy Dandy to have a place for those little tips and tricks that may not be common knowledge.
Things that make our implanted life just a little easier
I would ask that people don’t ask questions in this thread
Just read or post your Tips and Tricks and move on…
I’ll let it fill up a bit and then probably seperate it up into a “Proxmark Tips and tricks” Thread and “Other Tips and tricks”
6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Handy Dandy Tips and Tricks Proxmark3
I didn’t think this would work, but amazingly it does: you can have more than one EM UID on a single implant. And it works pretty good too!
So, a bit of background: as you may know, my SiRFIDaL RFID login software for Linux can work with two different kinds of readers: repeating (or continuous) readers and one-shot readers. The former send whatever is in the field repeatedly (or can be polled continuously), while the latter only send the UIDs of tags that come into the field once.
Repeating re…
Write NDEF to Mifare Classic
Smallified so you dont have to scroll as far when browsing this thread
This may not work on all phones, but from testing Samsung Androids I have had success.
I am unsure if it works on iPhones
Open NXP TagWriter
you can skip the first two steps if you want
Try to read your Magic Mifare 1k
It will prompt to format
Do this
Then This
If you get this…
you can then write something like this
Now you can Rick Roll people with your Mifare Classic implants also
Boring data sheet reference
October 27, 2021, 12:01pm
Google authentication with Spark2
Hi all, I am working on connecting VivoKey Connect (the OIDC platform for the Spark) to allow me to use my VivoKey Spark to sign in to my standard accounts; gmail, youtube, etc.
I posted a thread in the Vivokey community , but I thought I might cross post here as well, if that’s okay. (feel free to delete this post if that’s not allowed.)
My current goal is to target the “Sign In with Google” option that is present with most websites, and make it redirect authentication to VivoKey Connect. In m…
DT Forum App
If you want a cleaner and better forum browsing experience but you dismissed the option when you first visited the forum, simply clear your cookies, log back in and follow the prompts
Use the KBR1 with Windows a bit more seamlessly
I was going down the rabbit hole of posts here, and ended up reading through @anon3825968 ’s Login with a serial RFID / NFC reader under Windows and Linux topic. What really interested me was the first reply in the thread that detailed how to get around the screensaver without manually hitting a key. I looked into replicating that behavior with the KBR1 , but ultimately discovered that Windows really doesn’t like you intercepting and modifying keyboard input for some reason . Luc…
.pdf Repository
Kinda speaks for itself…Just a link to the thread
Contained within, is a conglomeration of PDF Datasheets - Documents - Links - eBook
Sourced from within the Forum, DT Webpage, Discord ( Discord has a similar category - datasheets-and-documents )
I was going to break them into categories ( I still may do at some stage )
Currently, I have simply listed them Alphabetically.
I will add to the list as I find new PDF that my be of use.
Anyway, Have at it and I hope they are of some use
A Study of Making Ferrimagnetic Sheet Materials for RFI…
If you find yourself with multiple discourse apps, there is an alternative to the above “DT App” option
January 3, 2025, 6:11am
Resetting the KBR1 automatically on wake-up in Windows
Some USB chipsets don’t play well with RFID readers and won’t wake them up when the computer wakes up using Windows. This makes it impossible to use it for logging in unless you unplug and replug it back in. Here is a way to force Windows to reset it on wake-up.
Open Task Scheduler
Create a new task:
Name: “Restart RFID Reader After Sleep”
Run with highest privileges: Yes
Configure for: Windows 10 (or your OS version)
New Trigger
Begin the task: On an event
Log: System
Source: Kernel-Power
Event ID: 42
New Action
Action: Start a program
Program/script: pnputil
Add arguments: /restart-device “YOUR_DEVICE_INSTANCE_ID”Replace YOUR_DEVICE_INSTANCE_ID with the actual ID. To find it:
Open Device Manager
Locate your RFID reader, called USB Input Device under the HID section
Right-click > Properties > Details
Property: Device instance path
Copy the value
Allow task to be run on demand: Yes