Microchiped or frequencies, mindreading, 24/7 followed or watched

There were a few

At first, I hoped he was progressive, and thinking about getting an implant in his forehead as a modern-day Tefillin.

But then, the threads were all over the place like a mad woman’s shit


Wallmetmor next

Eventually, Israel, walletmor?

RFID chip removal


Vivo key UHM won't write

Walletmor LA then to Israel?

Who would like to meet in LA wallet mor

Enserb in the forehead first ever?

Led package enserbing!

Hex error message on vivo key

I just ordered another vivo key spark 2 on accident can I return it

Waited over a week

Vivo key the profits of having one?

Enterprise, rolling keys, multi keys, and sub key?